Scissor Happy Stylists Aren't the Only People You Need to Worry About...


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Now you gotta worry about your psycho boyfriend too.:nono: Who thinks up this stuff?
Man shaves girlfriend’s head while she sleeps, now facing charges

A distraught Britney Spears shaved her head in 2007, but imagine if she'd just woken up that way. Scary! Photo by Bauer Griffin

One of our big irrational fears is our hair falling out or getting cut off and having to awkwardly growing it out over months and months. We know some women look great bald, so we can't explain why—maybe hair is our security blanket. But we really feel for one Florida girl who is going through the ultimate hair trauma.

According to Naples News, this lady got in a fight with her boyfriend, 26-year-old David Bustos on Thursday, and he left her pretty angry. Later on he snuck into her house while she was sleeping and started shaving her head with an electric hair clipper. Um, WHAT?!

The worst part is, this poor girl woke up to him jabbing the buzzer into her head and causing a cut. Ow! The victim kicked her boyfriend (well, hopefully ex-boyfriend by now) off of her, and he ran off. Authorities arrested Bustos at home and he know faces domestic battery charges. Sections of the woman's hair were found in the bed.

We know there are worse crimes in this world, but what kind of sicko creeps in like a coward while their girlfriend sleeps and SHAVES HER HEAD? How would you ever even come up with that idea? Honestly, we're horrified and we hope this guy gets what's coming to him. Also, he's rocking an obnoxiously smug grin in his mugshot (pictured below). Yeah, tough guy, you're so proud of yourself, aren't you?
This man shaved his girlfriend's head while she slept. Photo courtesy of

Ladies of Naples, Florida: avoid this man, especially if you fear the Britney Spears circa 2007 look.

Related links:
Is head shaving really a new trend?!
Yikes! What's with the new half shaved head look?
Male breakup haircuts and beards

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This makes me mad! Shaving my hair while I'm asleep?! That's grounds for lightweight murder (is there such a thing? lol) I'm sure I'd get off :lol:

ETA: This reminds me of my aunt & uncle. When they were teens, my uncle once mixed perm into my aunt's Pink Lotion. Every time I hear that story, I hate him!!! I hate him like he did it to me!!!! grrrr! lol!

So you also have to look out for crazy little brothers. Good thing I don't have any lol.

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin: ...except make calls :ohwell: y'all start a fund for me and petition the courts?

Because I'm pretty sure if this happened to me I wouldn't stop till he was choking on that razor and missing a valuable part of his anatomy.

Cut off my prized possession, I'll cut off yours. y'all start a fund for me and petition the courts?

Because I'm pretty sure if this happened to me I wouldn't stop till he was choking on that razor and missing a valuable part of his anatomy.

Cut off my prized possession, I'll cut off yours.
You kill my dog. I'll slay your cat. I'd have to have cousin Ray Ray and Booshawn pay him a visit. They'd do it for a few 40's and some smokes. I can afford that.:look: