Dry Jheri Curl Not Natural

Oprah has the best gifs.

it doesn't matter but it seems like people are insinuating that the op is not familiar with or is jealous of looser hair types. I'm just providing another perspective. Curly perms do exist. Texturizers also exist. And rarely people to try to pass them off as their natural hair. I see maybe 5 - 10 curly perms a year. The wearer is usually over 50 years old. every once in a while I'll see a younger person with one.
Hey MC: Back off us oldies! Bwwwahhh haaaaa. Get this, I'm sitting here (at work) crackin' up because just the other day I actually thought about taking the part of my hair that is er ah, interesting and putting a wave nouveau in that section only. Oh, and I'm over 50. What a hoot about the over 50 thing. My play mamma goes inter-state to get hers done. I'm talking upwards of 1,000 miles to the North to her 'tician. LOL