Listening ear

Did she confirm the physical?
That's what I'd focus on to get her to leave. came straight from her child. She will never admit to that. The man starts calling her all kinds of profanity words and she never says ONE word. If that had been the hubby she would have had frying pans to his head. I don't know if she plays this coward role to hold on to him. If she showed him she wasn't scared I believe he would have ended it long ago. I think his ego loves the woman she is with him. came straight from her child. She will never admit to that. The man starts calling her all kinds of profanity words and she never says ONE word. If that had been the hubby she would have had frying pans to his head. I don't know if she plays this coward role to hold on to him. If she showed him she wasn't scared I believe he would have ended it long ago. I think his ego loves the woman she is with him.
He really put that thang on her. I am sure they are still having relations. He is telling her to leave daily while sexing her nightly.
How low can one go? A man tells you he wants you to leave his place and you stay put? Talk about desperate...
I'm still confused by the "children are the relatives" portion. Her own kids are who you are refering to as her "relatives"? Or is she boarding some other family member's kids.
Theresamonet yes its her kids. She explained that and more stuff upthread.

OP if you've been listening to this silly crap for more than a month I say be done with her until she makes a move or be upfront and brutally honest with her regarding the whole situation from start to finish. She needs some tuff love after leaving her kids to chase up after a man that obviously didn't and doesn't want her!

Good luck with her. She sounds like a real piece of work and needs therapy.
I'm still confused by the "children are the relatives" portion. Her own kids are who you are refering to as her "relatives"? Or is she boarding some other family member's kids.

Sorry for the confusion....her children remain in the home with themselves. She text me yesterday and told me he still wants her to leave, but work on the relationship. He just wants to have is own place and space so he says. I told her I would be over after work to drive her to her home with her children. I got no response when I called her, nor did she call me back.

As someone stated, I think he started talking to her long enough to get the drawers after sleeping in separate rooms for over a week. Seems all of a sudden she is not answering her phone when at home. I text her and said I love her and wish her luck in the situation. I no longer want to be someone you call on ONLY when he is doing the fool. Regardless, if he sleeps with you and talks to you a bit, doesn't change the fact he STILL wants you to go. I hope she finds another friend to help her move when she gets the balls to go! Sometimes you have to give people what they want. Even if he clicks his heels when you leave, it gives you a chance to find happiness with someone who WANTS you.

No response from her, but none needed.
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OP why are you still entertaining this dysfunctional mess? She is grown mind your own life I cant imagine letting another adult's silly decisions drain me. She'll be just fine.