Relaxer Stretching on Short Hair


New Member
Im new and I have a question. I have extremely short hair ( to my scalp in the back and like to my ear in the front. Cut like Rihanna) and I would like to stretch my relaxers. Is it healthy to stretch very short hair or would it be counter productive. Im starting my journey on healthy hair care and I really need some help.
hmmm, my opinion is not to stretch until you gain some length. When I wore my hair very short I always kept my relaxer up because its harder to deal with new growth and maintain your style. Its easier to camouflage new growth as your hair gets longer.
It's healthy to stretch your relaxers in general, but your hair will look like a hot mess since it's so short in the back. As long as you're hiding your hair during your stretch you should be fine.

Also, make sure to carefully monitor your hair's strength during your stretch so that you don't lose any progress because you stretched too long. Keep the demarcation line between your newgrowth and the old relaxed hair moisturized. If this is your first stretch, I would just stretch one week longer each stretch so as to see if my hair can handle it. Good luck. :)
I think it's OK to stretch any hair, but your hair is going to look a H.A.M.

I wasn't able to get into stretching good until my hair was long enough to pull back and be hidden under a phony bun (a little before shoulder length). Before that, I couldn't do anything with it.
This is a good question, my sister was asking me the same thing and has the same hair style. So the advice is not to strech short hair until you gain a bit more length but keep up with the protien.

If you're someone who is happy to wear weaves then stretching could work very well for you.
Or you could do braids.

Anyone think flat ironing the NG (as long as the demarcation line is managed) is a good idea?
Or you could do braids.

Anyone think flat ironing the NG (as long as the demarcation line is managed) is a good idea?

There are a few people who post here who flat iron to stretch. I do not because the whole purpose of stretching for me is health. I never use direct heat on my hair because I think it damages my hair's health