**Rollersetting 2012 Challenge**

Ready to get back to my sets in the fall! It's still humid sometimes so I'm holding off for awhile. Love my curls but missing my length from sets and silk wraps.

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I have been rollerseting all year. I have finally grown out my cut, but I am ready for a new one! I'm in a sick cycle, I love having an actual hairstyle but then get tired of it and start growing it out and when it finally starts growing out I am ready for a new cut. I have to say rollersetting consistenly has really improved the health of my hair. It's a lot fuller and stays alot more moisturized.
Too sick for work so sitting under the dryer with rollers. Just thought I would bump this thread and say I am still on my quest to get my weekly roll on

So using the cooler setting on the hair dryer was great...at first. I ended up having to up the heat to WARM, since it was taking too long to dry, and my fiance and I had an event to get to. So, I'll try it again next time, and will allot for time for the hair to get completely dry on cool. But, my hair turned out fantastic, nonetheless!!! Full of body, shine, and the color from my recent henna was on point!
Hello Ladies! I'm new to LHCF and have been lurking in this thread for the last couple weeks. I'm an avid rollersetter and have enjoyed reading all the posts with everyone's various techniques. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I will try to be more consistent with rollersets each week. I'm 5 months post and I'm hoping I can keep up with rollersets about two more months. In the past, I Cowashed my ponytail and air dried once I got past 3 months. This is the first time i've done rollersets with my relaxer grown out this much. I usually go 6-7 months between relaxers, but start ponytailing around month 4.
Hello Ladies! I'm new to LHCF and have been lurking in this thread for the last couple weeks. I'm an avid rollersetter and have enjoyed reading all the posts with everyone's various techniques. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I will try to be more consistent with rollersets each week. I'm 5 months post and I'm hoping I can keep up with rollersets about two more months. In the past, I Cowashed my ponytail and air dried once I got past 3 months. This is the first time i've done rollersets with my relaxer grown out this much. I usually go 6-7 months between relaxers, but start ponytailing around month 4.

QueenRoller, :welcome2:

You have gorgeous hair.
how long does it take to get the process down? ive watched video after video and read thread after thread. for some reason, though, i just can't do it.:cry:

the thing that gets me is the placement of the rollers. i either cant get them all to fit or i cant get them tight enough or hair is falling off the sides.:nono: all bad.

any tips?
I can't say that I've gotten down, but it is getting easier. I hope by month 6, I'm on 3, it will be a simple process

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how long does it take to get the process down? ive watched video after video and read thread after thread. for some reason, though, i just can't do it.:cry:

the thing that gets me is the placement of the rollers. i either cant get them all to fit or i cant get them tight enough or hair is falling off the sides.:nono: all bad.

any tips?

It took me about a year and I actually think it still takes me a long time to get my rollers in. Usually just under an hour. I really want to get this down to about 30 minutes but when I try to rush it I just end up taking even longer.

the best tips I have are:

keep the hair very wet
don't put too much hair on the roller
make sure your hair is totally dry before removing rollers

I like a really curly set. I have tried the traditional mohawk set but apparently my head is too big. I do two rows down the middle instead of one. This solved alot of problems for me.
Oasis said:
how long does it take to get the process down? ive watched video after video and read thread after thread. for some reason, though, i just can't do it.:cry:

the thing that gets me is the placement of the rollers. i either cant get them all to fit or i cant get them tight enough or hair is falling off the sides.:nono: all bad.

any tips?

I can't remember how long it took me to get comfortable because I've been doing rollersets for a good 10 years, but it definitely took a while. You need a rattail comb for parting the little sections for rolling, but first i part my hair into three sections with a big comb (middle mohawk and each side) and sometimes it helps to separately clip each side so that hair doesnt get in the way and then i focus on the middle mohawk section taking care to make small sections. The rat tail comb helps to make parts in the back of my hair where I can't see. As I comb the hair with the rattail comb to get it smooth before rolling I'm combing it toward the front so when i roll, the roller is further toward the front making more room for additional rollers behind it in the row. When I get to the side, I part that in half so there's a section near my face and another one towards the back and I clip that back section again to keep the hair out of my way. Next I'll start parting the front section for rolling (I fit three 1.5 inch rollers or four 1 inch rollers in the front side section. When I get to the back side section I again rely on the rat tail comb to make my parts since I can't see that hair. And of course I do the same process for the other side. I also think the rollers with the clips are a lot easier than using pins or clips. I can make my rollers tighter with the clips. the key is practice. You will eventually become a pro. I remember my first rollerset had the sections too big and my hair didn't dry all the way so needless to say it didn't turn out well, but I think I've gotten pretty good now at knowing how much hair should be in each roller because I usually have pretty close to the same number of rollers leftover when I'm done. Stay encouraged, you will get it!!
Welcome QueenRoller! Your hair is fab and I'm sure all your rollersetting has much to do with it!

Oasis, don't get discouraged! I know how you feel. Though I've been roller setting on regular basis since 1996, I definitely remember the early days when my sets were a hotmess!!! I had helmet head for days, lost so much hair in the comb during the process from rushing and getting frustrated with the process, and pretty much felt like you do now. But, I kept on trying. I was determined to get it right, and before I knew it was rolling great sets for me and for my family/friends.

#1. Allot PLENTY of time for the process. This helps to guard against rushing and getting frustrated, all of which is NO BUENO.

#2. I keep the hair very wet. I use very diluted LottaBody and water.

#3. Magnetic rollers work best for me.

#4. I roll my hair UPWARD on the roller. Section a piece of hair, run your rattail comb through it to ensure it's smooth and tangle-free, then place the roller ON TOP of the hair and roll upward. This method has always yielded the best set for me. The rollers stay in tight and my roots always end up smooth.

#5. Don't take rollers out until hair in completely dry.
#6. Make sure you make small sections so that hair doesn't fall off the sides of the roller. This equals BREAKAGE! Plus, it's painful, as you can feel the hairs pulling during the drying process.

Oasis said:
how long does it take to get the process down? ive watched video after video and read thread after thread. for some reason, though, i just can't do it.:cry:

the thing that gets me is the placement of the rollers. i either cant get them all to fit or i cant get them tight enough or hair is falling off the sides.:nono: all bad.

any tips?

Try ponytail roller sets. They work great for me and I achieve the same look as if I didn't make ponytails.
I love roller setting. I am under the dryer right now with my roller set and hair net. Lately, I've noticed that my curls have not lasted long so I recently purchased Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion, something that I have not used in years. Hopefully my curls will last three days!
I can't remember how long it took me to get comfortable because I've been doing rollersets for a good 10 years, but it definitely took a while. You need a rattail comb for parting the little sections for rolling, but first i part my hair into three sections with a big comb (middle mohawk and each side) and sometimes it helps to separately clip each side so that hair doesnt get in the way and then i focus on the middle mohawk section taking care to make small sections. The rat tail comb helps to make parts in the back of my hair where I can't see. As I comb the hair with the rattail comb to get it smooth before rolling I'm combing it toward the front so when i roll, the roller is further toward the front making more room for additional rollers behind it in the row. When I get to the side, I part that in half so there's a section near my face and another one towards the back and I clip that back section again to keep the hair out of my way. Next I'll start parting the front section for rolling (I fit three 1.5 inch rollers or four 1 inch rollers in the front side section. When I get to the back side section I again rely on the rat tail comb to make my parts since I can't see that hair. And of course I do the same process for the other side. I also think the rollers with the clips are a lot easier than using pins or clips. I can make my rollers tighter with the clips. the key is practice. You will eventually become a pro. I remember my first rollerset had the sections too big and my hair didn't dry all the way so needless to say it didn't turn out well, but I think I've gotten pretty good now at knowing how much hair should be in each roller because I usually have pretty close to the same number of rollers leftover when I'm done. Stay encouraged, you will get it!!

