
Well-Known Member
Alright LADIES!! This is your OFFICIAL reminder that BOOTCAMP HAS BEGUN!!

That means 120, 240, or 360 days with:

NO DIRECT HEAT: No curling irons, flat irons, marcels, handheld blowdryers, pressing combs, etc. You CAN get those nice rollersets and deep conditioning with a hooded dryer though...gotta keep it healthy ;)

NO TRIMMING: Leave those scissor happy stylists alone and reach your length goals. So drop the scissors and only DUST as needed to maintain hair health. For the newbies, DUSTING is searching through individual strands for split ends and snipping them off. There are many threads on DUSTING available for more detailed instructions.

DEEP CONDITION WITH EVERY WASH!!! As another member stressed, regular conditioners are not deep conditioners, so find you a DEEP conditioner and keep it on for an extended period of time and/or use a heating cap and hooded dryer. We gotta keep these strands healthy from the inside out. :)


If you have any pratical questions about the challenge, please post them in this thread. All the ladies participating can add knowledge to help everyone be sucessful with this challenge.


Note: THIS IS NOT A SIGN-UP THREAD....if you want to find out what Bootcamp is or decide to join see the thread titled LHCF BOOTCAMP 2007 for that. Thanks!
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what if we wash twice a we still have to deep condition with every wash?
Oh boy, I'm doing so many challenges. My poor hair will probably never see the day light with all this challenges. Oh well, hope all goes well. Good luck ladies and happy hair growing:grin:
I am all in it... I ended 2006 with a roller set.. I am doing it with no direct heat and no trims. I WILL BE BSL BY THE END OF THE YEAR. I am claiming it
angie10 said:
Oh boy, I'm doing so many challenges. My poor hair will probably never see the day light with all this challenges. Oh well, hope all goes well. Good luck ladies and happy hair growing:grin:

Angie, I feel that way too but it will be all worth it in the end:)
AddyDoll - If you wash twice a week with shampoo, I think a deep conditioning wouldnt hurt it. There are several ladies on the board with gorgeous hair who do this. However, it depends on your hair and what conditioner you are using for DC. I have no hard line on this for BootCamp...if you DC at least once a week that will sufficiently cover the challenge requirements. You could always alternate a moisturizing DC with a mild protein DC at every wash. Ultimately, I think you should do what makes your hair happy.
I'm rocking my phony bun...and my husband's keeping me in check too! I started practicing my no heat air dyring method last I think I may have a shot of making it
It's my first challenge and I'm so excited! :D
I DC'd on the 1st and I'm rockin a bun today.
Let's do this!! :p
prettypuff1 said:
I am all in it... I ended 2006 with a roller set.. I am doing it with no direct heat and no trims. I WILL BE BSL BY THE END OF THE YEAR. I am claiming it

What length are you currently at now? I'm not even APL yet, but i'm also claiming BSL by the end of this year. We can do this!
QUESTION TO BROWNSUGARFLYYGIRL: Are we also going to post updates in this thread or maybe another one?
Im in braids so I can not deep condition every wash (it would cause severe build up) it that ok
When I take the braids down I will deep co regularly
Thanks for the reminder! I am about to pre-poo and let it sit while I hang up these new curtains. I'll be putting my hair in french braids once I'm done pooing/DCing/and airdrying and stuff.