“setting To Success” 2016

The weather in my neck of the woods is so nice right now....cool breeze...crisp winds...ahhhhh...such a refreshing break from the hot humid ugliness of summer!!! Part of me wanna do a nice rollerset for this cookout I'm going to tomorrow and slay....but the lazy part of me just wanna sit back and enjoy the weather and wear my hair in its curly state. :evillaugh:

I will be setting for sure the first day of fall. Gotta trim and color these dusty brown roots! I'll be sure to post pics when I do!
  • I know I've said this time and time again, but I'm giving up heat for real this time! My hair just doesn't last. I almost cried I was so frustrated. I'm glad I did it though because I noticed some breakage.
I'm excited to get back to roller setting this weekend. I've been looking pretty rough without it.

I gave up heat too...well sorta! I can get my hair straight, fluffy and bouncy with just my roller sets. I will straighten the roots on low heat (300) seasonally after a set to trim and color. But my length and ends will NEVER see the heat of a flat iron again. It's just not needed. Oh the things you can do when your technique is on point. LOL
I can get my hair straight with curl formers I just don't like the tight curls. I'm hoping these new wave curl formers will give me a better look.
I roller set yesterday and put my hair into two twists. I'm going to wear my sets like this for a few weeks since I had some breakage. Also, I'm reincorporating jbco into my regimen.

I've been eyeing this head scarf. Am I crazy? It's almost $50. http://www.prettyanntoinets.com/sleep-caps/silk-sleep-cap-onyx/

ETA: @lulu97 what a coincidence. I just saw your post in the other thread. Have u noticed a difference using this scarf
@PlainJane I don't think you're crazy for wanting that one. Silk is a great investment and will last forever...literally. I have thought about purchasing that one for my flexi rod sets but I don't really care for Charmeuse silk. It's too slick/slippery...almost like satin. Don't get me wrong, it's nice and soft but just reminds me too much of satin. I prefer Habutai silk. It's uber soft!!!! It's my favorite type of silk. Now if she made that with Habutai silk, it would definitely be in my collection.

Yes, I have noticed a difference in my hair since using silk.
1) My hair retains moisture better (I only need to moisturize every 4 days)
2) My edges lay down better
(I can lay them with water and conditioner or water and oil, tie my silk scarf overnight and they will stay down all day) I've pretty much given up gel
3) My skin is moisturized and blemish free. Silk is great for your face.
@lulu97, which scarves have you bought from the site? Looking to see if I retain moisture better with silk. I have one silk charmeuse that works better than my satin ones but I also don't like the slipperiness of the charmeuse.

@Daina It might be easier to list what I don't have! :lachen:I have a drawer dedicated to my silk items, and it's full....yet I still buy items annually. I just want to make sure I'm good should she ever decide to do something else or close her business. These are some of the items I have:

I use my pillowcase every night.
I have around 6 white ones. I do want some black ones but they are always out of stock.

I have all of these...in every color....maybe 3 or 4 of each :look:

I have a few of these. I use these when my hair is straight from a traditional wrap. Or if I'm going to rock a turban or a hat. I protect my hair with these first.


I have around 6 of these and I use them to pineapple a flexi rod set. It's really wide so it's great for that purpose.


I have ordered a bonnet before but it's super small. The seam came undone within a month. But I'm really not a bonnet kinda gal so I didn't take it as a loss. I still have the fabric from it and plan on using it to wrap around some perm rods. Just can never find the energy to pull out my sewing machine.


I have purchased all of these exact same items also :lachen:and that doesn't include the items I bought for my daughter :look:.

4 - pillow cases
3 - scarves
2 - beanies
1 - wrap
1 - bonnet

I like them all except the wrap and the bonnet not so much but they're ok I guess.

@PinkDiamond Don't they feel just marvelous?! Yeah the wrap was little weird to use at first, but once I figured a way to make it work...I really like it. I won't be ordering a bonnet again though. I have way too much hair for them.

@lulu97, thanks so much! Think I'll pick up 2 scarves and a beanie. How is the shipping - reasonably priced and fast?

