Reproducing outside the race for better hair


New Member
The thread about mixed people and longer hair reminded me of an episode of a talk show. This dark skinned woman was on talking about how she was determined to NOT have kids with a black man because she wanted her kids to have nicer hair. She had two gorgeous little girls with an Asian man and said that she's happy that they won't have to grow up worried about weaves and relaxers. I think this was on an episode of the Tyra show.
I think more people do it than they realize. They do it subconsciously too. The funny thing to me is when they do mix and the child comes out with 7F hair anyway! LOL

And i have seen many interracial children with hair that didn't come out like the parents wanted..whatever the hell that means. Then they complain about the haircare. They dont know whether to relax it, perm it, color it, wash it everyday or grease it....But yet that's considered "good hair" ???

I've seen more people reproducing outside the race and getting BAD hair than i do "good" hair. And it looks worse because the ignorant parent doesn't know how to care for it.

I used to joke with my Ex who is biracial that i didnt want to have kids with him and let them have BAD hair. His mom's side had red hair in the family. I've seen some interracial kids with red hair. It's not cute.

It's russian roulette, you dont know what you gonna get. Mixed or not.
I saw that episode too. I didn't judge her because there are plenty of people of the same mindset in the gen. population.
I think more people do it than they realize. They do it subconsciously too. The funny thing to me is when they do mix and the child comes out with 7F hair anyway! LOL

And i have seen many interracial children with hair that didn't come out like the parents wanted..whatever the hell that means. Then they complain about the haircare. They dont know whether to relax it, perm it, color it, wash it everyday or grease it....But yet that's considered "good hair" ???

I've seen more people reproducing outside the race and getting BAD hair than i do "good" hair. And it looks worse because the ignorant parent doesn't know how to care for it.

I used to joke with my Ex who is biracial that i didnt want to have kids with him and let them have BAD hair. His mom's side had red hair in the family. I've seen some interracial kids with red hair. It's not cute.

It's russian roulette, you dont know what you gonna get. Mixed or not.

now thats just funny! lol good for them being ashamed of something so unique
I think more people do it than they realize. They do it subconsciously too. The funny thing to me is when they do mix and the child comes out with 7F hair anyway! LOL

And i have seen many interracial children with hair that didn't come out like the parents wanted..whatever the hell that means. Then they complain about the haircare. They dont know whether to relax it, perm it, color it, wash it everyday or grease it....But yet that's considered "good hair" ???

I've seen more people reproducing outside the race and getting BAD hair than i do "good" hair. And it looks worse because the ignorant parent doesn't know how to care for it.

I used to joke with my Ex who is biracial that i didnt want to have kids with him and let them have BAD hair. His mom's side had red hair in the family. I've seen some interracial kids with red hair. It's not cute.

It's russian roulette, you dont know what you gonna get. Mixed or not.

LOL...I think that's funny too. I don't understand why we can't just love ourselves the way we are. To each it's own....whatever.
Ah, this has been going on for as long as people of African descent have been subject to the psyche destroying belief that 'whiter is righter'.

:rolleyes: Most of the dilly young girls (cuz no matter what age you are, if you are still parroting ish like this, you are mentally a child) I hear say this end up with 'pretty' babies who are holy terrors of children because their parents think their 'pretty' will overcome their horrid behavior, manner, and attitude, or they end up with 'nappyheaded' children who are then subtly punished for the rest of their childhood for daring to come out dark instead of light.

Damn shame, is what it is.

I'm obscenely proud of my greatgrandmother for bucking this bullish. Back in 1919, she could easily pass for white, and her brownskinned parents begged her - DEMANDED - that she marry someone equally light. *evilgrin* She married a man blacker than coal, because she said that despite what her skin showed, she knew she was black, and she wanted to have children that never were confused about their blackness.

May she rest in peace.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I have no problem with this thread but some people might get a little crazy so that's my signal to EXIT STAGE LEFT!!!!
I feel bad for those children. Can you imagine growing up under her????

To me, what would be embarrassing as a child is if my mother (no matter what color she was or what her hair looked liked) went on national TV to talk about my hair. Something about that is kinda messed up.

But I have lots of family members who think like her. Growing up, my mother, father, aunts, grandmothers, and great-grandmother seemed absolutely obsessed with hair. When I was 23, I traveled to a family reunion (didn't know about 90% of the family, and hadn't seen them in 10 years--was only going to appease my father).

My aunt called me EVERY NIGHT insisting I straighten my hair (I usually keep it braided and had originally planned to do so for the trip) and even arranged to have some lady do it for me and paid her. Not really the one for drama, I just sorta went along with it. She'd never been demanding before and was actually a decent person. Although in the back of my mind I was thinking, "WTH is she so concerned about what my hair looks like? She ought of be thinking about her own dang self!"

Ultimately, I feel as sorry for my aunt as I feel for this woman on the Tyra show. They're just trapped into this notion of physical beauty that NO ONE (no, not even people who don't have nappy hair) can ever live up to. Yes, and to say they've got self-hatred issues is an understatement.

We cannot ever expect society to love our nappy hair if we cannot first love it ourselves.

I have a cousin who had a baby with a Latin dude for this very reason. Said she wanted her baby to have good hair, not nappy hair like hers :ohwell:
Okay, I invited a friend and her brother to dinner last week. We had the funniest conversation, he loves black women, but does not like weave. His dated his last black girlfriend for 6 months and never saw her real hair, she installed a new weave the same day she took out the old one. So now he thinks that marrying another race will be better as he does not want his daughters to go through this weave "problem". There is no guarantee that the kids will have "good" hair.

But I can't judge. My brother who is a short guy, will not date a woman who is not taller than him because he wants his kids to be tall, lol. Whatever makes people happy; but I hope they know that having a child with "good" hair will not help them get over their own personal hair issues.