Rollerset done on my sisterlocs....PICS included!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I kid you not this was the easiest time I've ever had rollersetting my natural hair...:reddancer:

Introducing my rollerset on Sisterlocs

I washed my hair then rolled it. My hair was sightly damp and I used a spray leave-in conditioner

It took me only about 30 to 40 minutes to roll my entire head, I slept with the rollers and took them out late in the day.

My curls

My curls

My curls

My curls outside

More SL pics here

Enjoy :kiss:
Hi Netta,

I like your hair. How do you find the maintenance of you sisterlocs? I'm considering them, and I can handle the idea of the very long initial session to start them off - if that was it. The ongoing maintenance puts me off though. I'm really impatient and low mani, and prefer to DIY. I have a big head and can just imagine going in for my two-month root latchings and sitting there for hours being miserable while they do my hair.
Ebony Maintenence is VERY easy :yep: I go the shop every 8 takes about 1-2 hours to retighten. I sit in a comfortable shop that has a starbucks nearby and wireless. I take my homework and consider it a break :yep: You can also retighten yourself...