@Daina I'm not sure about the fee for shipping. I always order enough to get free shipping. And the shipping time varies. I remember ordering and my items not shipping until a week later. But then again, I've ordered and the items shipped the next day. She uses USPS (which I hate) but she always send items Priority mail, so once they do ship...they get to you in a timely manner.

Yeah I haven't quite figured the wrap out yet so I only use it every now and then. But I'm with you on the bonnet I will not order anymore, I just use the bonnet now to go under my hats that don't have a satin liner in the winter time.

I love love love my pillow cases and head scarves :2inlove:. For the scarves I have the extra larger purple one, teal one and the large black one. I tend to use the extra large purple one the most. For the pillow cases I have two blacks one purple and one ivory but I tend to use the black ones the most that's why I bought two of them.
Finally have a decent roller set.
My mistakes were
1. Not using a rattail comb when setting
2. Not using a good enough conditioner
3. Too many products

Today I shampooed, deep conditioned, de tangled, used narobi setting lotion and set my hair using the gray rollers.

Best roller set to date
I was going to do a rollerset to try to stretch. I took out the rollers and everything. Then at the last minute I decided to stretch with braids. I found it takes me the same amount of time to braid as it does to install curlformers so it doesn't save me any time. I will dry for 70 to 75 minutes which is how long it takes for my curlformers to dry

I guess the pro of braids is that I can sleep in them if my hair isn't dry. I've given up trying to sleep in curlformers.
Finally have a decent roller set.
My mistakes were
1. Not using a rattail comb when setting
2. Not using a good enough conditioner
3. Too many products

Today I shampooed, deep conditioned, de tangled, used narobi setting lotion and set my hair using the gray rollers.

Best roller set to date
That's awesome! I'm happy you found your "recipe for success!" Your retention and styles will be on fleek,:yep:
I'm heading out of town tomorrow so I'm going to do another cowash and bantu set after work. Hopefully this darn website will let me post the picture this time.

The bantu set will hopefully give me smooth and moisturized hair until I get home Sunday afternoon.

Sometimes I have to trick it to accept a file. I upload the file and if it doesn't load I click close. I hit more options. Often times I can see the file at this point. If I can't see it at this point I hit preview and then I can see it.
Sometimes I have to trick it to accept a file. I upload the file and if it doesn't load I click close. I hit more options. Often times I can see the file at this point. If I can't see it at this point I hit preview and then I can see it.
I'll definitely try that. I'm also going good to try lowering the resolution in my camera settings so that the file is smaller.
Often for me, refreshing the page also works. After I've selected the pic to upload, and it's been 'whirling' for a few seconds and not showing, I hit refresh and the pic shows attached.
I had this nice plan for the sets I want to do for the rest of the month before I start my protective winter styling but I don't think it's going to happen. School is already crazy and today was just the first day. :cry3:After Thursday, I may only get to set for holidays until I graduate in April. I'm still going to try to get my "last" 3 sets of the year in.
My sewn in going on week 4.
After I take it down depending on what my hair looks like, I will do a roller set.

I ordered 2 pillow cases, and 2 bonnets from PA during Mothers Day sale.

DS loves sleeping on them, drag them around the house so he may sleep wherever his heart desires.

I noticed an difference in his hair retaining more length since using them.
My hair thrived from keeping my hair in rollersets while I was recovering from my surgery. I am definitely going to continue to rollerset it especially into the fall (now that it's starting to get cooler). I just got my color and my stylist flat ironed it so I was able to do a length check but I plan on throwing some rollers in it tomorrow. I also plan on buying a Pibbs or a Pibbs-like hair dryer so that I can stop blow-drying and minimize drying time.
Products used:

Joico Moisture Recovery shampoo

Protein treatment:
Colorful Neutral Protein Filler

Moisture DC: (15 minutes with heat)
MoroccanOil Hydrating masque

Leave in:
A small amount of Curl Junkie Beauticurls Argan and olive conditioner

MoroccanOil treatment


The curls are really tight but will fall as the days go by. I'm hoping to get this set to last 2 weeks so I don't mind.

I will be setting monthly. My October and November sets will be flexi rod sets, and I'll end the year off in December with another magnetic set. I'll spend the rest of my time in braids.