The Bra-strap and Beyond Support Group

Can you tell some of us newbies at BSL, what went right and what went wrong in the last two years of your hair journey?

Sure thing! The things I did right were staying consistent. I do the same thing all the time.

For instance, I wash conditioner wash for 4 months straight, and then I do a regular shampoo. I just started using Organic shampoos and conditioners since January, because those were the only ones I could find that didn't have super harsh ingredients. But the type of shampoo you use shouldn't make that much of a difference, if it works for you stick with it.

My main mistake in the past two years is allowing stylists to cut my hair. I should know by now but a stylist will cut the heck out of progress for the sake of making your hair even. I've cut so much progress, I'd probably be going to tailbone length now. But alas, brastrap is still good length.

Stress can also really take a toll on hair. I was in a car accident last year, and my hair started falling out a lot in the crown area and where I had surgery. It was trying to say the least, but now since I'm healed my hair is doing much better.

Other than that, I moisturize, wrap my hair up, and I still bun it. lol

That in itself will keep your ends in tip top shape. I don't bun like I used to because right now I'm at the point in my journey that I'm not worried about growing it out all that much, yes, I do want it to get to my waist, but I'm not going to go crazy if I don't. I think this has contributed to my surprise when I notice I'm still at BSL. Rollersetting is a Godsend for me. I don't think I would have had my hair in as good condition if I didn't rollerset regularly. I learned how to rollerset from an old poster named Webby, and Quesera girl, and once I learned how to do the rollersets you couldn't stop me.

Sorry this is long winded but I think without a doubt that patience is the key. I think I would have gotten sick and cut all my hair very short if I hadn't had patience (which kind of gets me my mini cuts as it is, I have restraint now).
Thank you so much for that update. It seems that many of you beyond BSL or have had it for a while are much more well relaxed about your hair.

You seem comfortable with what you have. I look forward to that same contentment about my hair one day also.
Okay Bumping Ladies. Have not heard from the rest of you. Anyone else?


I want to join!!!

I'am not even APL yet tough:look:

How tall are you?: 5'2
Currently about 2-3 inches from APl... I don't measure my hair
BSL (top): n/a
BSL (middle):n/a

BSL (bottom): n/a
Goal ? inches = midback?

LAST TRIM: I think between march and june 07 I had two mini-trims

SUPPLEMENTS: I'm really bad with them but I take iron pills,prenatals and women's daily.I think when I was consistent I had a little better growth tough
i'm currently at the very top of bra-strap, i've have many cuts since the time this thread was started in 2004, i've been so many lengths including waist-length, this time i will no longer have any major hair cuts.
i'm currently at the very top of bra-strap, i've have many cuts since the time this thread was started in 2004, i've been so many lengths including waist-length, this time i will no longer have any major hair cuts.

see I told you that it would take no time.
I'm in I will measure my hair later today!!!!! I am 1 1/2 inches from bs and I'm greedy:lachen:I want more..i want it so bad..I can taste it:lick::grin:
Time for me to get back on the hair thing. I have noticed the last 3-4 inches look terrible compared to the rest, although there doesn't seem to be anything actually wrong with them. Stress has caused me a lot of shedding and loss of thickness.

I am beginning by looking for another deep conditioner (Ill look for AO Honeysuckle Rose) and I will try to learn to rollerset.

I am top of brastrap, about 24 inches.
I am 5'9-5'10.

I'd like waistlength, or almost waist.
This is the perfect place for those who popped or will pop their bra strap in 2007. I just want to go to MBL. That is long enough for me.

I have been wearing alot of buns lately, out of laziness. I just got a touch up last week and I go 8 weeks between touch ups. I get it trimmed with every other touch up.

This weekend, I will rollerset, especially since my touch up is still relatively fresh.
Current hair length: 24 inches
How tall are you?: 5'8"+
BSL (top): 24 inches
BSL (middle): 24.5 inches
BSL (bottom): 25 inches
Waist: 29 inches
Tailbone: 34.5 inches

Last trim: wow... it was last time i str8ened - may 2007
Last relaxer: i dunno...sometime in 1999 - been natural 8 years...

Shampoo: Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Shampoo, Suave Clarifying, Aveda Color Conserve
Conditioners: Suave Humectant/Extreme Strength Cond., Whole Foods 365
Leave-in: Fantasia IC Olive Leave In & African Formula Bio Pure
Moisturizer: New Era Shea Butter Moisturizer (w/castor oil as a sealant)
Pre-shampoo treatment: cheap cond.,honey, veg. glycerine, amla oil
Deep conditioners: Aubrey Org.GPB Conditioner, Aveda Scalp Benefits, Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol
Reconstructors/Protein Treatments: Aphogee Treatment, Nexxus Emergencee, Roux Porosity Control
Appliances: Maxiglide 1-2x a year; Solis Blowdryer (few times a yr)
Supplements: multi, b-complex, biotin, vit c, zinc, cranberry, garlic, fish oil, yeast fend, acidophillus, chlorophyll, powdered greens

Wash cycle:
i wash my hair 1ce a week usually on a Monday. i do a pre-poo the night b4 when i have time. afterwards, i deep cond. in a shower cap for a few hours or overnight.i rinse out the next morning.

every 6 weeks, i've been using Aphogee treatment. i will be going back to nexxus emergencee when it's finished for a lighter protein treatment.

i squeeze out the water then apply my leave-in and comb thru my hair well.
now that the weather is getting cooler, i have been doing more buns and braids.

in the summer i do more flat twists and wash-n-go's as my hair has plenty of warm air allows me to air dry.

i moisturize my ends every night now and seal w/ castor oil. at night, i sleep with my hair in a bun or braid, and put a satin bonnet on my head. i trim my ends when necessary.

Current hair length: 23.5 inches (as of July)
How tall are you?: 5'7 1/2"
BSL (top): 23 inches
BSL (middle): 23 1/2 inches
BSL (bottom): 24 inches
Midback: 26 inches
Waist: 29 inches
Tailbone: N/A
Bottom: How am I supposed to sit down?!:lachen:

Also, please post your current wash and vitamin regimen

Here is mine:

Last trim: I dust my ends when necessary
Last relaxer: 10/20/2007 w/ Silk Elements Lye
Shampoo: CON (green bottle)
Conditioners: AO Honeysuckle Rose/ ORS pak (in the bottle)/ 10 en 1
Rinse: :nono:
Leave-in: Giovanni Direct Leave-In
Moisturizer: Sunsilk/NTM leave in/Silk Elements/Optimum
Pre-shampoo treatment:Suave Humectant w/ Amla Oil/ORS Hair Mayo/Aphogee 2 min
Deep conditioners: Same as my conditioners
Appliances: Pibbs 514:yawn:, blow dryer, flat iron, Caruso Steam Rollers
Supplements: vitamins (haven't used them in a while)

Wash cycle:
I wash my hair 1-2 times a week. I prepoo and deep condition every time. For balance, I prepoo with a protein conditioner and deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner. After that, I apply a leave in and serum and either rollerset or airdry.

I use Aphogee every 6-8 weeks, normally a week before a relaxer.

I use henna for color and conditioning once every few months.

I clarify whenever my hair feels "coated"

My daily hair style is a bun of some sort, my hair is up 90% of the time.
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