ring or marriage


Well-Known Member
today, i was talking to a good friend of mine whose gf is expecting a baby. last time i spoke with him, he was asking my advice regarding ring purchase and i went with him to look at rings for his gf. today, i was asking about the proposal and he told me he's not marrying her. :blush: so, he explains that when they went looking at rings that she is very particular about what she wants. she wants an exact clarity, color, and size. which is understandable, but she only wants exact specifications. the sales woman even explained that at a certain point that alot of the details are not viewable to the human eye. but he said that his gf made it very clear that she doesn't want anything less. but the ring she wants is 20-30k. :lachen: :look:

i'm not married, so i'm not sure if this is the going rate for engagement rings. he was going to buy the ring, but he says that he isn't comfortable spending that much money while he still has a mortgage and the baby on the way, and that he wants to have a certain amount of money in savings before spending that amount. he also says her mother calls him all the time asking when is he going to propose and marry her and he's starting to feel pressured and he wants this to be something that comes naturally. but the girl is very religious and catholic, so its very important to her to be engaged . he says he's talked to her about it already with no resolution. he seems to really care about her and love her, and i've never seem him like this with the women he dates. but i can see both sides, in that this is what she wants and she shouldn't have to expect less, and for him he feels like not only is he being pressured but they are expecting, and she wants him to spend 20-30k on an engagement ring. i ddidn't really know what to say as far as advice, b/c he had a point. it seems like if she can't have the exact ring she wants then she doesn't want the marriage

anways, i wrote all that to say what advice would you give in this situation?
Their priorities are incredibly screwed up. First off, how is she "very religious and catholic"? Clearly she isn't if she is pregnant out of wedlock.

So many things wrong here.
I promised myself i would never give this type of statement(in this type of threads),but she(the gf)leaves me no choice.....she's really religious and catholic at that.. but she's pregnant and not married....
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hi all, thanks for responding. regarding the religious and catholic, i do understand your points. just giving a background regarding the pressure to get married for her.

and i feel the same way regarding does she want the ring/wedding or a marriage. but, i really was at a lost for words regarding the situation. especially when he said her mom calls him all the time regarding it.
hi all, thanks for responding. regarding the religious and catholic, i do understand your points. just giving a background regarding the pressure to get married for her.

and i feel the same way regarding does she want the ring/wedding or a marriage. but, i really was at a lost for words regarding the situation. especially when he said her mom calls him all the time regarding it.

If she wants to be in the middle of it, maybe he should explain to her momma why it isn't practical to buy a $30k ring AND have to pay for a wedding when they are expecting a child. Or have momma explain to him why ole girl thinks that it makes any lick of sense to expect him to spend that much. Someone should reminder her that it is 2-3 months salary, not 20-30k. she needs to move her decimal point.

In all honest, she should be forgoing the engagement ring and expecting him to put that money aside for their child's college. I'm just saying.
If she really wanted to be married ring, carat size and clarity wouldn't matter. Just the marriage license giving everyone in that family the same last name would. Me personally, I would never want to spend 30,000 on a ring any how. Especially when I'm bringing a baby in this world farely soon.

Now if this was happening in reverse I might consider it...But seriously I would be happy with whatever he thought was appropriate and comfortable with buying. But it sounds like her and her mama done scared him off.
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Why we acting brand new, there are a lot of religious ppl getting it on outside of wedlock. As long as no one knows they are cool, but pregnancy broadcast it to the world, so they must then rush to the alter.
So did she say she wouldn't marry him if he didn't buy the ring she wants?

She's obviously got some issues going on, but to me he doesn't seem like he wants to marry her and the ring is just an excuse. He says he feels pressured and wants things to flow naturally? Well if they flowed naturally enough for him to get her pregnant, why can't they flow naturally enough for him to go ahead and marry her?
Does he have a backbone or what? I would look at him as being weak for even entertaining his mother with those phone calls.

She basically runs the relationship, huh?
The obvious red flag in that situation, more than the girl wanting a certain type of ring, is the mother always calling & trying to pressure the guy. She needs to stay out it it.
This happened to someone I know (minus the pregnancy). She picked out a particular ring....it was worth WAY more than what he eventually gave her. He gave her a $23K ring on bended knee and she refused it.

He went back....bought the exorbitant ring....proposed again. She accepted. He never married her. Wouldn't even set a date. She eventually had to go through the heartache of leaving him and all. I'm glad to say she's doing well today though after time and growth has passed. They are both now happily engaged to other people and her ring is more like the first ring she was presented with that she rejected from the first guy.

In the end, I think she would sympathize with the girl but she would advise her to settle on a more reasonable ring IF her fiancee is a decent person who would make a great husband.
she better marry him at the courthouse and use that 30k for that hungry, growin baby thats bout to make an appearance. they can always have a ceremony later, and get an extravagant ring for an anniversary or something. ♥
Her priority is skewed. She is about to have a baby and should be concerned about her finances and getting married since she is very religious.
Wow, so much thought about a ring, but not about anything else. So many other things should be center stage right now, baby, food, clothing and shelter.

I don't think he wants to marry her and this ring issue is an easy way out. If he is letting her momma run the show, I wouldn't even want to be bother by some punk donkey man like that.

If they do get married, that marriage is on borrowed time and if old boy shells out 25k, he will be paying for that ring and a divorce at the same time.
thanks ladies. my only advice to him was that he needed to talk to her about it. its a really tricky situation b/c she is also the family member of his best friend. honestly it seems like a bad soap opera. and she is a very sweet person, but i know that she's very name brand oriented. i think he did want to marry her, but her mom calling all the time and the $$ of the ring is whats putting the breaks on it right now atleast thats what he says. he said, if he could find her ring for 10k he'd get it in a second. but right now its impractical to spend that kind of money. he did say he didnt want to spend that much, and they end up broken up or divorced in a year or two. it just seems like a sad situation, considering... and i really hope they work it out or come to some type of resolution, but it doesn't seem like it right now. ....
thanks ladies. my only advice to him was that he needed to talk to her about it. its a really tricky situation b/c she is also the family member of his best friend. honestly it seems like a bad soap opera. and she is a very sweet person, but i know that she's very name brand oriented. i think he did want to marry her, but her mom calling all the time and the $$ of the ring is whats putting the breaks on it right now atleast thats what he says. he said, if he could find her ring for 10k he'd get it in a second. but right now its impractical to spend that kind of money. he did say he didnt want to spend that much, and they end up broken up or divorced in a year or two. it just seems like a sad situation, considering... and i really hope they work it out or come to some type of resolution, but it doesn't seem like it right now. ....
Just imagine what is going to happen in the future, married or not:
What school should the child attend
Style of clothes
They are not even on one accord on getting married or what type of ring to get her. Please don't tell me that she want's a princess wedding with all of the trimmings. Please don't tell me that she also wants the Vera Wang dress with the wedding Loubi's, a 50 foot train and for her to walk down the aisle with a carpet made from some secret flowers in Ghana.
carrie a. i don't really know ring specs, i know its a vvs, very clear (i think its a h or whatever is almost completly colorless) and i think 1 carat. but yes she wants all of the trimmings for the wedding and ring.
Why we acting brand new, there are a lot of religious ppl getting it on outside of wedlock. As long as no one knows they are cool, but pregnancy broadcast it to the world, so they must then rush to the alter.

Yup. The only shame is the child. Half of the folks throwing stones were bumping uglies long before matrimony. :lol:
Just imagine what is going to happen in the future, married or not:
What school should the child attend
Style of clothes
They are not even on one accord on getting married or what type of ring to get her. Please don't tell me that she want's a princess wedding with all of the trimmings. Please don't tell me that she also wants the Vera Wang dress with the wedding Loubi's, a 50 foot train and for her to walk down the aisle with a carpet made from some secret flowers in Ghana.

And a Sylvia Weinstock cake no doubt.
He went back....bought the exorbitant ring....proposed again. She accepted. He never married her. Wouldn't even set a date. She eventually had to go through the heartache of leaving him and all. I'm glad to say she's doing well today though after time and growth has passed. They are both now happily engaged to other people and her ring is more like the first ring she was presented with that she rejected from the first guy.

In the end, I think she would sympathize with the girl but she would advise her to settle on a more reasonable ring IF her fiancee is a decent person who would make a great husband.

Does the bolded imply that there was something not quite right about the guy? Why did he buy the exorbitant ring and then refuse to marry her? It sounds like a kind of passive aggressiveness.

thanks ladies. my only advice to him was that he needed to talk to her about it. its a really tricky situation b/c she is also the family member of his best friend. honestly it seems like a bad soap opera. and she is a very sweet person, but i know that she's very name brand oriented. i think he did want to marry her, but her mom calling all the time and the $$ of the ring is whats putting the breaks on it right now atleast thats what he says. he said, if he could find her ring for 10k he'd get it in a second. but right now its impractical to spend that kind of money. he did say he didnt want to spend that much, and they end up broken up or divorced in a year or two. it just seems like a sad situation, considering... and i really hope they work it out or come to some type of resolution, but it doesn't seem like it right now. ....

Personally, I don' see how marriage questions come down to how much the ring costs. He's concerned about spending that kind of money only for the marriage to fail...so he doesn't want to take the risk that things don't work out? That's something different than not having the money for an expensive ring or not believing that one should pay such money for a ring in principle. Has he tried talking to her about it?
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Why we acting brand new, there are a lot of religious ppl getting it on outside of wedlock. As long as no one knows they are cool, but pregnancy broadcast it to the world, so they must then rush to the alter.

Well then they need to get to the altar and stop playing ring and wedding games.

Marriage is not their priority. They are making that clear by their actions.
nicola: he says he's talked to her about it but she's stubburn. he has the money, but doesn't want to spend all of his money on a ring with little savings left over. he just thinks its ridiculous to drain his savings for a ring. but if she would find a ring that made for financial sense he'd buy it immediately. i too questioned him regarding if this was just an excuse on his part. but thats not really in his character, so i do believe his reasons. i really feel that they need to have a serious in depth discussion about it, b/c i would think any reasonable woman would realize that it doesn't make financial sense given their situation. but idk.....
If he shops around (even online), he may be able to get a ring that meets her specifications for a price he is willing to pay. Aren't websites like blue nile good for stuff like that? At least their adverts say they're a good option.
I don't know why people think that he is using the ring as an excuse. It seems like a very smart and valid concern. Clearly if he could spend the 20K and not notice it, this wouldn't be an issue. But to spend that amount of money on the ring alone - while he probably knows the wedding will be twice that amount and on top of that expecting a baby. :perplexed :nono: Seems like he is thinking more about the baby's future than the mom or MIL.
If I were him, I wouldn't even want to marry such a woman. She has shown clearly her poor reasoning and inability to prioritize about important life choices. This would be just the first of many decisions she would be making along stupid lines. But see, he done gone and got her pregnant, and now their lives will be tied together indefinitely. Dumb move.