Scared to get hitched?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only person nervous about getting married? Granted i'm 'only' 22 but the idea of marriage kinda scares me.

I'm starting to feel like I want to postpone marriage until as late as possible. Anyone under 25 feel like this? Or any older ladies felt like this when you were U25?

If not why did you want to get married?

I think i'll be married when I'm ready to have kids, but even that idea... :yawn:
ITA!!!!! I just turned 23 and im sooooooo not ready to get married yet! I want to wait until im in my 30's even tho I have a SO and a DS...!!:grin:
not so much afraid just not ready yet... no i have faith that it will work out its just that I like to move at my own pace and I dont feel that Im ready yet thats all...:look:
I've been dating my SO for a year and some change and I would marry him on the spot. We are still long distance until we finish grad school (roughly Fall of 2010) when he will move to my city. We plan on getting married a year or two after he moves to my city and we are a little settled in our careers.
i've always been scared and I'm known as the runaway girlfriend because whenever a man starts to talk marriage and wants to hang around family and friends to much I break off the relationship. today i'm 43 y/o and am currently dating a guy who i met when i was 14 and he's talking marriage and knows about my runaway history and he keeps saying he's gonna chase me if i try and run
When I was in my early twenties, I was too scared that I was too young, now I'm scared that I'm not established enough and when I get in my thirities, I'll be scared that I'm too set in my ways. :nono:
I'll be 24 next month and I am not afraid of marriage. I want to be married, it has always been my dream. I have faith in God that he will grant me wish. If anyone should be afraid of marriage it should be me. I was trained to expect infidelity and allow it since 'all men cheat'! I am going to break the cycle though.
When I was in my early twenties, I was too scared that I was too young, now I'm scared that I'm not established enough and when I get in my thirities, I'll be scared that I'm too set in my ways. :nono:

The bolded is me. I will be 24 in August. Funny thing is from 18-23 I have been in my only real relationship with someone that I was sure that I was going to marry. But growing pains broke us apart. So now I am newly single and of course not thinking about marriage. Its more bc I want to be established and officially on my own first. Let me add that I do want a husband and children one day.
Am I the only person nervous about getting married? Granted i'm 'only' 22 but the idea of marriage kinda scares me.

I'm starting to feel like I want to postpone marriage until as late as possible. Anyone under 25 feel like this? Or any older ladies felt like this when you were U25?

If not why did you want to get married?

I think i'll be married when I'm ready to have kids, but even that idea... :yawn:

I think this is normal because of your age. You may not be as scared once you reach a certain age. In my opinion, and this is simply my opinion, I think waiting until you reach 30 is a smart move. At your age you should be going wild (not too wild) finding yourself, making mistakes and learning from them. I got married when I was in my early 20's. I love DH and my children but if I had to do it all over again I think I would wait until I turned 30. Everyone is different and people mature at their own rate. I got married at my age because I was young :lachen: I knew it all and you could tell me nothing. Now that I look back on it I think that I was a little immature but I grew with DH and our relationship is great. Again, I think your fear is normal because of your age.
IMO, I don't recommend getting married in your 20's. When I finished college and started my career, I wanted to have some fun with my girlfriends!!
I'm 31 now, and getting married next year because we are both at a place in our lives that we want to settle down and start a family.