Why are people so negative?

I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. As was already mentioned, some people do negative things like this because they are so miserable with themselves and their own lives.

And like Creole said, laughter always makes me feel better too. When I find myself in the presence of a hater or that person tried to do or say something about me, after I feel my anger and release it, I look for something funny about the situation and laugh, laugh, LAUGH! Laughter does break up negative energy, quickly too.

Creole, you got me cracking up over here! :rofl:
Yellowflowers said:
That is soo funny. They probably are verry ugly. It is usually the ugliest, most insecure people that go out of thier way to insult other people. They want to hurt you because they are hurting. They get off making negative remarks. This why they like to hide because they are cowardly as well. :lol: :lachen:

Be encouraged all you beautifull ladies posting your albums and realize that the majority of women on this board are intelligent and beautiful, unfortunately we do have trash hanging around.:lachen:

Isis said:
When I find myself in the presence of a hater or that person tried to do or say something about me, after I feel my anger and release it, I look for something funny about the situation and laugh, laugh, LAUGH! Laughter does break up negative energy, quickly too.

Creole, you got me cracking up over here! :rofl:

One last piece of advice from my worldly Creole ancestors. My Grandmother says this all the time....

"It's not what people call you...it's what you answer to." Ma Grand-mère

She usually told me that AFTER I'd gotten into it with someone who'd said something about me and BEFORE she took it upon herself to put me on my knees on uncooked rice in the corner. (And yall wonder why I'm the way I am. *sigh* Hell...I'm the one needing extra love...geez! Got me twitching over here having flashbacks and ish... Pull it together CreoleInDC...you're 36...not 6 again...she can't punish you anymore...she's old and trying to make sure she gets into heaven!) :grin: :lachen: :grin: :lachen:
CreoleInDC said:
One last piece of advice from my worldly Creole ancestors. My Grandmother says this all the time....

"It's not what people call you...it's what you answer to." Ma Grand-mère

*files that saying away*... Grand-mère has a point! :yep:
Negative people = Ignorant people

They put others down to make themselves feel better I guess...Who knows why these people do this. They need to get a life.

Its a good idea that you set up a password. Also, another good thing to do is turn your comment option off OR set it up where logged in fotki members or friends can only make comments.

Take care!

DDtexlaxd said:
I was happy to get a fotki so I could see my progress and get advice from others. Then I get a comment that my hair looks like an over juiced texturizer. Why are there people who love to cause negativity? I can't understand why people have to go out of their way to say mean comments to get under people's skin. :confused: If this is what people will do when u get the fotki, I don't want to hear it. I'm putting a pasword in my albums. If u want to see my pics, PM me. I hope this lowers my haters crowd. Does this happen alot with fotki?
I've figured it out: people who leave anonymous, nasty comments in albums are the same ones who rate threads with one star. :ohwell:
I can see how pretty rour hair is in your avatar, and so can others! :rosebud: They can't change that regardless of what they say!
To: Everyone

Negative people try to place what's troubling them onto others.
Knock it off and keep enjoying your lives! Let's have a group hug,
if your hands are clean! :lol:
Here you go. Here is the motivation you need to stick to you hair goals. Sometimes compliments make us complacent. But a sneak attack out of no where can get get you fighting like a champ - no slipping on taking vitamins, no getting lazy on hair care routine ever. Now you are ready and set to show this idiot that though your beginning was not what she thought it should be your latter ends will be great. :D
Now...you guys do know that an "anonymous" post can be tracked down right?

All you have to do is compare the IP address of the ugly person and do a "Control F" search in the list of IP addresses of members. I"m sure they are using their own computers.

That's what I do when I get stoopit ish on my website. I get their IP address and block their azzes. Then I send em my own version of a nasty gram. Except mine usually comes in the form of your needed to contact the Geek Squad at Best Buy to see if they can find our why your computer has locked the hell up however.

I know...I'm evil. But evil begets evil. :D
DDtexlaxd said:
I was happy to get a fotki so I could see my progress and get advice from others. Then I get a comment that my hair looks like an over juiced texturizer. Why are there people who love to cause negativity? I can't understand why people have to go out of their way to say mean comments to get under people's skin. :confused: If this is what people will do when u get the fotki, I don't want to hear it. I'm putting a pasword in my albums. If u want to see my pics, PM me. I hope this lowers my haters crowd. Does this happen alot with fotki?

happened to me to, lol my thread was closed tho, as i knew who it was!!

people trying to tell me my hair was fake and i used friggin paintbrush to extend it...when i look back IT WAS A COMPLIMENT!!! my hair must be looking good if people r hatin!!!!! i think people have too much time on their hands if their lookin 4 people to cuss and try an tell them their hair is fake..FOCUS ON UR OWN DAMN HAIR!

