I agree with Mija, LHC has some great bun photos/instructions. Also at the longhairloom, a lady named Heidi W. has a post on how to bun heavy + long hair and she mentions using long pins too, the post says to roxy and everyone who wishes to bun heavy long hair (paraphrased?). hth
I think that maybe you should put her hair into a bun and have her wear it that way. Her har is so beautiful, I think that you should let it grow, and give her the choice later to do what she will with it. I would try to make it as least of a hampering as I could.

I know a lot of little girls around her age with hair that length and longer, and they wear it in a bun a lot of the time.
I think that you should cut it a little bit, even though she has some beautiful hair but you have to think about her safety and her hair always getting caught, I knew a little girl that had that same length of hair and her mom put it in a tight bun so she thought, and she went riding on a go cart and her bun came undone and her hair got caught somekind of way under the tires and it literly ripped her scalp almost off and now she has to go through like 10 surgeries, I am not saying this to scare you but I mean Long Hair is Beautiful, But I agree with the others just cut a few inches, Her hair will grow back,I mean she will still have long beautiful hair, from behind she looks like cousin it with all that hair lol!!!!!! But hey like the others said her hair will make some kid very happy. Good Luck in whatever you choose to do!!!
wow your daughter has some beautiful hair! my input is that, while its very very beautiful, maybe a young girl her age doesn't need all that hair. i mean you know because kids like to run around and it gets in her way and what not. i think you have a good idea of cutting it about 5 inches or so. it would be fine at her waist because then it wouldn't get in her way as much. then when she gets a little bit older you can help her to decide what she wants to do with it from there! :)
What beautiful hair she has!! If you dont want to cut it, I say put it in a very very high pony-tail and braid it and secure the braids with rubber bands to keep it from unraveling!!
I don't know either, but I love it, it is soo pretty. I can't wait to have kids(preferably girls, lol)!
I know a little girl who's mom puts ouchless bands every few inches all the way down her hair, which is in two long pigtails.

I agree that it is a safety issue, I think that even waist length hair comes with its own set of problems.

I would do a braided bun even at waist length. But the hair in a braid, wrap it around itself (almost like a bantu knot) and pin it in place. so even if the bun falls out her air is in a braid.