Sex on first date


Well-Known Member
So how many of you ladies have had sex on the first date? I had sex with my s/o of five years on the first night. At first we were just friends but he couldn't get enuff of this good stuff :lick: and we've been inseparable ever since. :grin: What do u guys think about sex on the first night? It's okay if u think it's hoish I just don't like playing games. I guess I had a good feeling about him or maybe just horny. :lachen: By the way we went to school together, not just someone I met at the gas station.
Sex is pretty sacred to me. I am not a religious woman so it has nothing to do with that. However, it is not enough for me to just be horny and let a man penetrate me. I don't believe in abortion so if I were to get pregnant, I'd need to really know what this man is about. A condom is not 100%. Even as a male friend, you don't really know someone as well you think. I believe each man you sleep with essence remains inside you and vice-versa.

Don't get me wrong, bangin' on the first date seems really wild and exciting but I need to connect with a man mentally, see who he is, how he is at keeping his word, before he can partake of my yoni.

So many kids are conceived from the lower chakras ******* and it shows unfortunately. I don't think that having sex on the first night can't work or makes you a loose woman but the majority of times, it does not seem to work out. A man can sleep with you, and then dislike you for thinking you're a ho, never considering he did just lay with you.
Some people on here had, and some haven't, but I bet the ones who had won't be so quick to say so on here in fear of being judged. I think if you had made a poll, or asked if they had on the second date, more people would be more incline to answer.
I was just wondering because some people are like if u sleep with a guy on the first date ur a Ho. But then they do like a week or two later. Soooo okay are u making him wait just to say I waited? Or are u worried what he might think of u? Just wanted y'all to weigh in but I forgot y'all are some nuns sex till marriage or until u think he's "the one":ohwell:
I am neither a nun/prude. I have shared a lot about myself on this forum and IRL. 12-15 years ago my response would have been different. Me not sleeping with a man early is not because of what he thinks. My body is not a democracy. I get horny like everyone else but intimacy is my priority. Not trying to figure out how to avoid the wet spot on the bed.
Maracuja what happened when it backfired? Growing up I never would sleep with a guy on the first date cause I thought it was hoish. But the two guys where I did we stayed in long committed relationships. My ex didn't work out bc I moved far away. I have made a guy wait for months and once he got the goods he dipped anyway. Soooo...idk
Lucie I wasn't calling u a nun girl. Lol I just want different opinions instead of everyone saying the same damn thing. I don't want people to be scared or embarrassed to post b/c they think people are judging. As many people are on this forum I want various views on the topic to see how women are thinking. I knew most people were gonna have ur view b/c I used to think the same thing. So how is ur "no sex before intimacy" thing working for u?Do share please... And by the way I love that wet spot, I'm tryna avoid one tonight girl:lachen:
Maracuja what happened when it backfired? Growing up I never would sleep with a guy on the first date cause I thought it was hoish. But the two guys where I did we stayed in long committed relationships. My ex didn't work out bc I moved far away. I have made a guy wait for months and once he got the goods he dipped anyway. Soooo...idk

This is why you can't worry about what anyone thinks or feels about you having sex on the first date. Do it whenever it feels right. If it feels right on date 1 then do it, but take responsibility for whatever happens afterwards. Just because a guy made you his SO after the first date, doesn't mean the next guy will. There are always exceptions, but they are never the rules.
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Lucie I wasn't calling u a nun girl. Lol I just want different opinions instead of everyone saying the same damn thing. I don't want people to be scared or embarrassed to post b/c they think people are judging. As many people are on this forum I want various views on the topic to see how women are thinking. I knew most people were gonna have ur view b/c I used to think the same thing. So how is ur "no sex before intimacy" thing working for u?Do share please... And by the way I love that wet spot, I'm tryna avoid one tonight girl:lachen:

tru4reele, I know hon. Actually, my method is working pretty well. We're building memories, learning about our ideals, and sometimes even challenge each other's beliefs. We have become intimate but I feel we had a pretty good foundation of learning about one another first.

Give this thread some time, some will come in and share different opinions. :)
I was just wondering because some people are like if u sleep with a guy on the first date ur a Ho. But then they do like a week or two later. Soooo okay are u making him wait just to say I waited? Or are u worried what he might think of u? Just wanted y'all to weigh in but I forgot y'all are some nuns sex till marriage or until u think he's "the one":ohwell:

I've screwed on many first dates, because that's what I wanted to do. I also wasn't looking for a relationship soooo yea. My view is not the average woman's view since most women are easily attached once sex is involved. If you can have sex with someone and then not be on here crying two weeks later talkin' bout "OMG guys why didn't he call me back??" then that's great, but if not you should just wait.
I have not and I am not a prude or a nun.

