Scalp Question


New Member
I used nioxin for about a month and stopped because it was drying out my hair, i got my hair back to normal, but now my scalp is dry. What kind(s) of products do you use to keep your scalp moisterized? I am clueless because I have never had to put products in my hair and have no clue where to start.
Perhaps you can try massaging a little 100% pure jojoba oil on your scalp nightly until it returns to normal.
Thanks Jen, that's a great idea. I was toying with the idea of the baby oil. My hair is naturally oily, it's very similar to Amerie's hair, but I just found it strange that my scalp is now dry. I'm such a product novice. lol...I've read about some people using olive oil...will that clog the pores though?
You're welcome, Babygirl! I think the baby oil since it contains mineral oil, probably wouldn't be too good to use on the scalp. I've heard that it clogs the pores, but I'm not 100% positive. I don't think Olive Oil is bad for the scalp at all. I used olive oil on my face before with good results. Pure jojoba oil is supposed to be very close to the skins own natural sebum though, so it definitely won't clog your pores.


BTW, Amerie has a beautiful voice and hair, doesn't she???
Thank you so much Jen! Yes she does! We have the same hair type so I tend to read what her hair process is.
I use WGO and sometimes I use Hairobics Detangler Oil which is lighter than WGO and smells better but both moisturize really well.