How long is your hair/

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I'm 4a layered texlaxed so I guess midback/waist length longest layer I have apl layers in the front and they get get longer as they graduate(whatever the avie looks like to you) when straightened...
I'm a 4A, relaxed, full BSL and hoping to get to midback someday soon. My hair is a bit longer than my siggie, but I won't really know until I relax in a few weeks.
Nice thread! Seems to be so few type 4s with BSL or longer hair compared to other hair types..
Nice thread! Seems to be so few type 4s with BSL or longer hair compared to other hair types..

yeh i can't believe it. what is our problem..length retention? there were a few othr ladies such as sweetcashew etc but they are not on the board anymore. lauren/southernbella before she relaxed.
yeh i can't believe it. what is our problem..length retention? there were a few othr ladies such as sweetcashew etc but they are not on the board anymore. lauren/southernbella before she relaxed.
Maybe it's harder for coarser hair to retain, IDK
Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

As for the reason there aren't that many. I believe that it is also because women with our hair type have the hardest time believing we can attain such lengths. I can preach to the choir because I was apart of that group.

So it is great to have threads like this because it shows we can.
I thought there would be more of us :confused:

I thought the same. There must be a type 5 which would be me, because my hair does NOT look like some of these people claiming 4 that I thought were 3's. Maybe when I get past BSL it will change:grin:.
I think I am a 4a. Never been to good with hair types but from what others have been typed as I think 4a best describes me.
Another observation is that I'm not seeing a lot of thick hair among the 4a/b pass bsl. Is it common to have really thick hair and exceed bsl?
yeh i can't believe it. what is our problem..length retention? there were a few othr ladies such as sweetcashew etc but they are not on the board anymore. lauren/southernbella before she relaxed.

I kept cutting my hair... I was a .5 inch away from APL in 2007 then cut it in a bob with layers. Then grew the layers out and cut it again, lol... I was getting bored. I think this time I'll leave it alone and just let it grow..
I will be joining this thread when my baby is born. I an currently MBL. Hopefully my ends aren't too bad that I have to get alot cut off. Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!!!
I'm 4ab, and i'm midback.
I texturize about once a year...
i'm just waiting for waistlength...

These pics were from last summer, after my texturizer...


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Gotta love this thread, I am categorizing it in my inspiration folder.

What have you ladies done to retain so much length? That seems to be my main problem.
What have you ladies done to retain so much length? That seems to be my main problem.

Low manipulation, stretching relaxers, no direct heat, trimming only as needed, moisturizing and protecting the ends have been very helpful for me to retain length. Healthy lifestyle (nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, avoid stress) has been important for healthy, optimal growth.
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So I relaxed this wknd and my progress is in my siggy... I'm slowly creeping towards WL... but I'm definitely claiming MBL! :grin: