SHMS's Strawberry Letter 23: Baby Mama: "A Ring is a REQUIREMENT, not a REQUEST"


New Member (go to 1/23/08)

Here's the letter below. Click on the link above to get to Steve's response:

Date: 01/23/2008
Subject: Tired of Waiting

Dear Morning Show, First I would like to say I love your show. Now for my problem. A couple of years ago I met my boyfriend. At the time, I was separated for six months and on the way to divorce. We both weren't ready for a relationship -- he had recently left a long term one, so we decided to see each other as friends. I did end up divorcin in the next couple of months. The relationship became physical but we still considered it open and free to see other people. This went on for a year, and although we practiced safe sex, I became pregnant. This really threw me for a loop because I was thinking of leaving the situation because my feeling had grown and I didn't want to continue the way we were. We both prayed and decided to keep the baby and be in a committed relationship. Today we have a 4 year old daughter that we both adore and our relationship is wonderful! He is an excellent father that does everything financially and physically that he is supposed to do to take care of her. He is everything that I have ever wanted in a man and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. The problem is our status. I know it takes time to get to know someone and since our relationship went from friends, to parents and lovers we needed time to adjust to our new life together, but I'm at a point that I'm ready to be married. Although he does talk about it from time to time, I still have NO RING and no real sign of getting one anytime soon. I know he loves me by the things he does and the sacrifices he's made in his life but I can't help wanting more. At this point in my life I'm too old to be just a baby's mama. I don't really address it because I've learned by my first marriage that a man has to be ready for marriage for it to work. I don't want to leave the relationship because everything is perfect but I don't want to wake up and our daughter is a teenager and I'm still just his baby's mama. I was raised to be married and I just don't know what to do PLEASE HELP
What was steve and the show's reply?
But if she was raised to be married why was she having sex anyway.
Never mind listening to it now. (go to 1/23/08)

Here's the letter below. Click on the link above to get to Steve's response:

Date: 01/23/2008
Subject: Tired of Waiting

Dear Morning Show, First I would like to say I love your show. Now for my problem. A couple of years ago I met my boyfriend. At the time, I was separated for six months and on the way to divorce. We both weren't ready for a relationship -- he had recently left a long term one, so we decided to see each other as friends. I did end up divorcin in the next couple of months. The relationship became physical but we still considered it open and free to see other people. This went on for a year, and although we practiced safe sex, I became pregnant. This really threw me for a loop because I was thinking of leaving the situation because my feeling had grown and I didn't want to continue the way we were. We both prayed and decided to keep the baby and be in a committed relationship. Today we have a 4 year old daughter that we both adore and our relationship is wonderful! He is an excellent father that does everything financially and physically that he is supposed to do to take care of her. He is everything that I have ever wanted in a man and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. The problem is our status. I know it takes time to get to know someone and since our relationship went from friends, to parents and lovers we needed time to adjust to our new life together, but I'm at a point that I'm ready to be married. Although he does talk about it from time to time, I still have NO RING and no real sign of getting one anytime soon. I know he loves me by the things he does and the sacrifices he's made in his life but I can't help wanting more. At this point in my life I'm too old to be just a baby's mama. I don't really address it because I've learned by my first marriage that a man has to be ready for marriage for it to work. I don't want to leave the relationship because everything is perfect but I don't want to wake up and our daughter is a teenager and I'm still just his baby's mama. I was raised to be married and I just don't know what to do PLEASE HELP

This is the first problem. She allowed herself to be in this situation. He didn't want a relationship with her. He's with her right now for the 'meantime' until something better comes along. She accepted less from the beginning, so he gave her less. She needs to move on, he's not going to marry her.
I loved when Steve said this, this morning. he was soo on point. She knew she already f'd up the situation, she was looking for a quick scheme to make it change, well it won't.
This is the first problem. She allowed herself to be in this situation. He didn't want a relationship with her. He's with her right now for the 'meantime' until something better comes along. She accepted less from the beginning, so he gave her less. She needs to move on, he's not going to marry her.


And Steve was absolutely right.

So much wrong in that letter, all over the place.
I loved when Steve said this, this morning. he was soo on point. She knew she already f'd up the situation, she was looking for a quick scheme to make it change, well it won't.

You know, I did'nt even listen to what he said. What did he say?