Say hello, to my new friend...

Inquring minds wanna know if any naturals are using something similar to *April* in their routine with success? :scratchch

Tryin to see if I can figure that contraption into my routine....hmmmm :sekret:

I'm natural. I will let you know how it goes. Q
I want one so badly....I almost wish that I didn't get Pibby and would've waited to get me my own Jada...:ohwell:

I feel like I really don't have the room for it...

but I've just made a space bag purchase :look:...

so we'll see how things go during the course of the year...

Congrats on your new addition girlie....

I'm still wowing over here...she sure is purty....:yep:
I want one so badly....I almost wish that I didn't get Pibby and would've waited to get me my own Jada...:ohwell:

I feel like I really don't have the room for it...

but I've just made a space bag purchase :look:...

so we'll see how things go during the course of the year...

Congrats on your new addition girlie....

I'm still wowing over here...she sure is purty....:yep:

Thanks girlie. I love her. I am so happy!!!! Q
I'm such a hater, Queeny! :up: You just threw the picture up there like "Ching Ching in your face" :lachen:

Who me? :look: I just wanted to share a pic of my baby with you guys. Plus you know heffas round here don't believe you if you don't have pics!!! :lol: Q
Girl, this is toooo wild because my name is April and my Mom's nickname since childhood is Queeny. :lachen:
:curtain:Hiiii April.....would u like a 1st class trip to the desert?:grin:

Q... how do u like your new found friend? can she dry hair as well as steam? come on give up the goods on her!