Sealing with oils make my hair dry and greasy...anyone else?

Dudu Osun hair cream ingredients

Ingredients: Coconut oil, almond oil, sesame seed oil, ginseng, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), palm oil, shea nut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, castor oil, safflower oil and rosemary extract and amica extract and capsicum extract and coneflower extract, and hydrocolyl extract and kola nut extract, red pepper, acetamide MEA, panthenol, hydrolyzed hair keratin, hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycans, sodium cocoyl, collagen amino acids, cocoyl sarcosine, wheat germ acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, sorbitol, wheat germ oil, sulfur, stinging nettle, sage, watercress, fragrance. 5.25 oz. (149 grams). Product of West Africa

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DarkJoy faithVA ^^^^^

I wanted your opinions on these ingredients.

OP how often do you use dudu Osun cream?

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WoW HanaKuroi! That product looks delicious! :lick:

With the proteins wheat germ, collagen and keratin that would definately help the hair absorb more moisture and promote growth.

Does the label say it also promotes growth and thickness? With the castor oil, capsicum, red pepper and sulfur, I'd be surprised if it didnt.

Too bad I'm allergic to castor oil or I'd snap one up. Might really help the OP, though.

Dudu Osun hair cream ingredients

Ingredients: Coconut oil, almond oil, sesame seed oil, ginseng, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), palm oil, shea nut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, castor oil, safflower oil and rosemary extract and amica extract and capsicum extract and coneflower extract, and hydrocolyl extract and kola nut extract, red pepper, acetamide MEA, panthenol, hydrolyzed hair keratin, hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycans, sodium cocoyl, collagen amino acids, cocoyl sarcosine, wheat germ acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, sorbitol, wheat germ oil, sulfur, stinging nettle, sage, watercress, fragrance. 5.25 oz. (149 grams). Product of West Africa

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OP, you need to do whatever you feel works best for you. But, I am not sure you can declare oil does not work for your hair if the "oil" you are using is the Dudu Osun hair cream with the ingredients @HanaKuroi listed. It might also be how much oil you are using. If you are heavy handed, you will end up with greasy hair.

I used to avoid all oils and butters, but have since figured out how to make them work for me. For me, the LOC method works fabulously with the L being water from my wet hair, O my oil mix of mainly light and super emollient oils, and C a creamy moisturizer. I will add another C/B this winter once I received the Komaza Heavy Creams - thick non-water based creams-, but substitute with my oil mix+castor oil until then. I also use a light hand when applying these oils to my hair. I sometimes apply a quarter-sized amount of AVG to a section (I do 6 sections to apply products) to remove some greasiness and/or give me shine.
I am HEAVY handed and use way too much product of every type. When I use less it is too little. I cannot figure out how much to use.

Ogoma I will try the AVG approach next time.
Do you put it on the next day after you discover your hair is too oily/greasy?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
[USER=324511 said:
HanaKuroi[/USER];19340433]DarkJoy faithVA ^^^^^

I wanted your opinions on these ingredients.

OP how often do you use dudu Osun cream?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

The ingredients look good as long as your hair likes coconut oil. I haven't followed the thread so don't know if you spoke out this cream already. Have you already purchased it? It looks very tempting. Is it meant for your scalp as well? I saw the cayenne pepper in it.
I'm loving Vitamin E oil to seal my ends after using my leave in conditioner or water then sealing with Vitamin E oil. It makes my hair SUPER SUPER moisturised and soft.
I am HEAVY handed and use way too much product of every type. When I use less it is too little. I cannot figure out how much to use.

@Ogoma I will try the AVG approach next time.
Do you put it on the next day after you discover your hair is too oily/greasy?

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I usually know when I have overdone it right after overdoing. Sometimes, I overdo it on purpose. I usually put it on wet hair.
[USER=324511 said:
HanaKuroi[/USER];19340769]I am HEAVY handed and use way too much product of every type. When I use less it is too little. I cannot figure out how much to use.

Ogoma I will try the AVG approach next time.
Do you put it on the next day after you discover your hair is too oily/greasy?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

This is me. Way too heavy handed even when I think I'm not. Part of my problem is trying to apply oils to wet hair. I can't get a feel for it. So far I've never really gotten my hair to feel sealed with oil no matter what I do.

I may try the AVG as well. But I am thinking what I should do is put the oil in my hand and then mist my hands with water and then apply it.

I'm doing better with my regimen but I am still struggling with moisturizing and sealing. My hair feels greasy, or wiry, or dry so far. I have 3 oils I am going to try: sunflower, hazelnut and castor oil.
Most Oils leave me pretty crunchy too... With the exception of Kemi Oyl (have only used before blowdrying damp hair). My hair is best sealed LCB (liquid, cream, butter). I could never use an oil or butter on dry hair the way some do.

I leave the oils for scalp treatments. Sometimes I can have luck with serums, but they can be a little tricky for me. I think I liked using Cantu's serum in place of an oil in the LOC... No crunch there.

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It's amazing you mentioned Kemi oyl. I was thinking about trying it again (haven't used it since high school). But what are the ingredients?
Have you tried sealing with aloe Vera gel? I don't seal with oils either anymore, didn't do much for my hair.

