See, this is why I don't like washing my hair...


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Yesterday, I decided to wash my hair after 3 weeks since my last wash. I was happy about my hair being longer but I regret washing it. It was so nice, soft, and strong before I washed...after washing, it became dry, crispy, matted and breaking no matter how much moisture I put in it. I flat twisted my hair last night after washing, unraveled this morning, and my hair was a hot matted dry mess. So I had to pile tons of my moisturizer, oil, and grease to get my hair soft and un-stiff. I didn't have time to do twists since I have to go to church so I'm wearing a big puff today.

I need your help. I don't wanna go forever without washing. Let me give you a description of my hair... The strands are very very fine, thinner than a strand of needle thread, and when I wash it, it wants to matt together as well as shrink 75%. My hair is very tightly tightly coiled. So what can I do to my hair or use in my hair so that my hair is soft and supple after it dries???

Thanks in advance.
Maybe you need to find a supermoisturizing shampoo and conditioner for your hair. You may also want to use a supermoisturizing leave in. Maybe you could try the baggie method if the hair is long enough OR...maybe that is just your hair texture and you need to learn how to accept that. Three weeks of moisturizing, wearing twists, not washing you hair will make your hair feel soft. But once the water and shampoo hits your hair, it will revert to what it really is (if its natural). Instead of flat twists maybe you should try six or seven big double strand twists after your wash and conditioner. Good luck
Poohbear, did you use something differently than you usually use? Im just trying to figure out what happened.:confused:
Vmerie has some tips in her album where she washes and conditions with larger twists in her hair, leaving them in to dry. I think this helps her avoid any matting or tangling problems.
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Candiss said:
Maybe you need to find a supermoisturizing shampoo and conditioner for your hair. You may also want to use a supermoisturizing leave in. Maybe you could try the baggie method if the hair is long enough OR...maybe that is just your hair texture and you need to learn how to accept that. Three weeks of moisturizing, wearing twists, not washing you hair will make your hair feel soft. But once the water and shampoo hits your hair, it will revert to what it really is (if its natural). Instead of flat twists maybe you should try six or seven big double strand twists after your wash and conditioner. Good luck
Yes, my hair is natural. I've tried the baggie method and it made my hair too mushy and weak. I do accept my hair texture. Are you saying I should leave it all matted up and dry so it can break off? No, I don't think so. Water affects your hair in a way to temporarily change your hair texture too...When it was soft and strong, that was still my real hair texture, so what are you talking about? My hair is what it really is after it gets washed and when it hasn't been washed....I thought... :perplexed:

What would you recommend for a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner?
shunta said:
Poohbear, did you use something differently than you usually use? Im just trying to figure out what happened.:confused:
Hmmm....I did try my sister's shampoo she just bought... Mizani Botanifying Shampoo. I've been in search for a good shampoo because I have Jason Naturals Biotin shampoo and conditioner which leave my hair on the dry side.
Poohbear said:
Yesterday, I decided to wash my hair after 3 weeks since my last wash. I was happy about my hair being longer but I regret washing it. It was so nice, soft, and strong before I washed...after washing, it became dry, crispy, matted and breaking no matter how much moisture I put in it. I flat twisted my hair last night after washing, unraveled this morning, and my hair was a hot matted dry mess. So I had to pile tons of my moisturizer, oil, and grease to get my hair soft and un-stiff. I didn't have time to do twists since I have to go to church so I'm wearing a big puff today.

I need your help. I don't wanna go forever without washing. Let me give you a description of my hair... The strands are very very fine, thinner than a strand of needle thread, and when I wash it, it wants to matt together as well as shrink 75%. My hair is very tightly tightly coiled. So what can I do to my hair or use in my hair so that my hair is soft and supple after it dries???

Thanks in advance.
That sounds like me! My water is hard as a brick. I can't find the thread that had a hardwater map, but here's the one I did find.
What I have been doing this month that has really been working is this:
1. Get my hair professionally twisted (by a friend).
2. Rinse my twists every day or whenever I feel like it. Scrunch a little
Kenra conditioner into the hair and leave it in. When I get out of the
shower put on a little yummy oil like Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Oil. Then
tie down twists with a scarf.
This routine is SO easy and my hair is soft and smells good.
I'm going to have to jump on the hard water band wagon. A easy test is to spray a small section of hair with bottled water and see if that section softens up. If it does, investing in a water filter. It will solve you problem more than any other product you could buy.
Poohbear said:
I have a Paragon shower filter, so it can't be the water that's the problem... :ohwell:
Only whole house water softeners can soften water (i.e., remove calcium or limestone). Water filters only remove chemicals, lead and large particles. If you have hard water a filter will change nothing.:(
kinchen said:
aveda sap moss shampoo lets me comb through my 4a/b natural hair and elasta qp dpr11 is a one of my favorite con HTH

This is very moisturizing for my natural hair. It was recommended by my stylist and this is what I use at home. She also said that Nexus products were good.
sareca said:
Only whole house water softeners can soften water (i.e., remove calcium or limestone). Water filters only remove chemicals, lead and large particles. If you have hard water a filter will change nothing.:(
She speaks the truth.
sareca said:
Only whole house water softeners can soften water (i.e., remove calcium or limestone). Water filters only remove chemicals, lead and large particles. If you have hard water a filter will change nothing.:(
I know that. ;) I didn't say the shower filter was the answer to all the hard water problems. I was just responding to say that I have a shower filter. But I don't even wash my hair that much to get the full effect of hard water if my water is in fact hard...
It really may have just been the shampoo you tried. I would wait to see how your hair responds to your usual products before panicking too much. Unless your hair is always like this after washing then I wouldn't suspect the water either.
Would you try the no-poo method? Of what about a olive oil and honey deep conditioner?
If you don't like home made stuff, I've been using NTM deep conish, and it's really good, so maybe the shampoo and conditioner will work for you. Good luck!
I agree- it's proably just the shampoo. I use Elucence and I have NO problems. The same shampoo bottle has lasted a me over a year and I am only half way done so the cost inluding s & h is worth it. In the past I have used soft and beautiful coco-almond poo with good results. Whatver you do just find a creamy poo and conditioner , don't deviate and you should be fine.

After you condition your hair in sectons, apply your moisturizer to damp hair in sections (I use shea butter) and then twist and let dry.

ETA: Pre-poo treatments with some oil and cream or cheap conditioner helps me as well
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BlackCardinal said:
It really may have just been the shampoo you tried. I would wait to see how your hair responds to your usual products before panicking too much. Unless your hair is always like this after washing then I wouldn't suspect the water either.
I think so, because my hair has never been like this after washing.

I may try that aveda sap moss shampoo.
When I was natural I would have the same exact problem. Wash day was horrible... I had about 10 inches of natural hair and it would shrink up to a teeny weeny fro and it would take me an entire day to untangle. I think what I was doing wrong was using the wrong shampoo. I should have found a moisturizing shampoo and a good deep conditioner with slip. Most moisturizing shampoos look creamy as opposed to clear. I should have deep conditioned my hair and rinsed with cool water. I also think separating the hair and braiding/twisting could be helpful to ensure that the hair doesn't matt or tangle.

Good Luck
Guapa1 said:
Would you try the no-poo method? Of what about a olive oil and honey deep conditioner?
If you don't like home made stuff, I've been using NTM deep conish, and it's really good, so maybe the shampoo and conditioner will work for you. Good luck!
Yep, I've tried no-poo method and it doesn't work for my hair...

Ill try to find something and a routine that'll work for my hair one day.
Poohbear said:
I have a Paragon shower filter, so it can't be the water that's the problem... :ohwell:


The Paragon Shower filter only helps a little and that's only if you don't have extremely hard water. I know, I tried them all (shower filters that is). The filter doesn't make the water soft, but it does remove some (not all ) of the minerals, chlorine, etc from your water.

Our refrigerator has a water filter to remove minerals, chlorine from our tap, but it doesn't remove it all. When tested against our tap (unfiltered water, which is harder than a brick), it was still hard water, but just not as hard as my regular tap. Hope this makes sense.