Getting my goods is only available for the very, very, very, very, very special. You have to pass a series of tests, prove your worthiness, wine me, dine me, wow me, care for me, etc.

I don't have a specific time frame either, but you are gonna have to wait. I don't make them wait just because, I wait until I feel like I am ready.

Everyone has their own time frame and what is important and sacred to them.
Too many guys have told me that they lose respect for women they bed easily. If your just looking for a casual sex thing, go for it.
Didn't and am pretty sure I never would. I was with my bf for 7-8 months before we did it and got married the next month but I still felt bad/guilty. There are too many people running around with all kinds of stds for me to even hypothetically consider doing something like that.
I don't do it bc I don't feel comfortable doing it with someone I just met and I don't know anything about them as a person or their std status. I've done casual sex when i was young and wild, it was fun at the time, but I'm over it and its no longer appealing to me.

However, I don't knock those who do (never understood women who r concerned so much about other women's vaginas) and none of my reasoning for not doing it has anything to do with what some guy thinks. I think thats where most women trip up. People have these 3 month, 6 month rules, etc...and then be mad when they STILL get dumped like yesterdays garbage once they give up the goods. Waiting is not a guarantee he's going to stick around, so if you do wait, do it for YOU.

And yes, I also know folks who have slept with guys on the first date and they had long lasting relationships. No its not the rule, but I think it happens more often than most like to think. I think it makes some women who are on their moral high horses feel better to think that it never ever happens that way.

Also...the guy who is scrunching up his nose and going "oh I don't respect her...she's a HO bc she gave it up to me on the first night"...I wouldn't want him anyway bc obviously he is extremely hypocritical which is a huge turn off...being that HE also participated in sex with a stranger.
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I've never done it...

I've known people who have and sometimes it worked out and other times it didn't.

I'm kinda picky...most men I've dated..I never wanted them to call me again, let alone..give up the goods. LOL

Also I'm a I see a lot of pople with a diseases. :(

I think it's a matter of personal opinion. Would I advise, probably not, but to each her own.
Yep...did it with my baby daddy. We talked on the phone and all that for a few weeks before hand, but on our first official date the deed was done. Wasn't planned...just happened. We were together for 4 years 23 years later he is happily married....I am happily single and we have a beautiful 18 year old daughter in her freshmen year at college. To date we are very good friends and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I do me...always have and always will.

I've never done it because I'm easily attached after sex. I don't think it's hoish though. If that's what a woman wants to do, then do it. I wouldn't advise it to women like me though. I would have to get to know him first.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
No, I never have and never have been tempted to. That's dangerous and a perfect way to never get a call for a second date, IMO.

I know that in rare situations that could lead to a lasting relationship (I know a couple who did that and eventually married... and eventually divorced years later)- I don't think I'd have that kind of luck, so I won't be doing that.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
Unless u actually go to a clinic with someone and see their results u don't know people's status. So rather u wait months or years to have sex, the STD thing is irrelevant unless u u do this. But yea condoms were invented for a reason and I bet ALL of u ladies that are talking about STD's are not going to the doctor with every man before sex. People get married and find out their partner has disease. Just because someone may wine and dine u for weeks or months doesn't make them clean.
...However, I don't knock those who do (never understood women who r concerned so much about other women's vaginas) and none of my reasoning for not doing it has anything to do with what some guy thinks. I think thats where most women trip up. People have these 3 month, 6 month rules, etc...and then be mad when they STILL get dumped like yesterdays garbage once they give up the goods. Waiting is not a guarantee he's going to stick around, so if you do wait, do it for YOU...
:yep::yep::yep::yep::yep: And it's not my thing, but I'm not about to call another woman "hoish" because she chooses to have sex on the first date.
Unless u actually go to a clinic with someone and see their results u don't know people's status. So rather u wait months or years to have sex, the STD thing is irrelevant unless u u do this. But yea condoms were invented for a reason and I bet ALL of u ladies that are talking about STD's are not going to the doctor with every man before sex. People get married and find out their partner has disease. Just because someone may wine and dine u for weeks or months doesn't make them clean.

Yeah but a first date is really not enough time to know. When I dated DH we both went and got tested and we both saw each other's results. It's too many good looking people walking around here with HIV, so yeah I want to know any person's status before we go there. And most people aren't going to show up on the first date with STD results. And we all know condoms aren't fullproof.
I say do it because you want to, not because the guy is pressuring. Ladies mind your own cooch, not mine.

BTW, I have never had sex on the first date, but if a woman does it, that is her business.