Whipped butter creams work great. I like using products with water and oils combined, then sealing with aloe Vera gel.
Ogoma I have been doing this for five years and have tried many different oils. So i will delare they dont work for my hair because they dont. This is the first time I've used the dudu osum to seal. It worked but it was too greasy. When the moisture left my hair, the dudu was still there sitting on top of my hair. I may use it as a hot oil treatment.

HanaKuroi, I have not been using this product much at all. I've been out of the country for a year and I wore my hair in cornrows the whole time wearing wigs. The woman the suggested this to me did have very long pretty hair and she uses it on her scalp nightly. It's full of good stuff so I thought it wouldn't hurt. It smells very nice.

NaturallyATLPCH will the aloe gel have some type of hold? I'm not interested in styling. Just sealing and want no hold lol
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Ogoma I have been doing this for five years and have tried many different oils. So i will delare they dont work for my hair because they dont. This is the first time I've used the dudu osum to seal. It worked but it was too greasy. When the moisture left my hair, the dudu was still there sitting on top of my hair. I may use it as a hot oil treatment.

HanaKuroi, I have not been using this product much at all. I've been out of the country for a year and I wore my hair in cornrows the whole time wearing wigs. The woman the suggested this to me did have very long pretty hair and she uses it on her scalp nightly. It's full of good stuff so I thought it wouldn't hurt. It smells very nice.

NaturallyATLPCH will the aloe gel have some type of hold? I'm not interested in styling. Just sealing and want no hold lol

This works a little for me. Put the cream in your hand and add water and then apply it to your hair. I have found that cuts down on the greasiness and it tends to spread more evenly.

I am trying hazelnut oil now and it seems to be very light. I did a curlformer set and my hair feels nice.

Still can't say my hair loves oil but I am trying to see how to make it work.
@Ogoma I have been doing this for five years and have tried many different oils. So i will delare they dont work for my hair because they dont. This is the first time I've used the dudu osum to seal. It worked but it was too greasy. When the moisture left my hair, the dudu was still there sitting on top of my hair. I may use it as a hot oil treatment.

@HanaKuroi, I have not been using this product much at all. I've been out of the country for a year and I wore my hair in cornrows the whole time wearing wigs. The woman the suggested this to me did have very long pretty hair and she uses it on her scalp nightly. It's full of good stuff so I thought it wouldn't hurt. It smells very nice.

@NaturallyATLPCH will the aloe gel have some type of hold? I'm not interested in styling. Just sealing and want no hold lol

Okay. You didn't put that you had been trying it unsuccessfully for five years in your OP. The cream has protein in it so my point was it would be hard to use that cream as a guide since it could be the protein you are having issues with. Good luck on your hair journey.
Ogoma said:
Okay. You didn't put that you had been trying it unsuccessfully for five years in your OP. The cream has protein in it so my point was it would be hard to use that cream as a guide since it could be the protein you are having issues with. Good luck on your hair journey.

Does it have 3 proteins?

I agree. You have to balance protein and moisture. Your cleansing schedule has a lot todo with how your hair is affected by products as well as your water.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
OP, I've tried
- moisturizer and an oil
- LOC method
- LCO method

but in the end I've found that over time just plain water or rose water and sealing lightly (truly lightly) with the right butter keeps my hair soft and moisturized.

Moisturizers and products with Glycerin made my hair stick together or oily no matter how little I used.
Oil seemed to not lock in the moisture, i.e. hair felt dry by the end of the day.

Hope you find the method that works best for you!
So I received the Komaza califia moisturizing cream. Last night first applied the califia leave in conditioner spray and sealed with just a small amount of the cream. I made sure I wasn't heavy handed but I still made sure it got onto all of the hair, even running my rake though each section a few times. A few hours later, my hair felt moist, but kinda waxy and a little greasy. Today my hair is dry :( Not AS dry as normal, but still dry. It also still feels waxy greasy. Not super greasy but I do need to wash my hands after it touch my hair. Sigh. Ill keep trying it, but I don't think it's going to help. Still ill try it as I paid for it. I think ill try the aloe Vera gel next ...
So I received the Komaza califia moisturizing cream. Last night first applied the califia leave in conditioner spray and sealed with just a small amount of the cream. I made sure I wasn't heavy handed but I still made sure it got onto all of the hair, even running my rake though each section a few times. A few hours later, my hair felt moist, but kinda waxy and a little greasy. Today my hair is dry :( Not AS dry as normal, but still dry. It also still feels waxy greasy. Not super greasy but I do need to wash my hands after it touch my hair. Sigh. Ill keep trying it, but I don't think it's going to help. Still ill try it as I paid for it. I think ill try the aloe Vera gel next ...

