Relaxer Update - Lots of Picthas


New Member
So I relaxed Yesterday. I tried to have Dh take some good pictures of my length. I told him they had to look right and be from the right angle and etc, because LHCF will call you on it. But I got tired of him sighing whenever I said to do it again. So whatever. :rolleyes:
Out of probably like 50 pictures (literally) these were all I found acceptable.

Dh also trimmed about 1/2 inch off. I think he did a good job. My hair is a little uneven in some spots. Has been like this before my journey. But I refuse to cut it off.

I relaxed my hair. Rinsed really well. Then did a 1minute protein treatment (fantasia IC). Neutralized, then conditioner. Then I put in a Lady Fior rinse. Left it on for a good while (got busy with the kids) then went under dryer for 20 minutes. Rinsed, then DC with ORS Replenishing under steamer for 20 minutes. Then it just made this loud beep that would not stop. I don't know what that was about. I had water left in the tank.:perplexed

Rinsed again. Then wet wrapped and sat under the dryer. Once dried, I gently combed it down and flat ironed bone straight so DH could trim. I couldn't believe it was my hair. I cannot remember having hair this long. Yet at the same time I know it isn't long. :ohwell: I cannot wait to get to APL. Then I may finally feel I have long hair. At least by real life standards. :lol:


Taken from weird angle (DH:rolleyes:) but I like how it looks.

Accurate length shot. I have two different textures. My hair at the bottom is thinner than the top. I call it Lye (top) and No Lye (bottom).

I did a caruso on my bone straight hair. I like it better on air dried hair though, has more texture, and is more fuller. DH just took some pictures on his own. Without me asking. :yep:



Here is my hair after being out and about all day, and putting in a hair claw. It fell, and it usually doesn't. But I have to admit, it is kinda greasy. I over did it with my organic oil mix and Argan oil (love that stuff):look:




The Next day after church, DH messed it up after a...session. :blush:




and just because I saw others do it, and thought it was pretty. :lol:

Also, this was my first time relaxing myself. DH usually does it. :grin:
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your hair came out beautiful...

LOL my DH is also my photographer too and sigh's all the way through but i don't care!:grin:
your hair came out beautiful...

LOL my DH is also my photographer too and sigh's all the way through but i don't care!:grin:

:lachen: He be getting on my nerves. So you know I was shocked when he started taking pictures on his own. Then still had the nerve to have a little tude. I think he be trying to play like he don't like it. :lol:

Excellent results! Is your DH a hairstylist? I know you mentioned that he normally does your relaxers.

No he isn't. He was all for it because he felt he would be saving money. Little did he know...:look::lachen::lachen::lachen:
We do save more now then in the beginning.

I likey - Very nice. Did u relax with ORS no-lye?

No this was my first time using Mizni Butter blends - Mild. I loved it. My hair still felt thick and strong afterward.
your hair looks great!

everytime i see them three little girls i smile, they are so cute! waiting for a husband so i can make some too.
e-mommie Your Hair looks Amazing! Soooo Healthy.

Glad you got DH on standby to relax you if need be. That's Great.:grin: It's hard to find someone you 'trust' to self-relax you.

Thanks for sharing your results & your progress. Very, Very Nice!:yep: