Should I cut off my thin relaxed ends? PICS

Guess im in the minority.... I say leave it be......if the ends arent damaged why cut?

It appears to me that you have fine hair and as hair grows out its thin...i mean at best maybe a 1 or 2inch trim for style purposes, if you must lol

If you have managed the two textures this long I do not see a problem you hair looks fine to me.

I say leave it :)

How I managed the two textures so far? Well, I've been slowly cutting the relaxed ends. But it seems that as time goes on, the relaxed ends are really starting to thin out more.
I love blunt cuts and like to wear my hair straight, but because of the ends, only braidouts and curly styles look best in my hair. :ohwell: But what to do, just gotta work with what I got.
I may cut off 2 to 3 more inches when I next relax.
Personally, I would cut it off gradually. Sometimes I don't understand this mentality of cutting=no progress. Progress doesn't just mean gained (retained length). I bet if you got rid of those ends your hair would thrive and you'd be back to where you were in no time. Obviously you are able to retain length or else you would not have gotten to where you are now, so if you cut those off, whether all at once or gradually, you'll be able to get back to the length you are now, maybe even quicker than before......because you don't have such a contrast in textures and the ends aren't holding you back. You have to remember that you do have two textures, but they are on the same strand, and that affects the whole strand, which can affect your progress, etc.
Just go for your goal...the ends don't look that bad and it is too traumatic to cut that much off. Go for the waist length and when you are 2 inches past that cut the 5 inches off.
I would trim about 3 inches, it's best to have your ends in the best condition as possible, there really isn't any way to get them back to health the only way is by trimming, and with 3 inches (maybe a lil less) it would be even and look healthier. it doesn't make sense to hold onto them because they move up and damage more of your hair.

you may not think they are split but they look a lil frayed, I also notice when you keep the ends trimmed there is less shedding (from my experience) I just trimmed and not all of my hair was split but when i'd run my fingers across them they felt rough and my hair is very moisturized but the ends needed to go.

if you wait til wl you will most likely have to cut more than 3-5 inches because the splits will have moved further up the shaft, better to cut th e3 inches or less now. jmo:)

you will still have lots of length.
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I say gradually trim. I would never advise anyone to chop off their hair unless it is damaged beyond repair. trim gradually. like advised up to the top of the shirt which will leave you below armpit slightly above Bra Strap... BTW your hair is beautiful.

I'm transitioning and I'm slowly trimming.
Personally, I would cut it off gradually. Sometimes I don't understand this mentality of cutting=no progress. Progress doesn't just mean gained (retained length). I bet if you got rid of those ends your hair would thrive and you'd be back to where you were in no time. Obviously you are able to retain length or else you would not have gotten to where you are now, so if you cut those off, whether all at once or gradually, you'll be able to get back to the length you are now, maybe even quicker than before......because you don't have such a contrast in textures and the ends aren't holding you back. You have to remember that you do have two textures, but they are on the same strand, and that affects the whole strand, which can affect your progress, etc.

Thanks, very insightful
I would snip snip. You're hair is thick and gorgeous and you don't need the ends. Literally, and hour ago I gave up about two inches (from a set back) and my hair is better for it.
I say gradually trim. I would never advise anyone to chop off their hair unless it is damaged beyond repair. trim gradually. like advised up to the top of the shirt which will leave you below armpit slightly above Bra Strap... BTW your hair is beautiful.

I'm transitioning and I'm slowly trimming.

Thank you.
Cut a little now like 2 inches, it'll make you feel better without chopping your length off. Then and inch every 2 months until it's gone.
I think they look fine. Just trim slowly. Or wait till you get to waist length to trim.
Pretty hair by the way, it looks great.
i'm in the same boat although my hair is much shorter!!! i will just trim gradually because your hair looks fine to but i know exactly how you feel, i have very thin relaxed ends and i did my first trim last week because i hate my ends.
UGH! I'm in the same boat. Thanks for posting this thread. Although with all the advice "trim/don't trim", I don't know which way i'd go. pls keep us posted. I joined the winter bun challenge and the healthy ends challenge for this very reason.

i know i should chop my ends, but, it just feels like it takes so long to grown back an dit's like i'm in the cycle of constant SL or barely making BSL, ya know?


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UGH! I'm in the same boat. Thanks for posting this thread. Although with all the advice "trim/don't trim", I don't know which way i'd go. pls keep us posted. I joined the winter bun challenge and the healthy ends challenge for this very reason.

i know i should chop my ends, but, it just feels like it takes so long to grown back an dit's like i'm in the cycle of constant SL or barely making BSL, ya know?

Ya girl, I feel you. This is how long I've been at this hair thing. In 2006 my hair was about your length but it looked really bad. Very UNEVEN. I went to the hairdresser (big mistake) and had her cut it to shoulder length- which was good. My hair felt so much better after the cut. The only thing was she also relaxed my hair completely straight. :nono: Not so good. So that was my mistake that I am paying for now because it's those last few inches of relaxed hair from 2006 that is causing me grief. Anyway, my point is don't do anything drastic that you will regret. The only thing I regret from that incident was relaxing my hair bone straight. The cut I did not reget. It grew back as you can see.
I cut my hair y'all. I cut about 3". I am not sure what links I am allowed to put up on this forum anymore... (since the siggy/links issue).

I have alot of pics up in my online Hair album. I also made a youtube video on how I cut my hair but not sure if I am "allowed" to post those links.

Here are a couple pics for now.

