Should I cut my hair??


New Member
My hair is breaking so badly! I don't know what to do! :nono: I feel like I should start over.. I have short pieces everywhere. Long story short, I've broken all of my hair commandments. I haven't washed my hair in a month, I moisturized my strands probably less than 10 times in that month. Slept on my hair almost every single day on a cotton pillow case and threw my hair in a tangled bun every day. Deep conditioning just didn't happen. And this is all because I've been working virtually every day and I live and breathe my job. It's taken not only a major toll on my hair, but also my health. I even feel like my hair is thinning in the front due to stress.

Since, I'm not used to my hair looking this badly damaged since starting my hair journey.. should I just cut the darned thing?!?! Two inches?!?! I cut 1.5-2 inches 2 weeks ago and an inch 2 weeks before that. I feel like maybe I should just give up the dream and chop it off or should I let it grow out and trim gradually?? I need some advice soon! Please help! Thanks :)
First, regardless of whether you cut or not (and I don't think you should) are you going to be able to properly care for your hair? Sounds like you know what you/your hair needs but will you make the time to do it (for your health too). I certainly understand stressful jobs but like my mom use to tell my dad....that job will bet here when you're dead and gone. Not trying to be deep but you know you have to take care of self first.
First, regardless of whether you cut or not (and I don't think you should) are you going to be able to properly care for your hair? Sounds like you know what you/your hair needs but will you make the time to do it (for your health too). I certainly understand stressful jobs but like my mom use to tell my dad....that job will bet here when you're dead and gone. Not trying to be deep but you know you have to take care of self first.

That's a very good question, definitely one I ask myself almost every day. I always plan to take care of myself, but my job takes priority all the time. It's tough getting home around 12 am or later and thinking of moisturizing and braiding my hair for an hour. Even if I do 4 braids instead of the usual 12, I spend about 20 min.. but usually I just crash. I'm trying to turn a new leaf though and try to fit in the time.. but if I've only got 4-5 hours of sleep.. I may choose sleep and not lose that hour on my hair. But you're definitely right.. the world won't stop for me.. the job will go in. I need to start taking care of myself again.
I had a very similar circumstance happen to me when I was WL. I was too lazy to care for my hair due to stress and other factors for about 3-4 weeks and kept it out when sleeping or in a knotted bun to go out. Personally, I had to cut it because the damage was so visible even after trying to nuture and nurse it back to health. The sooner you cut what you need to, the better, hanging on to the damage will just halt retention in the long run. After you cut the ends that are beyond TLC, you can then carefully care for the rest of the hair and the new ends to prevent further damage. Just my opinion from personal experience.
Very curious as to what you do for a living?

I totally agree that sleep is crucial, so I have a few suggestions that may help some. First, I would invest in a silk pillow case. That will help with the friction against your hair while you sleep. Also, it takes 2 seconds to slap a bonnet on, which should help decrease the tangly bun. Also, fill you a spray bottle with liquid moisterizer of your choice. My bottle is filled with aloe vera juice, rose water and distilled water. I gather you don't have a lot of extra time to be purchasing items, so in a pinch, slap some of your fave condish in the bottle and pour in enough water to liquefy it. Keep it on the sink and spritz your hair while you are on the toilet ( I'm sure you have time to go to the bathroom :grin:). Or keep it in your purse and pull it out and spritz as you walk to your car, or sitting in traffic, at red lights, walking into your get the idea. Also while on that toilet, Slap some DC on and sleep on it. Rinse out in the shower in the AM, and french braid or bun your hair. Take an old shampoo or condish bottle, rinse it out and add your oil of choice to it. It makes it quick and easy to squirt some in your hands and rub on quickly (if your oil is not already in a squirt bottle). These are just a few of the things that have helped me, as my work schedule can get a little hectic as well. In other words, multi task!

I will add that keeping my DC game on point reduces the excess need for me to moisturize as it hydrates my hair pretty well. Hope this helps, and get some rest before you burn out!!!
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get a nice trim and cut down on your reggie and styling. can you bun and go? i think if you take the time to do something to you hair, it might make you feel a little better. it can make you feel like you have control over something.
I know the feeling. When Im too lazy to do anything to my hair I come on this site and read post or watch yt videos. Seeing other people's success motivates me. You should even your hair up and then get a protective style and is low maintenance. Something like box braids or twist work well when you dont have time to do your hair. Moisturizing isnt hard because you can just buy or make a spritz.
Thanks for your responses!

Aireen Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I couldn't take it anymore, so I just cut off 1-1.5 inches all around. I'll try to maintain it. It was hard see progress go down the drain. I'm no longer bra strap length, but I rather more blunt looking ends than thin ends.

crazytrish75 Thanks for the advice. The sad part is that I have and do everything that you mention or at least did lol. I know how to retain length.. it's just putting in the time that's the problem. I'll be honest, natural hair is not a picnic. Much more time consuming than my relaxed days. I'm an investment banking analyst so my hours are typically 12-14 hours a day which is the norm.. I'll have 16 hour days and all nighters here and there..

shortdub78 I usually bun my hair, but it has to be in a dry stretched state to do it. If not, my 4b hair hates me and tangles up something ugly. I'll try 4 plaits at night. That should only take 20 min. I should take the time to do it.

LexiDior Thanks, looking at success stories does help motivate me. Every time I see someone on here or YT with beautiful big long hair I remember that I have to step my game up big time. I am really considering twists. I think it might be a big help, I just need to find a good day to do them.