Should I Contact Him on Myspace?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

I thought this would be a good place to ask the question.

There is a guy I met a year ago, and we really hit it off. He was really respectful to me, and he was just a nice guy. You could say I had a slight crush on him, but more than that, he was someone I would love to be friends with. I recently saw his page on myspace (through another friends page that has him as a friend).

Do you think it would be appropriate to send him a message to re-open the communication? We never dated, and actually met in another country, although he's American like me. At the time, he was dating someone, but they've been broken up for 7 months or so. I'm not going to ask him out or anything like that, but I also don't want to seem like I'm trying to chase him. I wonder if sometimes God brings people into your life, and if I should wait on the Lord to bring our paths together, or if it's okay to just reach out. I still hear about what's going on with him through a mutual friend we have, but I have no other way of contacting him than this.

I'm kinda on the shy side, so I don't know if we'll actually see each other again, if I don't reach out. What do you all think? Thanks!
The good thing about Myspace is that you can't take it seriously so it wouldn't seem like you're chasing him or anything.

I'd add him to my friends list just as an open invitatin for contact but I wouldn't send him any personal messages. He'll send you one if he's interested.
Browndilocks said:
The good thing about Myspace is that you can't take it seriously so it wouldn't seem like you're chasing him or anything.

I'd add him to my friends list just as an open invitatin for contact but I wouldn't send him any personal messages. He'll send you one if he's interested.

Thanks for advice. Any other thoughts? :)
I agree with Browndi. Go for it girl!! There's no harm in sending a message saying hello or simply adding him as a friend. It's not like you've never had contact with him...he knows who you are. So, I say go for it. I'd sit back and see how things unfold once you send a request/message, but I definitely see no harm in reaching out.
Just don't put too much expectation into it. If he does not respond to you, then you have to respect that. Maybe he has someone new or he is not ready to pursue a relationship with another right now. Either way, don't contact him with the hope that it will lead to more than that.

If you start off not expecting much from a simple hello, then you will not be disappointed if nothing comes from it.
Wish him a "Happy Birthday" for all the ones you've missed. He'll have to laugh about that. Plus it's not so arkward (sp?)

Hmmm, the word 'awkard' -- I could never spell that word....perhaps it means something. Perhaps that awkard doesn't exist? :lol: Just wanted to make you smile and ease the pressure of saying hello. That's all. ;)

Go for it. At least you'll know one way or the other and you'll be free of wondering, woulda' coulda' shoulda'....;)

I love you "Coco"... 'Berrry" much. You've always been here for me. Now I'm here for you. ;)
Shimmie said:
Wish him a "Happy Birthday" for all the ones you've missed. He'll have to laugh about that. Plus it's not so arkward (sp?)

Hmmm, the word 'awkard' -- I could never spell that word....perhaps it means something. Perhaps that awkard doesn't exist? :lol: Just wanted to make you smile and ease the pressure of saying hello. That's all. ;)

Go for it. At least you'll know one way or the other and you'll be free of wondering, woulda' coulda' shoulda'....;)

I love you "Coco"... 'Berrry" much. You've always been here for me. Now I'm here for you. ;)

Aww, thanks so much! :)