Should I just let it go????


New Member
Hi Ladies, I usually don’t post in this section or any other for that matter I usually just read, retain and keep on rolling, but right now I have a dilemma (kind of) and the only person I really can talk to is the person I’m having the dilemma with. Okay so here’s the story I met this guy four years ago first thing he said to me when he met me was I was going to be his wife, in my head I’m like yeah what ever. At the time we worked in the same area so I’d see him often and we became pretty good friends. At the time I was in a bad relationship and it eventually ended and he was there for me as a friend during that time. He’s a service guy and after the hurricane in 2005 we got blown in two opposite directions but stayed in touch with one another. We began a more serious more than friends relationship. I wasn’t expecting to fall as hard as I have but it happened I don’t have any regrets about ( I don’t think I do) he’s my best friend, I can talk to him about anything.

By use being in a LDR in a way I think it has helped sustain our relationship since all that physical stuff really hasn’t had time to get in the way. Since he’s in the service a lot of time is spent on the phone and writing and when we do get see each other is seems like no one else on earth exist but us but at the same time its not long enough. So here’s the thing before me he was in a long relationship with someone and they have kids and a lot times he compares our relationships, and I hate that and it bothers me enough to want to separate myself from this relationship. I’ll give you an example of things that he does. He’ll write me and just out the blue he’ll off into this rant about women; A women could ell you she loves you a million times and at the drop of a hat turn her back…XYZ person use to tell me that and the whole time she was with someone else…oh but you Chocolatep35 I know you’re something different blah, blah, blah…” I’ll give you another example so I’m really close to my grandmother and I found out she has a condition and I was really bothered by it and needed someone to talk to. So I write him telling him about what was going and how I’m feeling and he’s response was: “Oh I’m sorry to hear about Gma but I know other guys get at you all the time and you’re gonna get tired of this LDR stuff and fall weak, XYZ person did this this that and the other.” I mean this has been going on for a while.

I don’t doubt that he loves me but he has some major security issues I feel like he’s not over his ex and I feel like I’m sharing him. He’ll say he trusts me and in the same breath he’ll go into some crap about what the last female did. Am I over reacting? I told him how I felt about this before and to me he really just didn’t even acknowledge it at all, it stopped for a while but not long. The week before last I told he that he should leave me alone before we ended up on snapped or something, and go work things out with this other person that he can’t seem get off his mind. He says that I’m getting cold feet ( he asked me to marry him) and I’m just trying to find a reason to end it all and let him down easy so that I can continue doing whatever I’ve been doing, I’m not doing anything but in his mind I just have to have someone on the side or something I mean look at me what man wouldn’t want me (his words not mine). He says he feels like he’s number two. I’m a strong believer in my faith and that’s why I’m still in this relationship, last year I got a WORD about my life and this relationship and I know it was this relationship because of the words that were used to describe the relationship being spoken about. I know I just wrote a book but I just had to let this out.
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Two thoughts (one is a question)

1. I don't think you're overreacting.

2. Are you two OFFICIALLY in a relationship? Like, you've had the talk and decided that you're boyfriend/girlfriend and exclusive?

3. Okay, I see you said he asked you to marry him. What made you say no? (That might be a good decision... but I'm just curious as to why you said no.) Oh, and was it an official proposal or just talking?

Oops, that was three things and two questions. :lol:
No, you are not over reacting at all. He asked you to marry him but at every turn he talks about his ex and what she did to hurt him. You are not her and if he cannot understand that then he does not need to be with anyone until he is done with her and the pain she caused.

You can be there to work through it with him or he can do it alone.

DH had similar issues with his ex but luckily he worked through that drama in the 3.5 years it took him to get up the courage to ask me out.
Co-sign on the paragraphs.

Two thoughts (one is a question)

1. I don't think you're overreacting.

I didn't think I was either

2. Are you two OFFICIALLY in a relationship? Like, you've had the talk and decided that you're boyfriend/girlfriend and exclusive?

Yeah we're both in a relationship with one another, we had a several talks before hand. The thing is the first year or so he wasn't like this. Honestly I could have had better understanding about it had it been at the beginning, I mean I had some stuff with me coming in as well but I had to shake it if I was going to have any kind of real relationship with him.

3. Okay, I see you said he asked you to marry him. What made you say no? (That might be a good decision... but I'm just curious as to why you said no.) Oh, and was it an official proposal or just talking?

Yes this was a real proposal that involved a beautiful ring my BFF, sister and co-workers. I didn't give him a yes or a no, I just didn't think he was ready to be what I needed him to be as a husband to me.

Oops, that was three things and two questions. :lol:

I've come to the conclusion that once a member asks for a reason to cut and run it usually is THE TIME TO ACTUALLY CUT AND RUN. You don't need our encouragement because once you are feeling it's over...just get it over with. Please, everyone remember that there are millions of men out there to find..take the chance to be on your own for a will find an incredibly wonderful person who you love after you leave the messy man and SHE IS Y-O-U!!! Once you are totally in love with YOU, you will make wiser and wiser decisions about who is good enough for's all gravy after you love PRECIOUS YOU:heart2:.
He needs to let the past go. I hate when men bring up the stuff their ex did. He needs to understand that you are a different woman. I am having this same issue. It is annoying.
He's bringing his baggage into your relationship and you don't deserve that. He needs to get over the past so then he can have a future. I would let him go and let him work on his issues.
I've come to the conclusion that once a member asks for a reason to cut and run it usually is THE TIME TO ACTUALLY CUT AND RUN. You don't need our encouragement because once you are feeling it's over...just get it over with. Please, everyone remember that there are millions of men out there to find..take the chance to be on your own for a will find an incredibly wonderful person who you love after you leave the messy man and SHE IS Y-O-U!!! Once you are totally in love with YOU, you will make wiser and wiser decisions about who is good enough for's all gravy after you love PRECIOUS YOU:heart2:.
OMG, get out of my head. The red was my exact thought.

You arent overreacting. You just need the courage to demand he deals with his stuff or you're out for good. You dont want her (figuratively speaking) in your marriage.
You are not overreacting. He is not over his ex. My ex did the same thing to the new girl he got with well, while he was with me (that's why he's an ex). They moved in together, were engaged and everything. He couldn't stop talking about me, and it was the source of many arguments. They ended up breaking the engagement, and he ended up coming back to the U.S. to try to patch things up with me. Of course, I didn't give him the time of day. Your guy needs some time to himself. Don't they have free counseling in the military?
Bringing up the past relationships is definitely an annoying problem but it can also be worked through. Men are totally opposite from us and it's obvious that he's insecure from what happened to him during that time and he fears that it will happen again. Maybe you all should talk either on the phone or in person about the this. Letters don't always convey what you mean like a verbal conversation.

If he asked you to marry him, I seriously doubt that he still wants his ex. It just may be somethings he wants to get off his chest that he feels he can tell you. I'd make it verbally clear to him that I don't find this "past baggage" acceptable for conversation anymore and either it stops or (???). But, if you feel like it's your time to what your heart feels! Good luck!
He isn't over his ex... and he's being emotionally manipulative.

He'll bring up things they've done,then turn to you with the "I know YOU wouldn't do this to me (riiiiiight?)!" Therefore, if you dump him, he'll say "Oh you weren't strong enough/couldn't handle this in the first place/etc." He's using guilt and insecurity to bind you to him.

He needs to clear his emotional slate and you need a breath.

And although I know you "got a WORD" about this relationship, sometimes you can't let the past guarantees affect today. I myself am spiritual, but I've seen TOO many people hang on to things they don't want/need because of a "word."