Here are a few reviews on shower filters. You may want to obtain more yourself.

Asha97 said:

The Paragon Shower filter only helps a little and that's only if you don't have extremely hard water. I know, I tried them all (shower filters that is). The filter doesn't make the water soft, but it does remove some (not all ) of the minerals, chlorine, etc from your water.

Our refrigerator has a water filter to remove minerals, chlorine from our tap, but it doesn't remove it all. When tested against our tap (unfiltered water, which is harder than a brick), it was still hard water, but just not as hard as my regular tap. Hope this makes sense.

Here are a few reviews on shower filters. You may want to obtain more yourself.


I'll bump an old thread on hard water, when I find it.
Thanks natstar and trimbride. I hope I can find the right creamy poo and con for my hair.

That aveda is kinda pricey. But I've been having my eye on garnier fructis poo and con. ;)
Poohbear have you tried Aubrey Organics shampoos? I have not tried these so I have no review. I just wanted to see if you tried and it didn't work for your hair.
@ Asha97...

I know, I know. ;) I wasn't saying a shower filter solves the hard water problem completely. I've also seen the threads here at LHCF about hardwater. I think I even started one myself a while back. Ive read all there is to know about hard water and how it can have an affect on our hair. I've seen the maps of hardwater concentration too. I think where I live, Kentucky, is either slightly or moderately hard. That's why I avoid washing my hair often. And what happened to me the other day doesn't usually happen...

Btw, your puff is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in your signature. :love: what products do you use?

Asha97 said:

The Paragon Shower filter only helps a little and that's only if you don't have extremely hard water. I know, I tried them all (shower filters that is). The filter doesn't make the water soft, but it does remove some (not all ) of the minerals, chlorine, etc from your water.

Our refrigerator has a water filter to remove minerals, chlorine from our tap, but it doesn't remove it all. When tested against our tap (unfiltered water, which is harder than a brick), it was still hard water, but just not as hard as my regular tap. Hope this makes sense.

Here are a few reviews on shower filters. You may want to obtain more yourself.

Poohbear said:
@ Asha97...

I know, I know. ;) I wasn't saying a shower filter solves the hard water problem completely. I've also seen the threads here at LHCF about hardwater. I think I even started one myself a while back. Ive read all there is to know about hard water and how it can have an affect on our hair. I've seen the maps of hardwater concentration too. I think where I live, Kentucky, is either slightly or moderately hard. That's why I avoid washing my hair often. And what happened to me the other day doesn't usually happen...

Btw, your puff is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in your signature. :love: what products do you use?

Poohbear, I understand.

Do you think it could be due to build up (products, or mineral deposits)since this doesn't usually happen?

BTW, thanks for the compliment on my puff. I used my Rosemary Mint Shampoo to wash, used Revive as a final rinse to condition and followed up with Mane Attraction to nourish and protect and Sun Kissed to top coat for shine.


Your fat twist are gorgeous! I haven't done those in a while, but I might have to revist this style after viewing yours. Fantastic!
cece22 said:
Poohbear have you tried Aubrey Organics shampoos? I have not tried these so I have no review. I just wanted to see if you tried and it didn't work for your hair.
No I haven't. Here's what I have tried:

Shampoos my hair didn't like:
Jason Naturals - a friend gave me this shampoo and it leaves my hair dry
Mizani - my sister's shampoo that I used the other day...I believe this is the reason why I experienced the problem the other day

Shampoos my hair liked:
Creme of Nature
Lusters Pink Moisturizing
Garnier Fructis

So I'm thinking about going back to my Garnier. Gotta go pick it up from the store. :D

But besides that, I still hate washing my hair, but I'll get over it...

I also believe I had this problem because I was being lazy with my hair. I tried airdrying my hair loose then flat twisted it. I should of put it in fat twists or braids like I usually do.
I also need to start washing in sections since my hair is getting longer.

Thanks ladies for your advice. :)
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Please do not rule out the water just yet. Lowe's carry free hard water testers. If you have the time, pick up one and test your water for yourself. The map for hard water isn't quite accurate.

Take care,