Shocking Hair Confessions 2008: The Raw Edition!


Well-Known Member
List some of your hair confessions!!!! I have a terrible one.......

I confess I haven't washed my hair since last month!!:o

I confess I'm just not into my hair like I use to be now that I know it can grow long.

I confess I'm not much of a product junkie but my hair still grows.
List some of your hair confessions!!!! I have a terrible one.......

I confess I haven't washed my hair since last month!!:o

I confess I'm just not into my hair like I use to be now that I know it can grow long.

I confess I'm not much of a product junkie but my hair still grows.

Well, my friend didnt washed her hair for 3 months which was much worse than yours. YUCK!!! She thinks that washing her hair would damage her hair! It smelled like a MOLD!!! :barf::barf::barf:

My cousin didnt put anything on her hair for a month, her hair grew alot :yep: I guess it okay. :look:
great thread Whipz

This is my confession - I don't always comb my hair the proper way. Sometimes I comb from root to tip. NOT GOOD!!
Well, my friend didnt washed her hair for 3 months which was much worse than yours. YUCK!!! She thinks that washing her hair would damage her hair! It smelled like a MOLD!!! :barf::barf::barf:

My cousin didnt put anything on her hair for a month, her hair grew alot :yep: I guess it okay. :look:

That's nasty...

I confess I haven't used a protein treatment in so long.

I confess I did a dumb think and put a relaxed the front of my hair and ended up overprocessed

I confess I haven't had a hot style in a while now.

I confess I still don't know how to rollerset my own hair.
I haven't moisturized my bangs for a couple days..but i have put coco oil on them
they are kindaaa dry though
I confess that I haven't touched my Mega-Tek in five days and I know that it works if you use it consistently...I guess I'm trifling and LAZY...
I guess I'm still on a "honey moon" with my hair so my confession isn't so shocking....

Sometimes I don't wrap my hair before I go to bed...SOMEBODY SHOOT ME!:blush:
I confess..
I've been using heat dang near every week like its all good in the hood
I have been using rat tail combs like shower combs lately
I don't take vitamins...ever..and I don't plan on it:look:
using no heat is over rated
I confess that I have't been massaging my scalp daily for the past few weeks.:perplexed

I confess that I don't know if I'll make it to September to relax again:blush:
I confess I used the highest setting on my flatiron and after 2 months, my hair still looks texlaxed. (I'm natural)
Yeah back in 2004 I went 2 months without washing my was the first time I had truly mastered my blow dry flat iron technique and I wanted to savor it. It was disgusting, but it looked good. It didn't smell that bad either (it was winter time and I wasn't sweating). SURPRISINGLY, my hair grew a lot.
I confess that I hardly ever use my OCT...just forgetful:look:
I confess that I don't massage my scalp like I should
I confess that I scratched the heck out my scalp a day before my relaxer...and paid dearly.
I confess I HATE taking vitamins and only take them when I remember!
I confess that I don't remember to oil my ends sometimes
I confess that I love going to the salon, getting my hair done and getting jealous stares:look:
i confess i have use heat twice this week and plan on using it again this weekend.
i feel really bad about this:nono::wallbash:. i want to cry because i know its wrong but i need it done.
I confess that I must've twirled my hair about 100,000 times today even though I promised myself I'd stop manipulating the hell out it
:look:Weelllll I coloured and texlaxed my hair colour-2ce, texlax 2 days later all in the space of 2 weeks. But my hair's still here :pray:
I confess i just had micros in for 2 months and only ONCE sprayed a leave in. I only washed it about 3 times. ( my hairs still ok though,edges are still intact, & still retained length)

I confess im considering relaxing my hair again.

I confess brown gel is my hero.

I confess i sleep with NOTHING covering my hair most of the time nor do I have a satin pillow case.
>I haven't washed my hair since I did twist almost three weeks ago. :sad:

> I go a day or two with moisturizing..then wonder why my ends are crunchy:rolleyes:

>Too dam lazy to tie my hair/twists up with a satin scarf before bed

> Every month or so I find myself snipping my ends :ohwell:
This is not a confession -- I'm hiding my hair after my BC for at least year or until I can make a nice ponytail, which ever comes first...

The real confession -- the reason I'm hiding my hair is out of laziness and vanity.

I am too vain (and big headed) to sport a TWA or even an A and too lazy to style with twist outs, etc. I wear nice lace fronts (I bobby pin them on) and everyone thinks it's my hair. I don't bother to correct them either.

This is the easiest time I have had with my hair in my entire life. I wash / DC / braid my hair once per week. In the mornings I pin my LF on and go, I rinse my braids after workouts and I apply my growth lotion.... My hair is growing like weeds and I am able to workout when I want and still sport a nice hair style during the work week.
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I confess that I HATE covering my hair at night. I finally broke down and started using my satin pillow case a couple of days ago that DH picked up for me about a month ago (he's so sweet. :) ).