DONE! DNT WORRY about it, its minor xxx
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Sorry to hear this happen. The one I had, I let it sit in the comments. They asked if my hair was weave or something like that. Keep your comment section going if you can handle the positive and negative. Good luck and your hair is very healthy looking.
The only people that can respond to my fokti & read other's comments are those saved on my "friend's" list. Maybe you can try that
I am so sorry this happened to you ddtex. Especially it being your first comment. I am waiting on my frist negative comment. Gotta take the good with the bad. I had one lady tell me something kinda negative about the MTG. I just gave her a gracious responce and of course, they were anon. I feel like anky....they make me laugh. Just hold ya head up. Please dont turn offf your comments! We who really are concered about encouraging others still want to be able to do so for you!
I'm setting my album up now and it will be set to take NO COMMENTS. I dont even want to deal with stupidity and negativity. I know my hair is cute but that's not the point :lol: Anybody have a compliment or suggestion pm me.

Stuff like that bothers me. I can be really sensitive and rude comments would stick with me long after they should. I know that they are probably haters and immature but still. I can't brush it off as easily as some people. Especially when they do it anonymously. That burns me up when I see it done to other people. It would also change my feeling about this board because I wouldn't know who it came from but I would know it came from here. I'd be always wondering who was smiling in my face and dissing behind my back. I rather squash it all from jump and leave the comments off. It also eliminates the need for a password.
I'm sorry that this happened to you. It happens time and time again, which is why I keep my Fotki under lock and key. Some people can be very hateful.
JCoily said:
Girl, I'm just waiting on my first negative comment. Anonymous or not, I'm not above talking 'bout somebody's mama. :lachen:

U know u crazy!!! (but u just keeping it real and I like that!!!)
Sistaslick said:
well imagine having the negative comment come to you in the form of a non-anonymous pm. Yeah, that really puts a human face on things.:ohwell: I think I would have rathered it be anonymous so I could pretend it was someone's kid brother playing around.:(

Don't worry girl, I've just learned from that, that you have to take the good with the bad and keep on trucking. Continue to take care of your hair and continue to invalidate the words of negative people.
Someone actually sent you a PM????? What in the he!!
Thanks for all the positive comments. I knew I could count on the majority of the ladies here. :kiss: I will leave the comment section closed and my album s passworded for now. I'll be posting new pics soon for my 2 month anniversary. I've gotten alot more growth since using neosporin AF on my scalp. Yep, I learned it on a thread about miconazole nitrate. This stuff works faster than MTG and Surge combined for me.:yep: This is the fastest my natural hair has ever grown and it's all over, not just the sides. I am now more encouraged and psyched to learn how to style my natural hair in more than a curly fro. :D
I think I have enough hair to practice 2 strand twists, though they'll still be small.:lol:
Mestiza said:
To: Everyone

Negative people try to place what's troubling them onto others.
Knock it off and keep enjoying your lives! Let's have a group hug,
if your hands are clean! :lol:

This is so cute and true!

:rofl: :lol:
yeah tell me about it. :ohwell:

DDT-- girl keep those updates coming! :yep: Don't leave the rest of us who genuinely care about your progress out in the cold :lol:
Just fyi you can restrict comments to fotki users only. I say delete it and keep on moving. Don't sweat the stupid stuff.
Sistaslick said:
yeah tell me about it. :ohwell:

DDT-- girl keep those updates coming! :yep: Don't leave the rest of us who genuinely care about your progress out in the cold :lol:
Aww don't worry Sista, we love you and all your long luxurious hair! These people are just jealous!
I would tell ya, but they posted anonymous.:lol: I will reopen my pics on my 2 month nappiversary, Mar.25! :FlahsssssI will keep it closed til then. You guys really made me feel better. Thanks!:rosebud::dance7:
Girl you dont know???

They were hating on that beautiful shiney hair you have. Their hair is probably dry as hell and TOE up!

When people do stuff like this, it's usually something YOU have that THEY want. **** 'em
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Girl you dont know???

They were hating on that beautiful shiney hair you have. Their hair is probably dry as hell and TOE up!

When people do stuff like this, it's usually something YOU have that THEY want. **** 'em

hehe, i like ur attitude