How can you have your wig on to have Sex?

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Oh and how did the conversation go where you guys decided to be sex buddies? How did it even come up?

It usually comes up when a dude doesn't respect you enough to have a serious relationship with you.

...or when a woman decides that she would like to enjoy sex with someone without being in a serious relationship with him or her.
Folks have needs. *shrug*

About the wig OP, I would just strap it down tight with double sided adhesive and if need be, tell him not to mess with your head.
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You are a brave soul OP
that's all i gotta say... :bye:
It usually comes up when a dude doesn't respect you enough to have a serious relationship with you.

Not always instigated by the male. Some females will set those terms too.

...or when a woman decides that she would like to enjoy sex with someone without being in a serious relationship with him or her.
Folks have needs. *shrug*


OP, I would be honest and tell him about your condition. If he doesn't like what he hear, tell him to sling his hook!
man i can't believe forums sometimes.... OP I like what they said about silk scarves..... make it look like a style....

or wear a couple rubber goodie headbands.... i like wearing my hair pushed back with dual headbands (i guess also secure it as normal underneath the scarf or headbands)
Originally Posted by Chaosbutterfly
...or when a woman decides that she would like to enjoy sex with someone without being in a serious relationship with him or her.
Folks have needs. *shrug*


Wow um yea...back on topic though, I agree with the whole scarf thing, just tell him your hair is tied up if he is asking wussup with the hair. But my advice is, that's a part of you that you have to accept which means he has to accept it as well if he wants ANY parts of whatever it is yall doing. I know how you feel about the whole self image thing but hiding yourself is just going to kill you with worry inside.

If you don't want to tell him about your hair though and insist on the whole wig thing, tie it down with the scarf and tell him the normal thing ppl say "Dont touch a black woman's hair" shrugs* OR may be to much going here but um...instead of missionary, you know what to do: **cough** saddle up **clears throat** less likely to fall off that way I think (did I just say that

Exiting quietly!!
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why are you guys more worried about the nature of her relationship and not about the wig. It isn’t any of your business. Help with the wig, I’m sure she would have posted in relationships if she was concerned about the arrangement.

Sorry OP, i am not to experienced with wigs. May you can just stay in a position that you don’t have to worry about it coming off lol
why are you guys more worried about the nature of her relationship and not about the wig. It isn’t any of your business. Help with the wig, I’m sure she would have posted in relationships if she was concerned about the arrangement.

Sorry OP, i am not to experienced with wigs. May you can just stay in a position that you don’t have to worry about it coming off lol

yeah but she should know how things work here, though. if she didnt want people commenting on her relationship, she should've omitted those details. they weren't relevant to the question anyways.
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yeah but she should know how things work here, though. if she didnt want people commenting on her relationship, she should've omitted those details. they weren't relevant to the question anyways.

Exactly. Nonie just gave great advice on this the other day although I'm sure op didn't see it. But if you don't want people commenting on certain aspects of your life, don't share it. Keep it simple and stick to the point which is how to keep the wig on.

Regardless, I'm not really interested in op's relationship. I just want to know in general. Im sure its different from the hook ups i see in college...i assumed it was a more mature and rational decision. Anyone with experience, including op, feel free to hit me up with a pm :-)
LOL! This thread is funny! I dnt have any advice, i never think about my wig during any activities, im mean if it comes off- so what! Just make the bands tight enough and u should be ok :yep:
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First of all I want to give you an e-hug. Secondly I think you should get a nice lacefront and have someone you trust to glue it on. Hope this helps!
yeah but she should know how things work here, though. if she didnt want people commenting on her relationship, she should've omitted those details. they weren't relevant to the question anyways.

It IS RELEVANT...because she doesn't feel this guy needs to know all of That. Maybe they travel in the same circle and she doesn't want everyone to know about her problem. That is something that you share with someone you are in a relationship with..

I know what you all are going to say :" oh, he special enough to share her goodies with..but she can't telllll him about her hair problem (insert neck roll here).

Please don't judge this lady..people have sexual needs..and you don't know her situation. Maybe she has known buddy for years. Some women know a guy for a month and has sex with them because they have the title of "girlfriend"
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It IS RELEVANT...because she doesn't feel this guy needs to know all of That. Maybe they travel in the same circle and she doesn't want everyone to know about her problem. That is something that you share with someone you are in a relationship with..

I know what you all are going to say :" oh, he special enough to share her goodies with..but she can't telllll him about her hair problem (insert neck roll here).

Please don't just this lady..people have sexual needs..and you don't know her situation. Maybe she has known buddy for years. Some women know a guy for a month has sex with them because they have the title of "girlfriend"

she didnt need to include that she didnt plan on having a relationship with him and they're just sex buddies. she could've just inquired about how to keep the wig on during activities b/c she didnt want the person to know she wore a wig. im not saying she's wrong, grown ppl can do what they want, just dont come on a forum full of women putting yourself out there like that and expect people not to have anything negative to say.
she didnt need to include that she didnt plan on having a relationship with him and they're just sex buddies. she could've just inquired about how to keep the wig on during activities b/c she didnt want the person to know she wore a wig. im not saying she's wrong, grown ppl can do what they want, just dont come on a forum full of women putting yourself out there like that and expect people not to have anything negative to say.

