Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

Hey ladies,
I did a perm rod set last night! I'm pretty pleased with the results. I used the orange and peach ones.

Here's what they look like when I put them in:

When I took them out:

After I separated the curls and fluffed a little:

Now here's a comparison of my curlformer set vs my permrod set, with the same lighting. Both pictures were taken with my laptop camera and at the same angle:
curlformers 2014-01-22 .jpg

Perm rods
permrods 2014-02.jpg

Clearly curlformers give me more length, whereas permrods shrink my hair to give me a tighter curl. Curlformers also allow my hair to "swing" and flip, whereas the curls from the permrods are a little too short to swing. I think if I used the bigger, green perm rods, I may get more hanging action. The perm rods give me a cute curly fro. Hope this helps Blairx0!

I want to stretch out my curls a little more for tomorrow. I don't want to pineapple because that always kills my curls and results in frizz. Maybe I'll try wrapping my hair or loose bantu

Oh yeah one con about the perm rods- my hair definitely took a LOT longer to dry using perm rods vs curlformers. I air dried overnight 8 hours and my hair still was a little damp. I had to wait 3 more hours to take them out.
Under the dryer. It took me about 40 minutes to set on the magnetic rollers, but I attribute that to doing roller sets for the last few weeks. Hope to get the time down to 30. The magnetic rollers have less tension than the snap-on rollers, but the snap ons don't come in bigger sizes so I need to get used to the magnetics. I'm pretty sure my hair is too long for 1 1/8 inch rollers, but I'm going to keep using these through March (I hope) and then move up to 1 3/4 or 2 inch. I'm currently BSL and it's growing pretty quickly.

Used the It's a 10 leave in and Carol's Daughter Foam Wrap. Glad I got my roller setting products down quickly. It's supposed to rain all week so I'm going to moisturize and bun when I take my rollers out. My Entwine product came today so I'll see how it moisturizes and protects from reversion.

I am natural also an roll on magnetic rollers. I use covers from an old set of rollers. They are not the same size, but the covers stretch and do the job.

thanks so much for the pic. I see what you are saying about perm rods not allowing for swing. My curlformer set just turn into a flat mess in like a day. I may try them again with a stronger holding product, but they don't seem like the way to go for a week long style.

I kind of like the idea of having a curly bob like you do in the picture. I think I will pick some up and try my luck!
Blairx0 do the metal clips get tangled in your roots? I did a roller set when I was transitioning and the clips got all tangled in my hair so I just use a hair net to keep my hair close to my scalp after I'm done rolling.
Blairx0 do the metal clips get tangled in your roots? I did a roller set when I was transitioning and the clips got all tangled in my hair so I just use a hair net to keep my hair close to my scalp after I'm done rolling.

They haven't in a while. In the beginning they did and it was frustrating, but over time my clip placement has improved. I still need practice, but it can be done with damage.

You could always clip the rollers to each other for stability without involving your roots
Here are pictures from tonight's set. I'm a little worried about my setting pattern. It exposes my crown to so much heat when I'm under the dryer. I know I'm not coordinated enough to try the Mohawk method. I wonder if bigger rollers would help cover the spot?





image-3390840342.jpg is offering 35% off their medium and small mesh rollers. The code is "SassySets". Expries 2/4 at midnight eastern time.
hey girls- just an update. i slept with my hair in two buns (like pigtails, only with the ends tucked in). the perm rod curls held pretty well. three of my curls frizzed out completely, so that was pretty lame. but the rest held up. i forgot to mention- i used kinky curly as my leave-in and the kinky curly curling custard (gel) to set.

surprisingly, kinky curly custard works much better at preserving my perm rod curls than it does at preserving my flexirod curls. i wonder if that has something to do with the mesh nature of the curlformers. maybe some product "leaks" out the mesh material while it's drying? whereas with perm rods, the hair is wrapped around itself on the roller, so the product is kind of "locked" into the hair. just a thought.

i ordered the camille rose curl maker gel. i want to try that out next on my curlformer set this weekend. and i also want to get some big, green perm rods. and then, i will stop buying new toys for my hair (or at least i'll try) :)
I'm a little worried about my setting pattern. It exposes my crown to so much heat when I'm under the dryer. I know I'm not coordinated enough to try the Mohawk method. I wonder if bigger rollers would help cover the spot?

toaster why don't you try putting a roller in the middle of your head, in the crown area? just leave a section of hair there in the middle, instead of leaving it exposed.

