Remember when you were in High school..the guys that were players...could it ..


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was in high school and University. There was some of my male class mates where what would consider players..I remember one guy who was on the track team. My friend was dating him, she told me that he had slept with 23 women ...he was only 22 at the time. My friend was lady #23:nono:. My friend changed completely after she stopped dating him. She gave her life to god.

Today, 9 years later,I can't help but friend might have been dead on something. She knew something wasn't right...She thought it was her...Now I think it might be him...Could it be that he could have been leaning towards a sex addiction?

Even way back in junior high school...I always thought something wasn't right about someone who the amount sex partners is larger number their their age. It always seemed odd to me.

Could some folks be walking towards this type of addiction without knowing?:perplexed
what are you asking exactly?

Ok there is no gentle way for me to ask this...Could some of these guy actually be on their way of becoming sex addicts? Or could it be some that some of them where just giving themselves to quickly in a relationship thinking the girl would want them more.Was something wrong with these guys? I know some who at the time they were 24 had slept over 40 people. I know some girls back then that had similar digit...23 had slept with over 35 guys...something aint right...
I don't even know 23 people :lachen:

But, to answer your question, I think you're judging their number of sexual partners by a set of standards that may not apply to everyone. One person's "promiscuous behavior" could be another person's "freedom of sexual expression". Sexual addiction, like any addiction, is clinically diagnosed in terms of how it affects other parts of that person's life. Does it interfere with work/school/obligations? If not, then no it's not sexual addiction. Maybe this guy decided (by my standards) too quickly that a person would be an appropriate sexual partner. Maybe he was into experimenting? It's tough to make a call on these things.
I think some of these guys literally hate women. I know one like that who slept with, and created drama among our entire minority population at my University.

His mother was absent and he had a horrible life and I think he compensated by trying to screw every woman possible. If he could hurt them by being detached along the way, then that was a bonus.
Good point, it just seems like something ain't right...especially at such a young age.

I can't help but wonder what is really going on. I know another guy who is 23...(he claims)...rumored to be 28. Slept with 25 women. I know its inferior to his age... but I can't help but wonder I mean if your over probably aware of the existence of HIV, AIDS, and why all the excuse myself free balling. Especially to girls out there that just keep going and going one to the next. I knew another girl who in class would open up her agenda and smiley face stickers for each man she did....her monthly calendar was stupid arse at the time thought she was putting them stickers as encouragement for all the good grades she got in class.:nono:

I don't even know 23 people :lachen:

But, to answer your question, I think you're judging their number of sexual partners by a set of standards that may not apply to everyone. One person's "promiscuous behavior" could be another person's "freedom of sexual expression". Sexual addiction, like any addiction, is clinically diagnosed in terms of how it affects other parts of that person's life. Does it interfere with work/school/obligations? If not, then no it's not sexual addiction. Maybe this guy decided (by my standards) too quickly that a person would be an appropriate sexual partner. Maybe he was into experimenting? It's tough to make a call on these things.
I'm not sure. Maybe overstuffing yourself with a drug could lead to an addiction? And, so..along those lines, I suppose you could open yourself up to being a sex addict.

I know, even back when I was in high school...the "players" were disgusting...because it was well known they were sexing anything that moved. Folks that age aren't incapable of recognizing the sheer grossness involved in having more sex partners than years on this earth.

Your friend felt it and turned over a new leaf. If the players are setting themselves up for sex addictions...well, so it is. Let them run themselves into the ground without you. You know?

I also agree with the poster who mentioned some men/boys have that disrespect of women from childhood and seek to realize it through promiscuity. I don't know how that translates later in life...whether they develop an addiction or become chronic cheaters or what. Interesting tho.
They had an episode on Oprah Yesterday about sex addiction. One woman slept with over 400 men and women and she is married.