I'm guessing she felt that friends with benefits was so normal now..that no one would say much about it. Yes if she didn't want to be judged she could of left out some details. Maybe she could of said..we just started getting intimate and she wasn't ready for him to know about her hair. Like I said..she probably didn't know ppl would judge her actions.
ehh i really dont think the OP shouldve included details about her personal life because a lot of women[especially older women], including myself, look down upon or dont agree with purely sexual relationships... or as they call them,"fck buddies"
yeaa ok i understand tht all women have needs but thats what they make toys if youre really that desperate just go buy a freaking vibrator dont lower yourself to the level of a fck buddy because then that guy will have no respect for you and it makes you look like you have no respect for yourself. maybe its just me..but my mom taught me better[shrugs].
and like others said dont expect posting personal information like that on a forum full of women and not expect any negative or opposing comments.
smdh im just shocked by this thread
The woman asked a question not for folks to give advice or opinions about her sex buddy situation. ANYWAY. You can either tell him, wear a nice scarf, adjust the straps so it is very secure etc, but those are the ones I would recommend.

LMAO! No Obama did not wild out like that? Damn tea party members must have got on his last nerve.
I have an announcement to make. Me thinks this is a troll. And I'm out..


An annoying one at that. Check out her other posts. She'll make a topic then every 2 mins say please help me please help me then when someone "helps" her, she never responds in the thread again...and its NOT because she didn't log back in :ohwell:
Um...I'm not trynna start anything but maybe it is a troll, isn't this the same one that started this thread and never came back to respond to anything? Maybe it is, maybe it isnt....oh well! Back to my life now! but yea take the positive advice that was given in this thread OP =)
Um...I'm not trynna start anything but maybe it is a troll, isn't this the same one that started this thread and never came back to respond to anything? Maybe it is, maybe it isnt....oh well! Back to my life now! but yea take the positive advice that was given in this thread OP =)

and this thread:

and this one:

I'm not sure this is a troll, though - or at least, she may not be trolling purposely.
UGH why are you even worried about what he thinks about your wig/hair issue if all he is interested in is your cookie, as you put it (sex buddies). Either wear a scarf, buckle the wig on tight, or dnt say anything. All he is trying to do is get his rocks off...apparently if he was interested in anything else then he wouldn't be trying to be just a fk buddy with you. duh

My fiance' knows I wear wigs, but also knows my own hair is WL. So, it's no issue, but why even ask when your friend with benefits just wants to do the damn thang and bounce? No point in mentioning it...hell tie a scarf over the wig and call it a day. Geesh these threads are so LAME
ehh i really dont think the OP shouldve included details about her personal life because a lot of women[especially older women], including myself, look down upon or dont agree with purely sexual relationships... or as they call them,"fck buddies"
yeaa ok i understand tht all women have needs but thats what they make toys if youre really that desperate just go buy a freaking vibrator dont lower yourself to the level of a fck buddy because then that guy will have no respect for you and it makes you look like you have no respect for yourself. maybe its just me..but my mom taught me better[shrugs].
and like others said dont expect posting personal information like that on a forum full of women and not expect any negative or opposing comments.
smdh im just shocked by this thread

This has gone so far off topic, but some people are not satisfied with toys, and want the real thing. No substitutes or imitations.
I don't understand why that is wrong...who are they hurting?
To me, as long as both parties are adults, fully consenting to the terms, and are handling their business in a safe manner, there's nothing demeaning or desperate about having a purely sexual relationship with another person.
Funny that this thread was started today. A coworker and I were just laughing yesterday
about a similar situation. She told me that she was so embarrassed the nite be4
cause her wig was knocked off during sex. She wears wigs every day and never
takes them off during the act. She could not believe this happened 2 her! I couldn't
believe that pople wore wigs during sex! Be prepared for the possibility that no matter
how well you strap that wig on, it could still go flying!

I am confused about the fact that u would think your hair issue would be more
personal than having sex! I don't see how u can get any more personal than sharing bodily
fluids, accepting someone into your body and engaging in an act with someone which could
have deadly and/or life threatening consequences. I am not judging your action,
just questioning your reasoning.

Yep - it seems like there's a pattern, she's looking for information, but it doesn't appear that she's doing it to stir up trouble.

UGH why are you even worried about what he thinks about your wig/hair issue if all he is interested in is your cookie, as you put it (sex buddies). Either wear a scarf, buckle the wig on tight, or dnt say anything. All he is trying to do is get his rocks off...apparently if he was interested in anything else then he wouldn't be trying to be just a fk buddy with you. duh

My fiance' knows I wear wigs, but also knows my own hair is WL. So, it's no issue, but why even ask when your friend with benefits just wants to do the damn thang and bounce? No point in mentioning it...hell tie a scarf over the wig and call it a day. Geesh these threads are so LAME

But OP's situation is a little different. It would seem that she doesn't have long hair and wears a wig just for fun - she says she has severe hairloss and wears wigs coz she has to. Because the relationship is in no strings attached status she doesn't feel like telling him about the hair loss which is understandable.


Overall, smh at the judgmentalism in this thread.
No disrespect to anyone but uh, if you're wearing a wig to bed and your wig is NOT flying off, somebody's not doing something right. That is all. :grinwink: :takecover: What the problem is?
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