I honestly never thought about that! I'll do that on Thursday when I set my hair again.

I think the Carol's Daughter Foam leaves my hair a little crunchy. Since I'm not wearing my curls out because of the weather I'm going to try just setting with a leave in and water. I'll use the foam when I actually want to set my curls.
I guess just kidding about my hair being crunchy. I just took it down to moisturize and it is soooo soft. I think the Entwine Butter Creme might become a staple. It smells pretty bad though. Well, not bad, just not good. But my hair feels delicious!

First photo is my hair released from the bun, second photo is after moisturizing.


I love the extra wide and extra long curlformers. It looks like a big roller set.

My hair wasn't completely dry. So.....

Tomorrow, I'm going to re set them without water or product to see the results.
Do you guys find that the "french" pins for the rollers are any better than the Diane brand that we have here? I read that our version snags the hair because of the ends. Any thoughts?
And reviews on the platic mesh hour glass rollers by
Blairx0, hi, I am not in this challenge, but I keep up with you ladies and your beautiful rollersets, anyway I purchased the rollers you are asking about and I LOVE them!!!! Ive used them 3 times between me and my little girl and they are amazing!!!! They dry super fast ( very important when using them on children lol) and the curls seem more defined with these rollers than with the regular magnetic ones!

I took pictures of my daughters set from last night and I ran out of the capelli rollers and had to use a few regular rollers, if you look closely, the bottom of her hair is "looser" than the top where I used the hourglass rollers. (Excuse the bottle of juice shes drinking in the last pic)The dryer had her thirsty lol!! But anyway I HIGHLY recommend them and they ship ridiculously fast. Also I was concerned if they would snag or leave little dents in our hair but they havent so far. I am really pleased with my purchase! I only bought 12 of the large white ones but I WILL be purchasing like 5 more packs as soon as they get them back in stock.


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Do you guys find that the "french" pins for the rollers are any better than the Diane brand that we have here? I read that our version snags the hair because of the ends. Any thoughts?
Good question. I was wondering this too. I have the french mesh rollers but I bought the pins from here and some of them are a little jagged at the tips. I hope someone bought the french ones and can let us know....I added a picture of the pins I currently have.....also, I bought a lot of packs of these pins so I try to pick out the smoothest pins from each package. And leave the jagged ones in a drawer somewhere lol. I wonder if filing them and buffing them with a nail thing would work? They do it for combs that snag I think? Lol


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day 3 of my perm rod set.
I did a french fishtail braid across the back of my head, then twisted that into a little coil. i cornrowed my bangs.
rollersets are the perfect base for protective styles. they're so much easier for me to work with than twistouts!


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rririla your daughter's hair is gorgeous! her set came out really cute. is she natural? what type of setting lotion did you use? now you have me wondering whether i should get capelli

Blairx0I took pictures of my daughters set from last night and I ran out of the capelli rollers and had to use a few regular rollers, if you look closely, the bottom of her hair is "looser" than the top where I used the hourglass rollers. (Excuse the bottle of juice shes drinking in the last pic)The dryer had her thirsty lol!! But anyway I HIGHLY recommend them and they ship ridiculously fast. Also I was concerned if they would snag or leave little dents in our hair but they havent so far. I am really pleased with my purchase! I only bought 12 of the large white ones but I WILL be purchasing like 5 more packs as soon as they get them back in stock.

Thanks for the review and the pictures! Tell your daughter I want my hair to grow up to be just like hers. Is she relaxed?

I think I will purchase once the white sizes are back in stock. smores said the could be back as early as 2/17!
coilyhaircutie Blairx0

Thank you ladies! I used Nairobi setting lotion this time around ( i usually use lotta body but from the reviews on here I tried the Nairobi, both yield the same results for us) and a few drops of loreal extraordinary oil for thick hair.... No she isnt relaxed but her hair is very fine and curly. (Pic below) the thing is I have to set it weekly or she gets dreds by her next wash day! And hair wants to be like hers too lol


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