Saying I love U too Soon and Other Fatal Signs

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I was listening to Russ Parr Show and he was discussing the Steve McNair murder suicide. Apparently his girlfriend murdered him and killed her self. He had callers call in to discuss signs that your romantic partner is not all there or maybe mentally unstable. A couple of callers stated that saying I love you too soon is one of the signs. They also said when a person says they can't live without you. They would die without u.
I agree- saying ILY too soon, proposing or anything that feels like too soon to the other person could be a sign of crazy or some other dangerous motives. The person trys to get you to commit or all involved before you find out the truth.
I think McNair could of easily kept from getting shot by not messing around with this woman in the first place, but I digress.

I think saying I love you and pushing commitment early could be a sign of desperation and it could be a sign of of an unstable individual. We live in a complicated, dangerous, world where is is easy for people to hide things. You got the internet, cell phones, along with a sense of I got to have it all. You have to look out for the warning signs and not jump into something that could be potentially dangerous. I have heard too many stories of people doing so only to find out the person they got with is not what they seem to be.
A person that always wants to know where you are and why you didn't respond in the timeframe they feel is best, is a major sign!

Someone discussing "our future" when you can barely pronounce their last name properly is a sure sign TO RUN NOW!
I think McNair could of easily kept from getting shot by not messing around with this woman in the first place, but I digress.

I think saying I love you and pushing commitment early could be a sign of desperation and it could be a sign of of an unstable individual. We live in a complicated, dangerous, world where is is easy for people to hide things. You got the internet, cell phones, along with a sense of I got to have it all. You have to look out for the warning signs and not jump into something that could be potentially dangerous. I have heard too many stories of people doing so only to find out the person they got with is not what they seem to be.

:yep: :yep: :yep:

You can't play with someone's emotions and not expect them to get a little :spinning:....
Oh well, I need to check and make sure dh is not crazy :look::lachen:He said he loved me in like 2-3 weeks :huh: I thought he was crazy
Switching between extreme emotions: Anger then Sobbing, or laughing uncontrollaby

^^^ if that doesn't scream 'nut job'
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Oh well, I need to check and make sure dh is not crazy :look::lachen:He said he loved me in like 2-3 weeks :huh: I thought he was crazy

Ha-Ha- no not at all. :grin: Well you probably didn't think he needed a straight jacket.

But you know what I'm talking about- the ILYs that come out of nowhere-that just don't feel right. I have been on a first date that the guy tried to turn into a surprise ring shopping event. He was certifiably nuts.
Your DH is a Sag right? It must be a Sag thing... My SO did the same thing, I was like :look: LOL

^^ yep, Sag. When Sag's "know" they just know, they don't beat around the bush about things. NOW that I know dh, I can totally recognize that. Now getting them to "know"...good luck on that
^^ yep, Sag. When Sag's "know" they just know, they don't beat around the bush about things. NOW that I know dh, I can totally recognize that. Now getting them to "know"...good luck on that

Yup dh is one too and we were engaged after 2 months and married 6 months after that. Just hit 11 years today!!! Q
^^ yep, Sag. When Sag's "know" they just know, they don't beat around the bush about things. NOW that I know dh, I can totally recognize that. Now getting them to "know"...good luck on that

Forgive my ignorance, but what is a Sag? :ohwell:
The crazy guy from earlier this year said "I love you" after about a month and couldn't even pronounce my last name :perplexed:. He had to go!!!

He also flipped when an ex co-worker and I were talking about our cultures at a party...the dude's girlfriend was sitting right next to me.
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