Sealing with oils make my hair dry and greasy...anyone else?

Also, I apply the hair lotion and oil while my hair is still damp from the hair spritz. You must apply the hair sealants to slightly wet/dampened hair before the spritz evaporates. In other words, hair feels much greasier (and crunchy) when you apply oils to dry hair. You only need a tiny bit of product. You should play around w/amounts. As an example, people have complained that oil rinses didn't work and left their hair greasy and/or hard. I have to emphasize that all you need is about tiny pea size amount of oil for a full head. Castor Oil works as a humectant. Once it gets absorbed into the strand, then it has done its job. I.e., it will attract moisture and trap moisture into the strand (not on top of the strand). You don't need an over abundant amount. You really have to experiment with different oils and different amounts to find the perfect combo. Not all oils are equal. Same w/hair lotion/leave-ins. I don't like hair butters tend to be too heavy for my hair; If your brother has a loose/fine/or silky texture it will most likely be way too heavy for his hair as well.

virtuenow, a tiny pea sized drop for all that hair of yours? And the oil rinses still work? I was going to try oil rinses next. I was gonna actually do it tomorrow after my new deep conditioners arrive. Ill try this.