Same Sex Wedding

If I was invited by one of the people getting married- yes. If I was invited by a friend who wanted me to be their "date" - probably not (but that's because of my feelings about people bringing "dates" to weddings, not gay marriage).

i'm still friends with divorced people and according to the bible you should never divorce unless your man cheats or abandons you. from the mouth of jesus himself.

"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery,"

people can pick and choose parts of the bible for themselves, but if you are divorced for any other reason that jesus said then you are an adulterer. and i have friends that have directly disobeyed because of it, so yes, i would go.

i mean if we are going to be literal here, lets not half way do so.

do you go to your friends house or hang out with a friend who is shacking with her man?

are you friends with someone who wakes everyday in sin as we all do?

i don't know where this non-existence scale of weighing sins comes from? did not god say that are all the same?

find a perfect person and i'll show you a liar.

so yeah i'd be there.
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No. I wouldn't. Just as they believe it's ok, I believe it's wrong.

If they know you feel so strongly about it you probably wouldn't get an invite:grin:.

I would go. I support my friends gay relationship, just like he supports my straight one.
No, absolutely not, and if asked, I would kindly explain the reason. They have every right to make a decision to get married, but as a Christian, their actions should not have my support.

i'm still friends with divorced people and according to the bible you should never divorce unless your man cheats or abandons you. from the mouth of jesus himself.

"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery,"

people can pick and choose parts of the bible for themselves, but if you are divorced for any other reason that jesus said then you are an adulterer. and i have friends that have directly disobeyed because of it, so yes, i would go.

i mean if we are going to be literal here, lets not half way do so.

do you go to your friends house or hang out with a friend who is shacking with her man?

are you friends with someone who wakes everyday in sin as we all do?

i don't know where this non-existence scale of weighing sins comes from? did not god say that are all the same?

find a perfect person and i'll show you a liar.

so yeah i'd be there.

I believe that you can certainly be friend to someone, and be honest about when you believe something to be wrong. That's actually being a friend. To be completely honest, I would not attend a wedding for a divorced person, remarrying after something other an infidelity. Neither do I have any friends who are shacking.

It's not weighing of sins, and no one is perfect. However, Christ was always honest about whether something was right or wrong. He loved and respected all people, without supporting wrongdoing.

i'm still friends with divorced people and according to the bible you should never divorce unless your man cheats or abandons you. from the mouth of jesus himself.

"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery,"

people can pick and choose parts of the bible for themselves, but if you are divorced for any other reason that jesus said then you are an adulterer. and i have friends that have directly disobeyed because of it, so yes, i would go.

i mean if we are going to be literal here, lets not half way do so.

do you go to your friends house or hang out with a friend who is shacking with her man?

are you friends with someone who wakes everyday in sin as we all do?

i don't know where this non-existence scale of weighing sins comes from? did not god say that are all the same?

find a perfect person and i'll show you a liar.

so yeah i'd be there.

I believe that you can certainly be friend to someone, and be honest about when you believe something to be wrong. That's actually being a friend. To be completely honest, I would not attend a wedding for a divorced person, remarrying after something other an infidelity. Neither do I have any friends who are shacking.

It's not weighing of sins, and no one is perfect. However, Christ was always honest about whether something was right or wrong. He loved and respected all people, without supporting wrongdoing.

Just out of curiousity, say one of your friend decided to shack up, would you still be the friend?

i'm still friends with divorced people and according to the bible you should never divorce unless your man cheats or abandons you. from the mouth of jesus himself.

"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery,"

people can pick and choose parts of the bible for themselves, but if you are divorced for any other reason that jesus said then you are an adulterer. and i have friends that have directly disobeyed because of it, so yes, i would go.

i mean if we are going to be literal here, lets not half way do so.

do you go to your friends house or hang out with a friend who is shacking with her man?

are you friends with someone who wakes everyday in sin as we all do?

i don't know where this non-existence scale of weighing sins comes from? did not god say that are all the same?

find a perfect person and i'll show you a liar.

so yeah i'd be there.

How 'bout round of applause? :yep:

I feel the same way, but I'm not going to go into it because all of these "my sin is not as unholy as your sin" double standards irritate me.

As far as the wedding goes, yes, I would go. Two of my friends since kindergarten are gay. Neither of them came out to me until about 3 years ago. They both know what I believe about their lifestyles and they always have. They also know that I can hate the sin and not the sinner, and that I dpn't believe that I'm so righteous that I only roll with perfect posers. I have given this much thought and prayer in the past, and so, yes, for my good friends, I would attend.

For an acquaintance, probably not but that's also true of a straight person as well because I find it awkward going to weddings where I'm not friends/family with the bride or groom.
Of course. My best friend of 18years is lesbian, and I expect her to attend my hetero wedding, and I'll do the same for her.
How 'bout round of applause? :yep:

I feel the same way, but I'm not going to go into it because all of these "my sin is not as unholy as your sin" double standards irritate me.

As far as the wedding goes, yes, I would go. Two of my friends since kindergarten are gay. Neither of them came out to me until about 3 years ago. They both know what I believe about their lifestyles and they always have. They also know that I can hate the sin and not the sinner, and that I dpn't believe that I'm so righteous that I only roll with perfect posers. I have given this much thought and prayer in the past, and so, yes, for my good friends, I would attend.

For an acquaintance, probably not but that's also true of a straight person as well because I find it awkward going to weddings where I'm not friends/family with the bride or groom.

If more folks adopted this way of thinking, the world would be a much happier place. :yep:
Of course. My best friend of 18years is lesbian, and I expect her to attend my hetero wedding.

ita. door swings both ways :yep:

if I knew someone didnt attend my wedding other on the basis of it being a same-sex wedding I would NOT attend theirs under any circumstance, nor would I consider them to be a friend any longer.
I do not agree with same-sex marriage but I would go, if invited by a friend who was one of the 2 getting married. I would want to not cause additional stress by refusing and would want to support them. I would also continue to pray for them.