Relaxers, how many times did you relax this year?


Well-Known Member
I just sat here thinking and I realized that I only relaxed my hair 2 times this year; once in May/June and again in September! Normally I relax atleast 6 times for the year which would leave my hair dry and over processed.

I used to think that it would be impossible for a 4a/b head to relax twice a year but I see that it is definitely possible.

How many times did you relax this year?
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

So far twice but that's because I got a virgin relaxer in August.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I got a virgin relaxer in June and had a touchup in October.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

3 times, but i plan to only relax twice a year from now on.were there any products that you used which helped you go so long without relaxing??
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Virgin relaxer: April
Touchups: June, August, October, and December (I'll do it right before Xmas.)
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed 5 times this year which is better than previous years (6-7 times). One of my new year resolutions will be to relax 4 times next year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

About 5 time this year. Presently working toward every 4 months (3 times) a year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I am embarrassed to say that I relax every 6-7 weeks which puts me at about 8-9 relaxers a year. WAAAAY to much,but this is the average for most african american women. However,the women on this board are an exception and an example that I wish to follow. I just cant seem to master taking care of my new growth past 6 weeks. I have tried (gone as far as 7 1/2 weeks) but I start to get breakage and shedding and start feeling like I'm doing my hair a disservice. Not to mention when I try doing a braid out its frizzy even with serums,oils,leave ins,etc.... When I try my default,which is the ponytail,it doesnt look sleek at all when I have alot of new growth. These things I could deal with but what I cant deal with is seeing how much hair I lose when I have alot of new growth and I try to comb through it. Yeah I know about all of the comb out tricks and not to comb the actual new growth but then I have frizzy looking hair. My goal is for my hair to be at my bra strap while wearing a braid out style which would mean when its straight its at least 1-2 inches past bra strap.Once I reach this goal then I will focus on relaxing once every 3 months which would be 4 times a year. During this time while I'm growing my hair I will also research different products to see what I can incorporate in my regimen to help me achieve my ultimate goal of applying a relaxer alot less than I do now.

Tee Tee

Tee Tee
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 times this year!!!!March, May, July, September, November
I'm so proud of myself! Thanks to this board!!! I learned how to stretch out my relaxers.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Tee Tee said:
I just cant seem to master taking care of my new growth past 6 weeks. I have tried (gone as far as 7 1/2 weeks) but I start to get breakage and shedding and start feeling like I'm doing my hair a disservice.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's bugging me too. I've gone 8 weeks each time with this exception of waiting til right before Xmas to relax at week 9 or 10. My new growth is strong and tightly coiled, while the fully relaxed hair is weak, limp, and wavy by contrast. It's all 4b and fine.

I save all the shed hair after a shower and combout. I tape it in a hair journal with the date and routine that I just did. No matter how gentle I am (finger and Jilbere combing) or how much Biolage leave in tonic and slippery conditioner I use, the shed/broken hair balls KEEP GETTING BIGGER the longer I wait to touch up after week 6.
I've combatted this by washing and combing less frequently and by moisturizing my new growth more often, but it's a losing battle.

When you know better, you do better.
Next year I'll texturize (not fully relax) the new growth myself at week 6 or 7. The legendary Yvette used a mild no-lye monthly to avoid breakage and still retained 9 inches of new growth a year.

Spacing out relaxers isn't for everyone.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I've only relaxed once this year! That is because I'm transitioning of course. My typical amount of relaxing was about 5-6 times a year.

Megonw - I didn't know you got a virgin relaxer in April. How were you wearing your hair as a natural? And I agree, if you're losing more hair by waiting too long, then spacing out relaxers may not be a good idea.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed 3 times this year. The usual is 5 or 6. This year was different b/c I've been sooo busy that I didn't have the time to sit at the hairdresser and get the job done.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 times with the last relaxer being Oct25th. Since i'm stretching out my relaxers from 8 weeks to 12, my next relaxer will be on January 17th.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relax 4 times a year (every 12-13 weeks, my last one is next week), and that's been my standard for the past 5 years. I was considering trying to move down to 3 next year, but like megonw, I have noticed that I lose a lot of hair the closer I get to a relaxer. I think a lot of that is just due to bad techniques on my part, so next year, I'll try some of the suggestions on this board and see if my hair lose decreases. (thanks Tee Tee for the "don't comb the new growth" tip)
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

hairlove said:
Megonw - I didn't know you got a virgin relaxer in April. How were you wearing your hair as a natural?

[/ QUOTE ]

I wore my hair cornrowed down with latch-hook/crocheted braided extensions for years (1996-2003). I quit the vigorol relaxers 2000-2003. I'd just get it washed and cornrowed at the salon in between braided styles. Stylists would manhandle the afro. Then I'd go home and latch in the extensions on my own.

My mom would press and curl it during the holidays to check up on the length. My hair was basically on "ignore" during that time, as I had no growth agenda and refused to be troubled with styling it daily. There's an example picture in my gallery.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Okay, I'm a little out of it because I haven't slept in 24 hours and it is finally catching up to me but I think I have relaxed my hair only twice this year. In March and in August. I don't plan to relax my hair again this year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed twice this year. This was only because I was pregnant and had extended it to 7 months. Boy was that a challenge for 4a/4b hair but I learned alot if I want to transition one day. I won't relax again until Jan/Feb 2004.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

6 times

March, May, July when I was going 12 weeks
Septermber, October and December when I was going 8 weeks..
I'll be going back to 12 weeks at the beginning of the new year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I got a virgin relaxer in October. So that makes it one. I won't get another one until March or April.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

4 times, & I have one more coming in 2 to 3 weeks.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Only twice for me but this is what I have been doing for awhile.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I got a virgin relaxer put in on June 20th.
and relaxed 2 times since then. My goal is to relax 3 times a year only.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed 8 times this year. In 2004 I am going to try and cut that in half to about 4 times per year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

four times, once in febuary 18, may 9, july 23 and november 02. i have one more this year in december because i'm trying to follow the lunar cycles. mostly my hair was in microbraids, i just figured out now while writing this that twice i had good reasons for actually relaxing, prom and senior ribbon day. the other two times were just because i'd gone so long without a relaxer and i didn't know how to take care of my hair without one. but overall...just 5? for me thats kinda amazing.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

At least 6, I know I've definitely had 4 since June, but that's because I was having some serious underprocessing trying to relax my hair myself with Motions Mild.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Took me a while to make sure, but I've only relaxed once this year-July. My next relaxer will be in May 04'
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I have probably relaxed about 9 times this year. I relaxed every 4-5 weeks like clockwork, because the new growth was hard to manage.

Since finding the hair boards, I have not relaxed once (it's been about 8 weeks) and I'm not planning on relaxing again until late December.

Next year, my goal is to relax once every 3 months, or 4 times a year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Great thread!
My hair has been retouched 4 times this year. (Jan, March,July and Nov) I'm kinda happy with that
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Three times: January 2nd, July 17th, October 20-something-th