Sealing with oils make my hair dry and greasy...anyone else?


Well-Known Member
So I have been on this journey for 4 years, but slipped up since spending a year overseas. I also stopped using this forum afte the first 6 months of joining back in 2009. I just took what I had learned and ran with it.

I forgot that not only do I not like the greasy feeling, but my hair doesn't seem to like oils period. They just make my hair dry. And coated with grease. Jessicurls weekly deep treatment, and Darcy's botanicals daily leave in are my only holy grails, and neither contain much oil at all. I think they both contain glycerin... Could that be what my hair likes?

The only product that I can say that has a lot of oils that kept my hair moisturized is Qhemet biologics Burdockroot Butter Cream. It kept my hair moisturized for days, but I just didnt like the greasiness.

If you are the same as me, how do you keep your hair moisturized? Today I just rinsed my hair with water in attempts to get the almond oil I sealed with yesterday off, and then I just added tons of the Darcy's leave in while my hair was still pretty damp and twisted it. It's still moist, kinda wet. So that worked. I would like my hair to not feel kinda wet though. I want it to be moisturized in a dry way. Any advice...?

Thank you girls :)
I dunno... last time my hair felt like that it was because it was the type of oil I was using. Coconut oil makes my hair feel dry and greasy, as does neem oil and there's one more I can't think of... Could you be using the wrong oils for the job?

Also, my hair (neither natural or relaxed) likes oil left on it. I have to put it in and conditioner wash it out to get the pros without the cons.
virtue now, I don't know what that is?

Codered, I've dabbled in some Pjism ...I've tried many different kinds of oil. Maybe I should try sealing with butters...I think someone mentioned that on a thread I wrote back when I opened this account. But pretty much yeah , I really think my hair forreal doesn't like it...
virtue now, I don't know what that is?

Codered, I've dabbled in some Pjism ...I've tried many different kinds of oil. Maybe I should try sealing with butters...I think someone mentioned that on a thread I wrote back when I opened this account. But pretty much yeah , I really think my hair forreal doesn't like it...

My hair doesn't like oils or butters of any kind. I have tried the 20 different flavors and in all the various combinations. But you may want to try a few things before you rule them out. VirtueNow mentioned LOC or LCO which is a way of applying your products to get the best results. L(iquid), O(il) and C(ream) or Butter.

So if you were doing LOC you would use water/or a water based leave-in for your L step. Then follow that with an oil and then seal with a Cream based product or a butter. If you do LCO then you just switch step 2 and 3.

It may be that your hair doesn't like oil or it could be your technique but you may have to try a few things out first.

I wish I could help I experienced the same thing in times past, but I love hairveda oils and they don't make my ends try.

Also use the @ before the persons name so they are notified otherwise they may not come back to the thread and see you have additional questions. I have tagged them both for you! Good luck on finding the right combination!

virtuenow and CodeRed
Try oil rinsing instead.....and try something like grapeseed oil, olive oil....or vatika oil if your hair tolerates coconut oil....
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What is oil rinsing? Is that like pre-pooing? If so I already do that and it's works fine for me that way
I'm going to try to do the LOC. I was doing LCO. If that doesn't work then I'm going to try something else. Hopefully more ladies will chime in with suggestions. HappyAtLast do you find you have difficulty washing out the silcones? Like do you get buildup? Some say yes, some say no.
If my hair didn't like oils, I would stop using them. Don't try to force something on your hair that it doesn't agree with. People experience set backs that way. You can have healthy hair without using oils.
My hair doesn't like oils either. It makes my scalp and ends dry. I've tried coconut oil and olive oil. I also don't like water based moisturizers because it makes my hair revert (I'm texlaxed). However, as my hair gets longer I will try a moisturizing mist I saw on youtube.
My hair doesn't like oils either. It makes my scalp and ends dry. I've tried coconut oil and olive oil. I also don't like water based moisturizers because it makes my hair revert (I'm texlaxed). However, as my hair gets longer I will try a moisturizing mist I saw on youtube.

lina, what does your hair like if not oils or water based products?
Have you tried a non-waterbased cream?

I don't dislike oils/butters but I find them kinda pointless. I always seal with my Komaza Califia Moisturizing Cream, which doesn't contain any water. It does have one oil (coconut) though, in case you really dislike that one. Any cream that doesn't contain water will seal.
Amarilles why do you think oils and butters are pointless? Just curious. And that is a really good suggestion! I thought only oils or butters sealed. And I like the Komaza care protein strengthener, which was also suggested by a curlfriend on here, so ill order some of that when I make my next purchase!
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I'm not generally speaking by the way, they're pointless to me because they don't do anything for my hair yet they don't do anything against it either...they're just kinda there. I feel such a difference in my texture with waterless creams, as opposed to butters and oils.

Komaza has other creamy sealants if you look in their sealants section. On Facebook they said they're having a Black Friday sale but no details are available yet...I'm holding out before buying anything until then :grin:
I'm not generally speaking by the way, they're pointless to me because they don't do anything for my hair yet they don't do anything against it either...they're just kinda there. I feel such a difference in my texture with waterless creams, as opposed to butters and oils.

Komaza has other creamy sealants if you look in their sealants section. On Facebook they said they're having a Black Friday sale but no details are available yet...I'm holding out before buying anything until then :grin:

I agree with this. I haven't found much purpose for oils at all unless I do n oil rinse. They just sort of sit there. They don't seal anything. My hair feels either greasy, hard or wiry and still isn't sealed.

I usually use two leave-ins back to back and then a styling product. I'm still looking for the right waterless cream. I like Qhemet BRBC but I have to be careful with the doubling up of glycerin in my leave in and my moisturizer. My hair loves it but then I have no hold.

My leave-ins and moisturizers have enough oils in them for my hair.

Not having to buy oils saves me time by eliminating a step and money. I just use the oils for my body now.
I don't seal with oils because they made my hair feel greasy. Even if I used a small amount, it would feel coated and greasy. I tried shea butter once to seal, and my hair felt great. I've been using butters to seal ever since. I use butters from Hairitage Hydration. Compared to oils, my hair feels light after sealing.
My hair doesn't like coconut, olive, grape seed, hemp, or rice bran oil. It's just a fact of life that using these will make my hair crispy, no mater how I use them. The only oil my hair does ok with is castor oil.

I have to just remember to stay away even though it's hard because I see so many thriving with those oils.
My hair isn't crazy about oils. Olive oil makes my hair dry and greasy but castor and unrefined avocado oil seem to do better but my hair needs a butter. If I don't use butter to seal my hair isn't as moisturized as it could be. Right now I'm using hempseed butter and it works wonderfully.
do the LOC method but reverse the letters to's what I use:

Liquid: Komaza Care Aloe My Hair or Califa Sprays
Cream: Claudie's Revitalizer Quinoa-Coffee Balancing, Balancing Ends Insurance, Isha Cream
Oil: My own mix of evoo, evco, castor, hemp, sapote, kukui, and/or meadowfoam oils

I do this method almost daily and my hair is never greasy to the touch.
I have used certain oils and my hair had a weird texture to it afterwards. I tried avocado and saffeflower (sry spelling) oils and this happened. I know use grapeseed oil or african pride herbal oil.
For the most part my hair doesn't like oils neat on my hair . My head just ends up one big greasy mess. Even with LOC/LCO.

I have been experimenting with regular castor oil and it seems OK or lanolin mixed with a little macadamia nut and almond oil to thin it out. Maybe because the weather is colder?

I find the if I baggy overnight, the greasy feeling goes away. For some reason works better than washing. But that a was a very limited experiment...
I have received a lot of good advice. I think I'm going to try to reverse the LCO to LOC, but only for about a week. If that doesn't work I'm done with oils. I also think I will also try a butter to seal. I have actually seen a lot of ladies say their hair prefers butters not oils.

Qhemet biologics really did keep my hair moisturized for days. It was just too greasy. I'm wondering if its the glycerin that my hair likes.....hmmmmm.
Just an update. I tried the LOC method the other day a few days ago only I didn't add the cream because I felt the oil was enough. I used Dudu-Osum hair grow cream, which is like a grease but its got only healthy oils etc in it. My hair did feel like the moisture was sealed in for maybe 24 hours, but it was so greasy. Even this morning it still felt greasy. I just don't think oils are absorbing into my hair, so I took the advice of one of the posters here and ordered the cream from Komaza care to use as a sealant. Ill let everyone know how that goes.
The only oil my hair likes is castor oil. Glycerin and water/avg spritz gives me the best moisture though I only use it after my hair is styled so that it doesn't interfere with the hold of my gel. I like kinky curly knot today as a leave in, but I usually use Aubrey Organics white camelia as a leave in. Oils and butters don't seal my hair, but gel does.