Am I holding him in unforgiveness? (Long but please read)


New Member
I was in a relationship with a guy that I met in church last summer for about 2 and a half months. We broke up for several reasons but the most significant reason was because of a 'slip up' so to speak. Everytime we saw each other, it was in a public place and he complained that he didn't like this and wanted to be "alone" with me. This was my first actual relationship and I sort of trusted him because he was saved and seemed really committed.

Prior to this we had had several discussions about what we thought is 'okay' to do in a relationship. He wasn't a virgin but that was before he got saved. He thought that everything was ok so long as you didn't have intercourse. I didn't agree so we set some boundaries. So far these boundaries were kept. The only thing we did was kiss, but that didn't happen often (He was such an aweful about wet fish).

Anyway so he booked a hotel room and initially wanted for us to stay there over night but I said no. Partly because I didn't want to lie to my parents about my whereabouts. So we got to this hotel room (not at all posh by the way, far far far from it). I was slightly put off about the class of the hotel, but anyway, we got into the room and by that time I was starting to feel very nervous.

He then preceeds to take his shoes, jacket etc. off. He took my coat and hung it up and I tried to keep myself at a distance and he kept asking if I was ok, I said 'yes' as you do. Anyway to cut the long story short, despite my reluctance, things happened that should not have although we didn't have intercourse.

Well after this incident, things started to change in the realtionship. I felt sooooo guilty and for a while didn't want to talk to him. I felt like I had been taken advantage of in some ways. I felt like I couldn't say no to him and was worried how he would react if I did, so I want along with things. Oh might I add here that he is 7 years older than me (18 and 25). At first I didn't see the age difference as a problem, in some ways I thought he would be more trustworthy because of this.
We had lots of arguments and he admitted that it was of because of what happened. I agreed. At one time he called me to say that "he has been thinking and want to end the relationship". Although I didn't like him much at this point, I made him change his mind so we continued as were where. (This might sound bad but the reason I chaned his mind was because I wanted to be the one to end bad).

Several weeks later, I broke it off and he appeared ok with it. I suggested we still be friends (I didn't want this at all, it's just something you say,right?), he said no, so I was like ok then.

Well during the relationship he lent me several christian tapes etc. which I gave back at and he did likewise with mine. But I left one of them at home so I couldn't give it to him at that time but I didn't tell him until several weeks later when he started contacting me saying he want to get back together because he believe that God wants us to be together (Whatever!). I said that I would pray about that myself.
Well after a while I stopped answering his calls and eventually he stopped calling. Then on several occasions I saw him at church and he would approah me to ask if I had sent his CD, which by the way was a cd he had made himself (no expenses then) and propbaly had on his computer. Ayways I said that I would but kept puttin it off till he crossed the line. After church on sunday morning, my mum and I were sitting down talking when he approached my mother and explained that he used to be 'a friend of mine' and that I still had his cd and 'refused' to give it back. My mum was quite surprised at his behaviour but didn't say anything.
Anyway that evening before evening service, I called him to say that I had his Cd and that I would leave it at reception. He didn't answere so I left a voicemail.
Well I couldn't leave the cd at reception so I put it in the car. Then at the end of service I was standing outside waiting for a friend, when a young woman approached me (I saw her that morning with this so called 'x'', I don't like that term) and asked if I was ***** 'x' girlfriend. I said "well no not exactly". Anyway to cut the long story short, I gave the girl the Cd. Then whilst in the car on the way home, I get a text message from this guys saying "My girlfriend says you gave her the cd. Say thankyou to your mum for me. I wish you all the best" etc. etc. At the point I thought 'how spiteful of him'. Why does he have to call her his girlfriend to me.

Anyway, everytime I see him in church I look away and pretend I didn't see him so that I don't make eye contact. I think I am still partly embarrassed about the hotel incident and am angry at him. I am also quite hurt about the way he treated me but does that mean I am still holding him in forgiveness and if I am, what should I do about it?

(Sorry this is so long, and I really appreciate anyone who had the patience to read all of this and respond. Thankyou)
Anyway, everytime I see him in church I look away and pretend I didn't see him so that I don't make eye contact. I think I am still partly embarrassed about the hotel incident and am angry at him. I am also quite hurt about the way he treated me but does that mean I am still holding him in forgiveness and if I am, what should I do about it?

Let's be real, girl...this guy's not only a hypocrit, but he treated you like meat, and took advantage of you because you're young. He should be ashamed. REGARDLESS, if you haven't forgiven him, you HAVE to.

In response to your question, if you feel like you haven't FULLY forgiven this guy, you probably haven't. I'd start off by being REAL "REAL" with God. Be honest with Him. Tell Him your hurt, embarrased, and confess any unforgiveness that you may have towards this guy, to the Lord--and in that private time, forgive this man. Second, forgive yourself--know that when God forgives he forgives fully and there's no reason for your to be embarrased or ashamed.

And third...I know this doesn't sound good, but you may need to have a conversation with this guy--AFTER your forgiven him in your heart (that's the hard part.) That may give you closure, and you won't have to keep dodging eye contact every time you see him. Trust, it doesn't need to be anything LONG-when you see him in church, be like "Hey, can I speak with you for a moment. I know A, B, and C happened, and to be honest with you, I've had a hard time dealing with that...I feel like I need to let you know that I've forgiven you and there's no animosity in my heart..."

I'll be honest with you girl...It made ME mad reading your post...I could only imagine how you feel. He betrayed your trust. BUT, you're required to forgive him.
Hey MissyT, I just want to give you mad props for holding on to your convictions and not compromising. Thank God, this man showed you his true side before things ever got serious. He did take advantage of you and manipulated you. But you know what, I believe that was a test from the Lord and girl you passed. Don't even worry about him. God was just using him to see how much you really loved the Lord and he will reward you sevenfold with a real man that is going to honor, respect and cherish you someday with the love of Christ.Sounds like this man has a lot to work on and should not even be dating...period!!!

In the mean time though, just pray that your anger towards him will not result in bitterness. Bitterness will keep us from growing spiritually. I always tell people don't fall into the trap of the devil. It is not this man you should really be mad at but the devil.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil is trying to do and use every thing in the little power that he has to sway even the elect. Thank God instead and pray for discernment before you get into another relationship. If our hearts our cold, we will never see the full glory of God or receive his full blessing in our lives because of the hardness of our hearts. God is holy and he desires that we may be so as well.

I know it isn't easy but be honest with God about your feelings about towards this man and ask him to change them. This can only be done with power from God and not in our own strength. And pray for this man's own heart as well and that God will convict him. Being angry at him will eventually do you harm in the long run, not him.

And if you have time, go rent or see The Diary of An Angry Black Woman,lol. A chrisitan can defenitely go see it and it relates to the topic of adultery.You'll get a good laugh girl.

Take care sweetie,

JuJuBoo said:
Let's be real, girl...this guy's not only a hypocrit, but he treated you like meat, and took advantage of you because you're young. He should be ashamed. REGARDLESS, if you haven't forgiven him, you HAVE to.

In response to your question, if you feel like you haven't FULLY forgiven this guy, you probably haven't. I'd start off by being REAL "REAL" with God. Be honest with Him. Tell Him your hurt, embarrased, and confess any unforgiveness that you may have towards this guy, to the Lord--and in that private time, forgive this man. Second, forgive yourself--know that when God forgives he forgives fully and there's no reason for your to be embarrased or ashamed.

And third...I know this doesn't sound good, but you may need to have a conversation with this guy--AFTER your forgiven him in your heart (that's the hard part.) That may give you closure, and you won't have to keep dodging eye contact every time you see him. Trust, it doesn't need to be anything LONG-when you see him in church, be like "Hey, can I speak with you for a moment. I know A, B, and C happened, and to be honest with you, I've had a hard time dealing with that...I feel like I need to let you know that I've forgiven you and there's no animosity in my heart..."

I'll be honest with you girl...It made ME mad reading your post...I could only imagine how you feel. He betrayed your trust. BUT, you're required to forgive him.

Thankyou very much for your response. I agree that I need to take the issue before God and hopefully he will give me the strength, if necessary to confron the guy.
Thanks again for taking time out to help me with this situation.
Janice said:
Hey MissyT, I just want to give you mad props for holding on to your convictions and not compromising. Thank God, this man showed you his true side before things ever got serious. He did take advantage of you and manipulated you. But you know what, I believe that was a test from the Lord and girl you passed. Don't even worry about him. God was just using him to see how much you really loved the Lord and he will reward you sevenfold with a real man that is going to honor, respect and cherish you someday with the love of Christ.Sounds like this man has a lot to work on and should not even be dating...period!!!

In the mean time though, just pray that your anger towards him will not result in bitterness. Bitterness will keep us from growing spiritually. I always tell people don't fall into the trap of the devil. It is not this man you should really be mad at but the devil.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil is trying to do and use every thing in the little power that he has to sway even the elect. Thank God instead and pray for discernment before you get into another relationship. If our hearts our cold, we will never see the full glory of God or receive his full blessing in our lives because of the hardness of our hearts. God is holy and he desires that we may be so as well.

I know it isn't easy but be honest with God about your feelings about towards this man and ask him to change them. This can only be done with power from God and not in our own strength. And pray for this man's own heart as well and that God will convict him. Being angry at him will eventually do you harm in the long run, not him.

And if you have time, go rent or see The Diary of An Angry Black Woman,lol. A chrisitan can defenitely go see it and it relates to the topic of adultery.You'll get a good laugh girl.

Take care sweetie,


Janice, thankyou so much for your advice. I will keep a look out for that film.
I believe that I need to take this issue to the Lord as I must admit that I haven't really done that because I felt ashamed that I had let Him down. I never really saw the relationship as a test but I can see how it was. I thought I was ready to get into a relationship at that time but now I see that I really wasn't. Before I get into any other relationship I am going to have to really pray and make sure that my relationship with The Holy Spirit is strong enough so that I know that I can trust myself.

Thankyou for all your responses.

The exact same thing happened to a girl in my church, there are a lot of wolves in sheep clothing. I am happy that you didn't compromise and you have repented, and because you have honoured God, He will honour you. Don't ever feel that you have to do things to make people like or accept you, never be afraid to say no, especially when you know you are standing on the word of God. I know you feel hurt and betrayed, but trust in God and look to Him, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. The next time around, if a guy suggests anything that seems dodgy (like going to a hotel) then trust your instincts (ie the Holy Spirit) and don't go. A trully saved man would never ask you to do that. Just remember that Jesus loves you, you are still young and He will give you your food at the proper time (read Psalm 145).