Semi-Rant?:Why do people have to be so snarky sometimes?

maaaaaaaan..... hopefully i'm bigger than you, bcuz i'm gonna whip your're arse!!! see me in the streets nonie, i ain't no killa! but don't push me:blush:

naaaaah, thanks so much, as god as my witness i've been looking for that button for a minute now (i really just assumed they were still doing maintenance)... i fell in love with the mentions & videos and they went away too:grin: such a teaser

i totally see the button dude! i've been doing the google comma lhcf thing and it brings up little or nothing (seriously)

thanks -so- much!!!!!! busta:lol:

p.s. ...and for any reason u're bigger than me.... ummmmmm cancel the unveiled threats immediately!

:giggle: Yeah, I was shakin' in ma boots, (not!) :p

Mention will be back. Nikos just has to make sure all the more important things are in place and that it will work well with this downgraded version but he plans on bringing it back. I don't know about videos.
:giggle: Yeah, I was shakin' in ma boots, (not!) :p

Mention will be back. Nikos just has to make sure all the more important things are in place and that it will work well with this downgraded version but he plans on bringing it back. I don't know about videos.
if u scared? say u scared

keyboard thug ova here' i rock ruff & stuff w/ my afro puff!!! (well not quite a puff, but a big twa:ohwell:) but u get my point!
I'm glad you brought this up, time to deal with this issue because I notice a lot of ladies are uncomfortable posting to the point they will just sent you an email if they have a question. Enough is Enough there is no reason to be rude unless you are just trying to be funny. Then it's acceptable. Hehe
I'm glad you brought this up, time to deal with this issue because I notice a lot of ladies are uncomfortable posting to the point they will just sent you an email if they have a question. Enough is Enough there is no reason to be rude unless you are just trying to be funny. Then it's acceptable. Hehe

OMG you can't be serious??????? Sending emails????

The e-thuggery intimidation program has got to stop!

People, just ask your question, what others think of it be damned.

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I think that yes a forum is supposed to all welcoming and all that jazz, but it's not difficult to search for things and do research before you ask generic questions.

It's like when people ask questions that they could easily Google. It's annoying answering these.

Let me google that for you

Do your research and THEN ask all the questions you need to supplement your research.

Okay..that can be how you feel. But like the OP just said..why can't you just keep your comments to yourself and KIM. If it sucks so much to give the person the answer or some guidance on a topic discussed before..why reply at all? I'm sorry, but the search engine on this forum SUCKS. I don't know what was done to it. Also I think a lot of us Google the question before they summit it if they are still asking..obviously they didn't get the answer they were looking for. Even if they did, everyone paid to be on if they want a second or third opinion they have every right to ask a question. Everyday someone is coming up with new ways to use old products..why is it so wrong for someone to want an update?
Amen Ladies! For this very reason I've decided that I don't need to renew my subscription. I love the info I get here but I do not feel comfortable posting threads or saying too much because (although it hasn't happened to me) I find people unnecessarily rude. However, there have been a few more voices complaining about this very thing lately so maybe just maybe people will self correct.

That's me right there!
Grown folks are scared of being e-bullied? :lachen: If you have a question and want to make a thread for it, then do it. And if nobody answers bump that sucka back up and demand for an answer or else bumping shall continue. I ignore peoples snarkiness (is that a word?) IRL, I'll ignore it online too. I'd be d***ed if I got e-bullied out of my $6.50.

But I do understand the people who post the threads that you really wish you could destroy. Like the "whats my curl pattern?". I see those threads EVERYWHERE and I ask to myself, what does this have to do with growing your hair or caring for it at all? Andre has a book and nothing is stopping you from buying it or checking it out from a library.
This has already been discussed - please do a search. :grin: j/k - although it has been :drunk: :lol:

I'm not one to suggest doing a search but I don't see anything wrong with it. It sounds like you are taking offense to the perceived "tone" of a response (which is difficult to pick up on the innanet anyway). I think that if you are really looking for information and not just trying to have your thread get super long then it is actually more helpful for people to inform you that the information you are seeking has been discussed than to ignore it. There may have been people on the board at the time of the old thread who had a large knowledge base about the topic who are no longer here, the product may have been popular back then so lots of folks were using it then but not anymore, etc. so there may be legitimate information available that you wouldn't get in a post full of new replies. I mean - at the end of the day if you get what you are looking for then you should be good right? That said, if you have done a search and can't find the info, say that and ask for help and I'm folks would be willing to dig it up for you. JMHO :yep:
I always answer questions. I always think to myself that instead of saying "search it" why not just not post at all and keep it moving?

Anyway I usually have people PM me personally for advice. If you can find someone that has the regimen, hair, style you are looking for then maybe reach out to them and see if you can get a quicker result that way.