Ring Worm in the head!!


New Member
Please help me. My daughter has ringworm in her hair. she can not be seen by the doctor until tuesday. She is already losing some hair. I know that some use clorox for ring worm on the skin to clear it up. (I am weary to put it in her scalp- she is 2 1/2 yrs old) Does anyone know of any other remedy I can use to stop this thing?
Try rubbing tea trea oil or washing her hair with a shampoo or soap w/ tea tree oil in it--it is anti-fungal.
Walmart carries tea tree oil for a good price.

Best of luck for your little lady...
My son just went through the same thing. No home remedy will work....tried everything over the counter. The Dr. must prescribe an oral antibiotic and shampoo because the fungus on the scalp tends to bury itself much deeper than on the skin which makes it resistant to most cures. It takes about a month worth of treatment before it completely goes away. My son's hair is beginning to grow back nicely.

Be patient and good luck!
You could try Nizoral, it's an antifungal shampoo. Nizoral can be very drying to the hair, atleast it was to my hair. In any case, have her scalp checked by a Derm.:)
WOAH! DOnt let her scratch it and dont use her combs and brushes! Its spreads liek WILDIFRE! Try tea tree oil but please no clorox. You may burn her. You ever put your hands in bleach? Its dangerous please dont do that to her head! Just get her to a dermatologist ASAP. I know kids spead stuff like that very easily becuase they dont think twice about scratching thier heads and then scratching something else. Does her doc have emergency hours?
If you find that the tea tree oil isnt doing the trick:

1) Mash one clove of garlic, just enough so the juices and pulp in the middle can be seen.

2) Open so the pulpy insides are exposed, and rub it on her scalp. She may stink, but it will kill the fungus so fast! You wouldn't believe it!

3) Keep doing this for 3 days after the fungus has cleared up.

Hope that helps.

***Also one mashed clove of garlic wrapped in some gause, or cheesecloth, can be used in other places for other types of fungal infections, (hope you can read btw the lines here, just too lazy to pm you) Usually a one day cure.
If you can get to a health food store, get some grapefruit seed extract. It comes in a tincture bottle with a dropper and is suspended in vegetable glycerin. This is a very strong, natural antifungal. What you would need to do is dilute about 2 drops in about a cup of water and apply to her spots with a cotton ball---but only use one cotton ball per spot so as not to spread it. You can follow up with diluted tea tree oil. Be careful with the tea tree oil, because this can burn. Make sure she doesn't scratch the area to keep from infection and spreading especially to her diaper area. Make sure it is GRAPEFRUIT seed extract and not GRAPEseed.

Let me know how it works out. You'll want to do this about 2-3 times a day.
kit-kat said:
My son just went through the same thing. No home remedy will work....tried everything over the counter. The Dr. must prescribe an oral antibiotic and shampoo because the fungus on the scalp tends to bury itself much deeper than on the skin which makes it resistant to most cures. It takes about a month worth of treatment before it completely goes away. My son's hair is beginning to grow back nicely.

Be patient and good luck!

My son had ringworm and I totally agree, it will not get better until he goes to the doctor. I also made sure that he washed his hand all the time and slept in a plastic cap. I would moisturize his hair and then put on the cap.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. I will give the tea tree oil and grapeseed extract a try while I wait for the appointment. Thanks again.
You need to see a physician!!! Typically, doctors prescribe griseofulvin an oral antifungal suspension. Patients take it for up to 6 weeks. It is very important to use the oral medication for the entire duration. The doctor may also prescribe an antifungal shampoo like Nizoral or anti dandruff shampoo like a selsun blue. However, it is the oral medication that ill cure ringworm. If not properly treated you daughter could develop a karion on the scalp which will scar and result in hair loss.
This may sound totally crazy to everyone because it does to me. My eldest had one on her face and unbeknownst to me her paternal grandmother put black shoe polish on it and it went away. I wasnt told about this until a month later when she returned home from summer vacation but it worked apparently.

No matter what you put on it make sure he goes to the dr. My youngest started out with a small one in her head and would up with a hairless dent in the top of her head the size of a .50 piece. It has grown back in but she still has a slight dent in her head where the scalp was eaten away.

Many prayers to you as the worrying mommy!
When ringworm is on the skin it is not so serious, but when it is on the scalp it is hard to get rid of. My daughter got it on her leg and I put blue something on it and she was fine.
kjames001 said:
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. I will give the tea tree oil and grapeseed extract a try while I wait for the appointment. Thanks again.
Please note my last post----grapeFRUIT seed, NOT GRAPEseed!!! These items are totally different from each other.
Neem extract works the best. Try your local health food store.

Prescription Strength Nizoral Shampoo does not work as well. Good old Selsun Blue or Head & Shoulders in the blue bottle, wash your baby's hair with this every other day. When he sees the physician he'll prescribe Griseofulvin which should be taken 2xs daily (depending on your childs weight) for at least a month, maybe 6 weeks. It's best taken w/ a fatty substance (milk, icrecream or any fattening foods)

I've also ordered FungRX on line which will help clear it up faster. It's quite expensive but it WORKS. (www.fungrx.com)

Be sure to wash her pillow cases and bed sheets/comforters. Also wash or spray lysol in all caps, hoods etc.

My son's ringworm just healed completely on Dec 15, now his hair is slowly growing back, so be patient.

Hope this helps.