Return of the jheri curl

While I can see some people going in for a "jheri curl", I don't think it will be as popular as texturizing or texlaxing. I say that because you can loosen the curl pattern with relaxer or texturizer, and both of those are readily accessible & cheap. I think maybe the dry jheri curl will be used more by people with Z patterned hair that want more or a coil/curl to their hair. Outside of that, I think people will stick to relaxers/texturizers if they just want "more manageable" hair, looser curls, or less shrinkage.
Texturizers(weak relaxers) and Curls are not the same. They use different chemicals and perform different tasks. Texturizers(lithium, sodium, calcium or potassium hydroxide) loosen the existing curl pattern, the do not create curls. Curls(thioglycolate) use a multi step process to break down the bonds of the hair and then the bonds are set and restructured on rollers thus creating curls.

Depending on the length of the hair, texturizers come out curly. I have a friend who uses texturizers to get her "naturally curly" look. LOL My cousin relaxes her hair and wears it curly. She wets it everyday and uses gel but people either think it's her hair or they ask if she has a curl. Both of them are type 4's and with both of them it looks like their hair. So you can get still get curly hair using other products than just the old school curl.
Exactly :yep:. I had a leisure curl in the 90's and people thought it was my natural texture. I would never get a curl again, there was actually no need for me to get one in the first place but my momma was going hard for me to get it! I only last a year and I was done :lol:!

If there was a chemical (not a texturizer) to mimic the type 3 curls, I think a lot of black women would go for it.
Depending on the length of the hair, texturizers come out curly. I have a friend who uses texturizers to get her "naturally curly" look. LOL My cousin relaxes her hair and wears it curly. She wets it everyday and uses gel but people either think it's her hair or they ask if she has a curl. Both of them are type 4's and with both of them it looks like their hair. So you can get still get curly hair using other products than just the old school curl.

it's the original texture not the length that determines the results of texturizers. that's why some people never get there desired results using them. if you have a crinkle like z partern nontexturizer will give you curls, doesn't matter how short or long the hair is. if your hair is has a 's' or 'o' type pattern your hair can be loosed to waves and curls
Depending on the length of the hair, texturizers come out curly. I have a friend who uses texturizers to get her "naturally curly" look. LOL My cousin relaxes her hair and wears it curly. She wets it everyday and uses gel but people either think it's her hair or they ask if she has a curl. Both of them are type 4's and with both of them it looks like their hair. So you can get still get curly hair using other products than just the old school curl.

I agree. My chiropractor has a texturizer and her hair comes out curly.

Taraji says, "Eat your hearts out!" :)


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Lol I see what OP did here she planted the seed lol. I see a drippy juicey new bandwagon coming down the road this is one I will waving right on by.
DarkJoy said:
Actually, you are dead on op! It already has in some circles.

I'm in cali. My friend is a stylist. She said over the last year they've had a mad rush for The Curl (lol) in her salon. Mostly by type 4 Africans who are Nigerian, Eritrean, and Ethiopian.

Its only a matter of time before the rest of us catch on...

Yepp I ran across a YouTuber who was talking about some lady who accused her of having a "curl" and wanted to know how it came out because she was going to go get one.
I still remember when my Mom got one back in the 80' was wrong then, and it's All the way Wrong now...

But I most definitely see all those predictions coming true...
I believe it. There are quite a few curls on other hair boards. :yep:

Since "curly" is in, I can picture women getting it to follow the natural trend. When I was in middle school, all the spanish girls got jerri curls because shoulder length 3b hair was in and the ones who had it naturally had already fried and dyed their curls to crispy strings. The ones who never had it got the curly perm too.
it's the original texture not the length that determines the results of texturizers. that's why some people never get there desired results using them. if you have a crinkle like z partern nontexturizer will give you curls, doesn't matter how short or long the hair is. if your hair is has a 's' or 'o' type pattern your hair can be loosed to waves and curls

While I appreciate your opinion, you have to remember that no two heads are alike. I know for a fact that both of them now have curly hair using a text and a relaxer. There is no way that you can say it doesn't work when I know it does.
I'll slap a relaxer back in before I'd ever even look at a Jheri curl. I resisted the "Jheri Curl" sensation when they were popular in the 80s. Even when my BFF took me with her when she had hers done. I was about 11 and I never ran home to my Mom and said "hey Mom, I want a juicy mess of curls on my head, can I have those please". Man, I was a smart kid.
I still remember when my Mom got one back in the 80' was wrong then, and it's All the way Wrong now...

But I most definitely see all those predictions coming true...

Oh My Mom too and she had the Thriller jacket. Yes she thought she was MJ :blush:I was mortified.
Oh My Mom too and she had the Thriller jacket. Yes she thought she was MJ :blush:I was mortified.

Yes...and I really remember thinking as a child "that just doesn't look right...why did she do that to her hair?? It looked better before!". Lol, I was like 8 or something.
If so many people say the jheri curl/wave nouveau grew their hair (and it makes sense why it does) then why isn't everyone here jumping on the band wagon? Cant be any worse than MN or horse shampoo in your hair - as far as im concerned, the modern day curl needs to come back in fashion, cos it means seeing fewer ashy, dry broken heads of hair around town, and to be fair i reckon it would look quite good on bsl or beyond hair...!