Short hair is for old people! LOL...


Well-Known Member
So yesterday or the day before I was talking to DH and venting my frustrations about my hair (see the other post I made) and I was saying I feel like doing a "Britney" and my DH said "yeah go ahead, I'll help you." I wasn't serious and neither was he. Then I said "well what if I cut it super short- like your mom's?" His moms hair is short; I can't describe the cut she sports- okay, maybe like a Halle Berry but with more thickness on a Hispanic woman- that is what hers is like. :spinning: Anyway, to that my husband says "I don't like that." And I'm like you don't like short hair? So what about when I wear my wigs, like the one I'm wearing now (kinda like Rihanna's cut where it was short but was long on one side only)? He said he likes that but hair shorter than that or like his moms- "is for old people!" LOL.... men, where do they come up with the things they think? Needless to say I will not be cutting my hair- I don't want him to think of mom when he looks at me!
So yesterday or the day before I was talking to DH and venting my frustrations about my hair (see the other post I made) and I was saying I feel like doing a "Britney" and my DH said "yeah go ahead, I'll help you." I wasn't serious and neither was he. Then I said "well what if I cut it super short- like your mom's?" His moms hair is short; I can't describe the cut she sports- okay, maybe like a Halle Berry but with more thickness on a Hispanic woman- that is what hers is like. :spinning: Anyway, to that my husband says "I don't like that." And I'm like you don't like short hair? So what about when I wear my wigs, like the one I'm wearing now (kinda like Rihanna's cut where it was short but was long on one side only)? He said he likes that but hair shorter than that or like his moms- "is for old people!" LOL.... men, where do they come up with the things they think? Needless to say I will not be cutting my hair- I don't want him to think of mom when he looks at me!

men are hilarious:lachen::lachen:, at times:rolleyes:. My DH said the same thing :look: and I cut it anyway :grin:.
LOL :lachen::lachen:

I guess I see what he's saying. Like my mom says no matter how long your hair is when you turn 40 you should cut it to shoulder length because long hair on older people ameks them look even older. It's just a general preference. I've seen a LOT of caucasians cut all their hair off when they turn 35 or 40 because of this.

DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR!! You'll find out what works best for you. Have you tried new products?
I can see why he would say that.

I cut my hair short, compared to what it what, recently and would go shorter so I don't think short hair is "old", but his comments highlight what I've always said. When it becomes generally associated with older women, it somewhat defeats the intended purpose. Some older women do benefit from a shorter cut, but not all, it depends on how they are aging and their face. Some ppl follow that rule blindly starting as early as 30, thus making it seem to some men folk like the "older woman" thing to do. Plus generally longer hair is associated with youth and shiny hair with health (ie. fertility).
A lot of people believe that. Like they said, most white women cut their hair short after 40. I know ALL of my mom's friends did. But long hair is kinda young. I know a girl (white chick) who's 23 and has waist length hair. All I can think when I see her is that she needs to grow up and get a haircut. :perplexed