1 YR Progress (my thanks & photos) "long"

Nay said:
Thanks for sharing your "hair story." Your before/after pictures are fabulous, and your hair looks great! You are showing that it can be done. Keep up the good work :clap:

Co-signing!!! Looking good CG! Great progress!!!! :clap:
Cowgirl, Ive followed your journey from the beginning, because your hair reminded me of my own hair when I started my hair challenge. Youve made wonderufl progress and your hard work shows!!! Congrats and here's to MANY more inches of growth!
Hey Cowgirl,

It's always good to see people come back with progress :) We immerse ourselves in the wealth of information here, we try them out, we leave, and come back a success. Congrats!
Well done your hair looks long thick and healthy. You have reassured me that I am doing the right thing trimming my thin ends off too. I hope my hair looks as good as yours by my 1st year anniversary. :)
SweetNic_JA said:
great progress! have u tried MTG at all?

Not on myself, only on the horses. I have had some scary moments trying new stuff so I thought I would give up on the "trial & error" phase and stick with my staples.
Congratulations CowGirl. Your post was really inspiring, especially to me since my current length is shorter than your starting point. Thanks for the great comparison photos as well and keep growing! :yay:
:woot: Congratulations, Cowgirl!!! :clapping: I am soooo proud of you! I remember when you were starting out. You have made such tremendous progress. Simply gorgeous!!!!! How are your babies (referring to your horses)?
Keep up the good work!!!! :kiss:
Thanks everyone. You ladies are so special :kiss:

AJD - My babies are doing great. But I miss them. I'm on the road again for 7 weeks.
Great progress, cowgirl. I'm going thru all the phases u went thru but at a much slower pace. Somehow I ruined my hair and have to make a huge comeback. But u are a very good inspiration. Keep up the great work. You grow girl!