Porosity Control Challenge!

Did an ACV rinse yesterday before my DC. I think it helped put the moisture back in my hair since I did a protein treatment on dry hair then cowashed. Sometimes I wonder what is reall going on with my hair because it doesn't seem to rebel to what I do to it and what I put in it like some other ppl say their hair does. I feel kind of ignorant to what my hair should feel like after doing PC or ACV.
Roux PC is a huge miss for me. I will go back to my ACV. My hair is stringy, dry, my products just sit there, it's hard to rinse products out, and it is hard to wet my hair. ACV worked for me and I thought my hair was becoming immune to it but I notice a huge difference between using it vs. PC.
Roux PC is a huge miss for me. I will go back to my ACV. My hair is stringy, dry, my products just sit there, it's hard to rinse products out, and it is hard to wet my hair. ACV worked for me and I thought my hair was becoming immune to it but I notice a huge difference between using it vs. PC.

Sorry to hear that girl. How often were you using the PC?
^^I cowash 5x/wk so I was using it as a final rinse each time. This was exactly the same way I used ACV so I felt there would be no issues. In hindsight I probably should have started out slow, phased it in. Regardless no worries because I will never use it again. If its not broke why try to fix it right?
Used PC before my DC today. It didn't feel like it was just sitting there as I previously thought. I could actually feel some benefit to it...softer hair after rinsing. Will continue to rotate PC and ACV 2-3x/wk.
I've been giving my hair some tlc in the past two days and it feels & looks better. I refuse to have a setback when I am two weeks away from ending my 6 month stretch.
Last I dc'ed with Kenra MC and follow up with a acv rinse.

Sidenote: I love Kenra mc and I want keep it as a staple. The only problem is it so expensive.:cry3:
DC'd with Motions Oil Moisturizer Thursday night. Washed with CON.

I then used Roux PC before DCing again with Pantene R&N. My hair felt so soft. I did feel the waxy coating for the first time after using PC but could tell the difference when I DC'd with Pantene. My hair could detangle with fingers alone and just felt so soft.

I am not going to use PC as a 5min rinse before my DC to see if I like it better.
Hi Ladies,
I am in on this challenge. I have been using Roux PC after dc for about three weeks now. I love it. I also have been a KeraCare Humecto junkie, but I am really enjoying dc with ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner. So I am alternating them and sometimes mixing them. My hair really doesn't like a lot of protein, however, I prepoo with Apogee Min. Or I will put a protein based leave in before styling. To ensure I have a balance of protein/moisture. Must say my hair is loving it. It feels and looks so soft. My hair has grown from Nil to CB; Sal here I come:grin:
Roux PC is a huge miss for me. I will go back to my ACV. My hair is stringy, dry, my products just sit there, it's hard to rinse products out, and it is hard to wet my hair. ACV worked for me and I thought my hair was becoming immune to it but I notice a huge difference between using it vs. PC.

I've been feeling the same way about the PC. I'm natural and it leaves my hair feeling dry. I'm still going to try it before DC'ing to see if that makes a difference, else I'll give it to my mom, whose relaxed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my acv rinse though. I make a much stronger combination of acv than most ladies here do (1/2 cup acv, 1 1/2 cups water, 1 oz. wheat germ oil) but my hair utterly loves it. Me and my BF have completely gotten over the smell, and we both love the way my hair feels. It's so darn cheap too!! How can I say no? :grin: I use it after every wash.
I've been feeling the same way about the PC. I'm natural and it leaves my hair feeling dry. I'm still going to try it before DC'ing to see if that makes a difference, else I'll give it to my mom, whose relaxed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my acv rinse though. I make a much stronger combination of acv than most ladies here do (1/2 cup acv, 1 1/2 cups water, 1 oz. wheat germ oil) but my hair utterly loves it. Me and my BF have completely gotten over the smell, and we both love the way my hair feels. It's so darn cheap too!! How can I say no? :grin: I use it after every wash.

I use the acv after every wash/cowash too so I thought I could do the same with the PC but :nono:. <--At least not for my hair.
I use the acv after every wash/cowash too so I thought I could do the same with the PC but . <--At least not for my hair.

:yep: Same here. Part of me doesn't want to give up on the PC, but the acv works so well for me that I think I may.:ohwell:
I'm still using ACV as a final rinse after my DC with AO HSR. My hair is still like:love::love:...soft shiny and moisturized!
Well i did my research and i'm going to go with the ACV. Please sign me up.

This is the first for me doing this. I just have a quick question for you ladies. After my co-wash I plan to do the ACV. What i'm learning is that ACV seals moisture in the hair correct? If so, then when do I apply my moisturizers? for example: coconut oil, mango butter, aloe vera mix, etc.?
This challenge is a life saver! I've been a victim of dry hair for the longest and all the moisture in the world didn't help....however, my first ACV rinse made my hair so soft and silky and products work sooooooo much better now....It has definitely been included in my regimen as a final rinse after poo and co-washes..YAY!!:grin::grin::grin:

Quick question: Can I make a batch of AVC rinse and refrigerate it for like a week?
Well i did my research and i'm going to go with the ACV. Please sign me up.

This is the first for me doing this. I just have a quick question for you ladies. After my co-wash I plan to do the ACV. What i'm learning is that ACV seals moisture in the hair correct? If so, then when do I apply my moisturizers? for example: coconut oil, mango butter, aloe vera mix, etc.?

I do my ACV as a final rinse and proceed with applying my leave-in, sealant, etc....working very well so far....some ppl do the ACV before the condish/DC and yield good results too....you may have to try both ways and see which one you hair responds better too:rolleyes:
Still going strong - though not so sure I like the PC as much as the ACV. I wonder why since they do the same thing. Anyway, doing it every other day with ConWash.
So I cowashed yesterday and then just wore a ponytail after putting in my leave-ins and sealing with EVCO. I did use ACV or PC and my hair felt really dry today so I cowashed again and kept some in then sealed with EVCO. I think when I don't do some kind of porosity control my hair gets dry quicker. I have finally figured out that doing porosity control definitely makes a difference in how well my hair retains moisture.
Last I dc'ed with Kenra MC and follow up with a acv rinse.

Sidenote: I love Kenra mc and I want keep it as a staple. The only problem is it so expensive.:cry3:

I feel you on that Girl. I love everything about Kenra mC--except the price tag.

DC'd last night and followed up with PC.
Okay, I find that using the PC mixed with the deep conditioner does give me better results than as a final rinse. I will alternate using that and my acv rinse (which I need to remake), but I don't think I will repurchase. The acv seems to work just right all the time, and my hair is so healthy and happy.
Okay, I find that using the PC mixed with the deep conditioner does give me better results than as a final rinse. I will alternate using that and my acv rinse (which I need to remake), but I don't think I will repurchase. The acv seems to work just right all the time, and my hair is so healthy and happy.

I may try this too because I hate to waste that big bottle. I will not repurchase PC either.