Welcome QueenRoller! Your hair is fab and I'm sure all your rollersetting has much to do with it!

Oasis, don't get discouraged! I know how you feel. Though I've been roller setting on regular basis since 1996, I definitely remember the early days when my sets were a hotmess!!! I had helmet head for days, lost so much hair in the comb during the process from rushing and getting frustrated with the process, and pretty much felt like you do now. But, I kept on trying. I was determined to get it right, and before I knew it was rolling great sets for me and for my family/friends.

#1. Allot PLENTY of time for the process. This helps to guard against rushing and getting frustrated, all of which is NO BUENO.

#2. I keep the hair very wet. I use very diluted LottaBody and water.

#3. Magnetic rollers work best for me.

#4. I roll my hair UPWARD on the roller. Section a piece of hair, run your rattail comb through it to ensure it's smooth and tangle-free, then place the roller ON TOP of the hair and roll upward. This method has always yielded the best set for me. The rollers stay in tight and my roots always end up smooth.

#5. Don't take rollers out until hair in completely dry.
#6. Make sure you make small sections so that hair doesn't fall off the sides of the roller. This equals BREAKAGE! Plus, it's painful, as you can feel the hairs pulling during the drying process.


That's my sister ya'll! (QueenRoller):D

I can't rollerset to save my life, but just wanted to drop in and say that :grin:
Sitting under the dryer thinking this heat feels nice on a chilly night. I know I rushed my front rollers, but I am hoping for a good stretch at the crown

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Maybe my best set ever too bad I have big flakes from not rinsing well. Sigh. It is up in a bun now awaiting another try

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how long does it take to get the process down? ive watched video after video and read thread after thread. for some reason, though, i just can't do it.:cry:

the thing that gets me is the placement of the rollers. i either cant get them all to fit or i cant get them tight enough or hair is falling off the sides.:nono: all bad.

any tips?


It only took me a couple of tries BUT that is because I had been watching the ladies at the salon for a while and I bought a rollersetting DVD that had a tutorial.

You should try the mohawk method if all of your rollers don't fit. I put a row down the middle, then two smaller sections on each side going down. When you're rolling, try to think "roll, roll pull (tighter)" as you roll to keep the roller smooth and taunt.
I don't what in hell came over me, but I rolled my hair and I'm under the dryer at 2am.

The dryer is feeling relaxing though since it is a little chilly and after I will sleep with the rollers and take them out in the morning. And yes I can sleep with rollers in

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Fell asleep under the dryer. After 2 hours of drying and sleeping another 4 hours in those rollers my hair was cold when I woke up meaning it still wasn't dry.

sigh at least I know sleeping in rollers isn't horribly uncomfortable

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i felt a little expirimental and decided to roll my hair with tresemme naturals conditioner a la mahogany curls. surprisingly it was super easy to roll my 6 month post hair and get the roots taut with this stuff which really surprised me!. im currently sitting under the dryer. i hope it comes out looking nice.
grrr my soft bonnet dryer is just way too loud. Bought it in a pinch, thought I was good...now I have to find a new one and blowdry a full head of rollers tonight...
i felt a little expirimental and decided to roll my hair with tresemme naturals conditioner a la mahogany curls. surprisingly it was super easy to roll my 6 month post hair and get the roots taut with this stuff which really surprised me!. im currently sitting under the dryer. i hope it comes out looking nice.

it came out really nice. it was duller than usual but still pretty shiny over all. my hair is so soft! it feels a bit producty though. the results remind me of when i rollerset my hair with rusk smoother back in the day with a little less crunch. Id recommend it to anyone with alot of new growth or even natural hair.

the real test will be how it holds up during the week. i think i might even pass up my beloved razac leave in conditioner for this! ill post pictures later in the week.
I loved my rollerset from last week, I hope this week's turns out just as nice. Will post pics of both sets tomorrow.

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