I can't seal with products that heavy. Not sure why you chose the Califia cream, its just like shea butter to me. I prefer sealing w/a hair lotion (Komaza Shea Lotion) or creamy leave in. Then seal it all in w/a light oil like the Jojoba-Hemp. But you chose a waxy item to seal that's why it feels waxy.
virtuenow I used it because I wanted to try sealing with butters and not oils. It was a suggestion and a good one, it just didnt work for me. I didn't realize the califia had wax in it. I thought I looked thorough the ingredients list before I ordered it but maybe not.
virtuenow do most hair lotions have water in them? So would they still seal? I'm just curious as I do my little brothers hair all the time. He is black/mexican and while his hair is different than mine, his hair doesn't like oils either. Haven't tried butters on his hair yet, but the oils just sit on top. Ill try this Komaza butter on his hair and see, but if that doesn't work I'm going to consider the lotions on his hair and for mine also if the this aloe Vera doesn't work.

Anyways, I think I just have impossible hair. It only feels nice when its damp :( It's not heat damaged or anything because I haven't used heat since I was a child and I am now 30. It's not perm damaged because I haven't had a perm for 10 years, and before that it had probably been another ten years. It's just naturally dry no matter what I do and breaks on the ends.

I just can't believe these oils and butters actually absorb into anyone's hair without leaving even a slightly greasy feeling. I know everyone is different though. I feel like you should be able to touch hair without any product left on the hand. No grease, no wax, no product nothing. Just soft hair. Even my friends who's hair likes oils etc, when I touch it I still feel like I need to wash my hands. And she isn't heavy handed with her products. She says its just me, that I just don't like feeling of oils and butters, ( i dont even like skin lotion on my hands lol) but if I'm going to use them "that's just the way it is". But I don't believe I'm the only one in the world or on the forum who doesn't like that feeling so I really think some people just have hair that truly does absorb them.
Op have you clarified you hair yet? And I mean with an actual clarifying shampoo?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
@virtuenow do most hair lotions have water in them? So would they still seal? I'm just curious as I do my little brothers hair all the time. He is black/mexican and while his hair is different than mine, his hair doesn't like oils either. Haven't tried butters on his hair yet, but the oils just sit on top. Ill try this Komaza butter on his hair and see, but if that doesn't work I'm going to consider the lotions on his hair and for mine also if the this aloe Vera doesn't work.

Anyways, I think I just have impossible hair. It only feels nice when its damp :( It's not heat damaged or anything because I haven't used heat since I was a child and I am now 30. It's not perm damaged because I haven't had a perm for 10 years, and before that it had probably been another ten years. It's just naturally dry no matter what I do and breaks on the ends.

I just can't believe these oils and butters actually absorb into anyone's hair without leaving even a slightly greasy feeling. I know everyone is different though. I feel like you should be able to touch hair without any product left on the hand. No grease, no wax, no product nothing. Just soft hair. Even my friends who's hair likes oils etc, when I touch it I still feel like I need to wash my hands. And she isn't heavy handed with her products. She says its just me, that I just don't like feeling of oils and butters, ( i dont even like skin lotion on my hands lol) but if I'm going to use them "that's just the way it is". But I don't believe I'm the only one in the world or on the forum who doesn't like that feeling so I really think some people just have hair that truly does absorb them.

I use a 2-layer process to seal in moisture (the LCO method). First I apply my liquid moisture (spritz). Then as the first sealing step, I apply the hair lotion. I use a very thin, almost invisible layer (just a "dot") of hair lotion on a daily basis (but heavier in the winter). If you have a silky or smooth textured hair (and/or non-coarse) then this is probably all the sealing that you need. I, however, need the second step of oil sealing (also a thin sheath) to seal all of this moisture in...This ensures that the moisture doesn't evaporate and that it absorbs into my hair. Therefore I use a penetrating oil. Some looser, finer, and silky textures do not need the extra steps. In fact, some people only need the spritz and their hair doesn't need to be sealed. I imagine that is type 1 & 2 hair. Maybe you fall into those categories where your hair doesn't need the extra sealant; or your hair is naturally oily (like type 1& 2 hair) and doesn't need the sealant for that reason.
No I have not. I did add baking soda to a conditioner like a week or so. I thought that was a natural clarifier. It just left my hair tangled and dry. Is there a natural clarifying shampoo you recommend? Why do you suggest this? Thanks :)
Also, I apply the hair lotion and oil while my hair is still damp from the hair spritz. You must apply the hair sealants to slightly wet/dampened hair before the spritz evaporates. In other words, hair feels much greasier (and crunchy) when you apply oils to dry hair. You only need a tiny bit of product. You should play around w/amounts. As an example, people have complained that oil rinses didn't work and left their hair greasy and/or hard. I have to emphasize that all you need is about tiny pea size amount of oil for a full head. Castor Oil works as a humectant. Once it gets absorbed into the strand, then it has done its job. I.e., it will attract moisture and trap moisture into the strand (not on top of the strand). You don't need an over abundant amount. You really have to experiment with different oils and different amounts to find the perfect combo. Not all oils are equal. Same w/hair lotion/leave-ins. I don't like hair butters tend to be too heavy for my hair; If your brother has a loose/fine/or silky texture it will most likely be way too heavy for his hair as well.
I have the same problem .Coconut oil makes my hair dry and greasy ,KKB oil dries it out .my hair tend to like balms and butters better.
I tend to only use coconut oil when I flat iron my hair. It keeps it shiny and smelling it's not a humectant.