removing porosity from hair via ACV rinse????


Well-Known Member
I plan on doing an ACV rinse this weekend and wanted to know is this a natural way to control (eleveate) the porosity in my hair.
I am newly natural (4B) and my hair is pretty dry. I keep it braided and moisturize 2x a day and it still feels dry. I think I have porosity issues.
What are some natural ways fix this issue? I read in old threads ACV rinses will increase shine an dclose the cuticle but it didn't mention porosity.

I clarified my hair 2 weeks ago.
I moisturize with She scent it or Taaliah Waajid mist bodifier.
Cowash 2x a week DC 2x a week via steam or heating cap all while in braids.
I wash with a non-sulfate poo 1x a month.
Light protein every 2 weeks.

please help me...thank you so much ladies!!
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What are you moisturizing with? Sealing? Do you 'baggy'

I moisturize with she scent it or Taaliah Waajid mist bodifier.
I have not been sealing. If I do I will use JBCO.
I don't baggy. The last time I did (with s-curl) I woke up with hair that was kind of damp but once it dried my hair felt dry again.
I will try to baggy tonight with taaliah waajid's and JBCO to soo if that helpd.
What are some ways of removing porosity from the hair.
I baggied last night however my hair just felt a little wet not moist.
If your hair is still super dry after co-washing 2x a week and a leave-in conditioner, perhaps its time to consider your products. Are you using too much protein and not enough moisture?

For me, a really good way to tell if I am getting enough moisture is by my curls. When I am properly moisturized, my curls are there wet OR dry. When I don't, my hair looks (and feels) like hay seconds before it goes up in smoke.

Since you have JBCO, you might want to try doing a hot (warm) oil conditioning. If you have access to a steamer, PLEASE try it. I have dry hair too and it has done wonders for that dry hair.

Just a few things that come to mind.
your porisity is most likely low (not porous enough) and ACV is just going to make the cuticle tigher so idk if the best thing for ur hair right now since its not absorbing moisture as it should... iagree with the above if you can DC with a steamer do it! =) hope you figure it out