Renewing Subscriptions


New Member
It has come to my knowledge that renewal of a member's subscription is right around the corner. Do members receive a PM reminding them to renew their subscriptions or is it automatically charge to their CCs without warning?

Also, we are paying for a year long subscription. Does it have an end and start date, or is it year long from when the member subscribed (e.g May 2004-May 2005, Sept 2004-2005, etc etc) ?

Thank you.
Hi! :wave:

Most people will have to sign up on August 1 of this year, but there are others who signed up later than that. The membership runs from year to year. So if you signed up on August 2004, you'll have to sign up again on August 1 of 2005. You won't receive a pm. Some members will not remain with us at the end of their subscription, so each person will have to make the decision on whether they wish to remain or not, and take it from there.

You have to be the one to pay for your memberships. They are NOT renewed automatically. Your information isn't kept, so you'll have to renew yourself each year.

Hope that helped. :)
How will we know when our subscription is about to expire? I just checked the User CP and I do not see anything that tells you when you signed up or when the subscription will end.
Do you recall when you joined? Most will have to renew in August, but some will renew later, and they will have to know when they signed up to renew again. As I said, there won't be any reminders besides the one in mid July letting people know that August 1 will be time to renew for those who want to stay. :)
Okay...just want one clarification...understand if u registered in August 2004...

but is it to the day...I didn't make payment until August I get until 8/21/05....or does it have to be on the 1st?

I wanna know when i need to renew im not sure if its June or July...i wish there was a way to keep tabs on that.

click on the "User CP" button on the upper far left corner by your name--- you should see "your control panel" go all the way down to "miscellaneous" click on "paid subscriptions" and it should say "active subscriptions" and you should see the date when your membership expires. HTH