Porosity Control Challenge!

Prepoo'd with suave humectant+EVOO, cowashed with Aussie Moist, followed with an ACV rinse.
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Okay, I find that using the PC mixed with the deep conditioner does give me better results than as a final rinse. I will alternate using that and my acv rinse (which I need to remake), but I don't think I will repurchase. The acv seems to work just right all the time, and my hair is so healthy and happy.

ITA...ACV rinses are cheap, easy to mix, make my hair super soft, and did I mention cheap? My hair has been loving them, so I dont even want to try PC!
quick question ladies, I'm going to get my hair relaxed in a couple of hours at the salon...would it be wrong for me to bring my RPC and ask the lady to use it to condition my hair :look:
Ahh, I've made my new acv rinse! :lick: Can't wait till wash day again. I added half a shot glass of wheat germ oil and half a shot glass of hemp seed oil. :lick: :lick: Delightful!
pre-pooing/dc now with Quantum moisturizing co and 1 whole egg for 30 min. I plan on shampooing this out while in the shower and doing a quick cw/acv rinse.
I haven't checked in a while. I've been using FSP after my DC's and then rinse it out and proceed to apply my leave ins, seal, style. I'm having great results.
Still doing the Pororisty thing. Unfortunately my PC is packed away right now so I'm sticking to ACV. I used it before my DC and my hair felt soooper soft and I know it will feel even extra sooooper soft when I rinse.

I'm beginning to agree with the ladies that I'm going to stick with ACV and not repurchase the PC. Tho I did have a good experience with the PC I'm trying to use more natural products and the PC is expensive and doesn't fit with my new regimen.
I just finished a bottle of PC. I went to buy another one yesterday but I think I'm returning it. Looks like alot of ladies in this thread are doing ACV instead of PC. PC always feels GREAT when it goes on my head but after I rinse it feels kinda hard. So last night instead of PC I co-washed with HE Drama Clean conditioner, then did an ACV rinse with 2 tb Braggs ACV (with the mother in it), then let some Aussie Moist sit on my hair then rinsed. OOOH it felt so good. PC never makes my hair feel that way. I know there is no way I am doing ACV as a final rinse though cuz of the stankness factor. I am a super duper mega good smellin hair freak.

My question is.... is a diluted ACV rinse (2 tb per 8oz water) harmful to do daily?
I am doing ACV as a final rinse though cuz of the stankness factor. I am a super duper mega good smellin hair freak.

My question is.... is a diluted ACV rinse (2 tb per 8oz water) harmful to do daily?

I do an acv rinse 5 days a week and my hair is always soft. I don't get the stankiness with my hair.
Shay, do you cowash 5 days a week too or just rinse? I acv 3 days a week, all wash days. Just checkin to see how others use it. Thanks!
Used RPC along with Jasmine's Renewal Conditioner. Loved the results.

I am only using RPC 1-2x per month now.
I'm switching to Creme of Nature Porosity Corrector and Conditioner for a while. According to the bottle its the same as Roux, and it was cheaper. Anyone else tried this?
I'm switching to Creme of Nature Porosity Corrector and Conditioner for a while. According to the bottle its the same as Roux, and it was cheaper. Anyone else tried this?

Is Mos Def on my list after I finish up my Roux.:yep:

Did my Hair today and finished up with my Roux PC.:grin:
I have to admit I've been slacking on the pc a bit:perplexed...but I'm back on track. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but my hair feels better when I use it before I DC or when I add just a little to my DC.

Has anyone tried the Roux 2 Phase Equalizing Leave-in Treatment? I saw it at the BSS today...I've never seen it before, but it was only $3 so I thought I'd get it and see how it is. I'll try it next time I wash my hair.
I would like to join this challenge if it's not too late! I'll be using a mixture of both PC and ACV on wash days (1X per week). If I use PC, I will apply after I DC with heat and if I use ACV, I will do this as my final rinse.
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I'f like to officially join this challenge. I'm going to use an ACV rince after each DC (the smell does not stay).
I DC'd last night with Banana Brulee for the first time....:lick: I let that sit for an hour and then applied PC right on top of it, combed through, let sit for 5 minutes and rinsed. Will use acv bar for first time Saturday.
I've been doing my ACV rinses 3x/wk or anytime my hair feels a little dry. When I rinse with on my DC days I do it before the DC. On the other times I leave it in before I add my leave ins and style.
Did my acv rinse after Emergencee treatment followed by moisturizing DC. Hair still in love. I have the acv bar, definitely have to try it. I got the bar sampler and have used and loved the other two so far.
I haven't "reported in" because this is really not a Challenge for Me, because it is part of my Weekly Wash Routine. I use it Faithfully every week after my DC Session. It's a Great Product especially if you're dealing with Porous Hair.

LB: Please let me know how You Like the CON PC!
I haven't "reported in" because this is really not a Challenge for Me, because it is part of my Weekly Wash Routine. I use it Faithfully every week after my DC Session. It's a Great Product especially if you're dealing with Porous Hair.

LB: Please let me know how You Like the CON PC!

I've become this way as well :yep:, but it never would've started without this challenge. I will never go without doing this again. I did my standard acv rinse after deep conditioning today. My hair was stupidly shiny and super soft, as is always the case. I swear, the Vitamin Shoppe by me must think I'm crazy, cuz I keep stealing the Bragg's acv! :lachen: