Well-Known Member
makin it lolololol!!!!!! Chiiiiilllleeee.....
i remember a while back, i tried to smoke some loud and chile, lemme tell u.....
i was on da balcony tryna get my life back cuz babeee.....i was lookin up at the stars in heaven, with that one tear that ran real slow from my left eye all the way down my cheek and into my bossom cuz i was tryna call Abraham, Moses, David, Ruth, JESUS and all his disciples n nem ...chile, SOMEBODY up der that would listen cuz i PROMISED them dat i would neva touch dat stuff again. I only had like two dumb as.. was like call 911...i think my wig on fire. Something was on fire cuz chile i was hot as hell...i ain't know what da hell was goin on....slept it off and when i woke up...all i wanted was water. I swear i almost slam dunked my head in da toilet cuz i was so damn thirsty. Neva again. Ever.
my friends thought it was funny.....chile....nope.