See, this is why I don't like washing my hair...

Poohbear said:
My initial post was a vent and a post to ask for advice...
Look at what Candiss said to me and you'll see why I said what I had to say. She said 'maybe that's how your hair really is and you need to accept that'... my hair isn't that way (a dry matted mess withOUT products). Plus, I already accept my hair texture. How was I not accepting my hair texture? And she made another comment and said in parentheses (if its natural) like I don't have natural hair or something. I don't use chemicals or heat. Maybe I read her post wrong but that's what I got from her post when I read it over and over.

Thank you for your comment and suggestion. ;)

I really really don't think she meant it like that. It sounded to me like she was trying to help and just saying that some people's hair will always feel tad more dry than others just because that's the nature to ther hair. Like my hair probably won't be as soft as say so1913 b/c it coarser. She didn't say say your hair was a dry matted mess. I think she was trying to help, not insinuate that you have a problem with natural hair.

I hope you found what works for you. I deep condition once a week and sometimes my hair still feels a little dirier just because it's more coarse, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't hold moisture because my strands are getting to be pretty elastic.:)
Ravengyrl, I took a bit of offense to Candiss's post myself. It seemed condescending and she even questioned if Poohbear was really natural. The 'tone' of her post didn't sit well with me at all.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Ravengyrl, I took a bit of offense to Candiss's post myself. It seemed condescending and she even questioned if Poohbear was really natural. The 'tone' of her post didn't sit well with me at all.
Yes. Her post just didn't sit well with me.
Ravengyrl, I read her post over again and still see it the same way. She didn't say anything about comparing the dryness/coarseness of my hair to others. Just to let you know since you mentioned this, I don't expect my hair to do like or be like anyone elses. ;)
Poohbear said:
Yes. Her post just didn't sit well with me.
Ravengyrl, I read her post over again and still see it the same way. She didn't say anything about comparing the dryness/coarseness of my hair to others. Just to let you know since you mentioned this, I don't expect my hair to do like or be like anyone elses. ;)
I offered my advice and I think you took it wrong because of reasons that have everything to do with you and nothing to do with me. I didn't mean for you to take offense. I apologize if you did. Now what I just said is sincere, please take it as such and let us not drag this thread down the drain. If you can't do that, then it seems to me that you are trying to find a fight were there really is none to be found. And also, I know it must feel nice to have someone else come on this thread and agree with you about finding what I said offensive, but maybe you need to ask yourself why that person is trying to add fuel to a fire that doesn't need to be started. I guess people can reread my post over and over trying to PROVE whatever they are trying to prove. I thought my second post was an attempt to explain myself and STILL offer advice to your orignal question? Was that not good enough? But as I said before, I meant no harm, just straight advice without hand holding cause I didn't think it was necessary. I don't think you have matted, nasty hair. I don't think you are in denial. I was just offering up as many possible solutions, avenues, choices as possible. Just that and only that.I don't think the response was offensive. I am straightforward and to the point and if that sometimes comes across as mean, then I am sorry. So you can take my words for the truth and let it go or you can give all your power to something you read the wrong way. We don't even know each other and it seems that what I said really stuck with you. So I guess from here on out, you can ask yourself where you want the rest of this thread to go. Do you want it to be about helping you with your hair or do you want to duke it out with me? I am sincerely sorry that you were hurt by my comments. Hopefully, you can take that for the truth that it is and let this drop. Good Luck!
Hey Poohbear I'm glad you find a solution to your problem :)
Do you have a picture of the Garnier shampoo that you use please? I'm looking for the right shampoo because I already have a couple of conditioners that I like. I really need a non-drying poo. All the advices I read here sound really good to combat dryness but oh so complicated to me :lol: I don't have that much patience/time.
My routine does not include too many products: shampoo, conditionners, glycerine spritz and moisturizer. No leave in, protein conditioners etc...
That reminds me, what exactly is the purpose of a leave-in vs. a moisturizer?

For those who were asking a picture of the MOP C-system shampoo, here is one

The ingredient list looks nice. I might get that
naturallady said:
Pooh, dont even worry about it. Just keep on asking questions. Thats what the board is for right? :D

BTW...I'm glad your hair turned out soft n silky! ;)

I agree and Same here!
Poohbear said:
It went GREAT! It really did leave my hair more moisturized and with a silkier feeling. ;)

Awesome:) I'm glad it worked. I'm gonna be paying attention to what works for you 'cause I do believe that our hair is very similiar.
Candiss said:
I offered my advice and I think you took it wrong because of reasons that have everything to do with you and nothing to do with me. I didn't mean for you to take offense. I apologize if you did. Now what I just said is sincere, please take it as such and let us not drag this thread down the drain. If you can't do that, then it seems to me that you are trying to find a fight were there really is none to be found. And also, I know it must feel nice to have someone else come on this thread and agree with you about finding what I said offensive, but maybe you need to ask yourself why that person is trying to add fuel to a fire that doesn't need to be started. I guess people can reread my post over and over trying to PROVE whatever they are trying to prove. I thought my second post was an attempt to explain myself and STILL offer advice to your orignal question? Was that not good enough? But as I said before, I meant no harm, just straight advice without hand holding cause I didn't think it was necessary. I don't think you have matted, nasty hair. I don't think you are in denial. I was just offering up as many possible solutions, avenues, choices as possible. Just that and only that.I don't think the response was offensive. I am straightforward and to the point and if that sometimes comes across as mean, then I am sorry. So you can take my words for the truth and let it go or you can give all your power to something you read the wrong way. We don't even know each other and it seems that what I said really stuck with you. So I guess from here on out, you can ask yourself where you want the rest of this thread to go. Do you want it to be about helping you with your hair or do you want to duke it out with me? I am sincerely sorry that you were hurt by my comments. Hopefully, you can take that for the truth that it is and let this drop. Good Luck!
Okay...thanks for clarifying... firecracker asked me a question about my response to your post so I decided to answer...wasn't trying to drag it out, just pointing out what didn't sit well with me in your post so she could understand better. But I'm done. Thanks for the suggestions you did give in your post. :cool: