Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I'm 25 weeks post. I'm getting the urge to relax, but I'm thinking "What's the point if I'm going to be weaved up for most of 2010?"

I guess I'll keep it going and hope that my stylist will alert me to any problems in between installs.
I met my goal of 24 weeks, but I'm not ready to relax yet. Thoughts of transitioning are running through my head, but I don't know about that. I'm just gonna keep going until it gets too difficult. Happy Stretching ladies!
^^^I'm the same way, right now I'm almost 25 weeks post and I feel like I could go on forever but I've realized that I don't want to! So I finally set a date to relax my hair, Feb. 13th... that will be my 30 week mark.
Hey ladies,
I am stretching also. Just came out of my braids, 2 wks ago and I am currently at 17wks. My goal is to stretch to the 6 month mark (7 wks to go!!) However, I may go longer, it just depends on how my ng is behaving. So far, so good. I plan to up my co-washing, and DCing. Currently I use Pantene Relax and Natural Conditioning Mask (luv it!!) and I just purchased Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Conditioner to add to my staple conditioners. The last 2 wks I've been wearing, a phony pony (afro puff) and half wigs (natural, curly) with my front blending in with the half wig. What I've decided to do now, is that I will wear the half wig on weekends, and do the pony during the week.
hey what about a Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread 2010??. Honestly I'm fairly new (joined sept of last year) and I plan on stretching for 3 months which is a first for me since I usually go about 8 weeks:grin:, I would love some help and support but the length of this thread is a bit intimidating:look:
Has anyone been successful at NOT getting a lot of breakage while stretching? What products/techniques did you use? I am 26 weeks post and have been losing a lot of hair on wash days, which is once a week. I am swimming once a week now and wanted to stretch til about April but I don't want to keep losing hair. I am trying to put of relaxing..has anyone found a fool proof way to not lose hair and protect the demarcation line?
^^ I'm 22 weeks post with no breakage...I DC weekly with something really moisturizing (Silicon Mix :love: ), apply my leave-ins & air dry in braids.

I also make sure I do a hardcore protein treatment (Aphogee 2-step) about every 8-10 weeks, and when I co-wash 1-2x a week I also air dry in braids.

OH and before I co-wash I pre-poo with a cheapy conditioner for 1-2hours (no heat) to soften & detangle ng...hth
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I am only at 16 weeks but I plan on going to 52 weeks and this will be my second 52 week stretch stretch. I just got a weave and when I get out I will be 33 weeks! WoW time really flies. My hair is growing like a weed and I am so proud of her health and length. This is my first install so I will keep my fingers crossed of no set backs.
^^ I'm 22 weeks post with no breakage...I DC weekly with something really moisturizing (Silicon Mix :love: ), apply my leave-ins & air dry in braids.

I also make sure I do a hardcore protein treatment (Aphogee 2-step) about every 8-10 weeks, and when I co-wash 1-2x a week I also air dry in braids.

OH and before I co-wash I pre-poo with a cheapy conditioner for 1-2hours (no heat) to soften & detangle ng...hth

Hmm, guess I'll do a hardcore aphogee this Sunday after swimming and if that don't work, unfortunately I will have to get a touchup:(
Do you comb your damp hair after conditioning? How much hair comes out? What leave in are you using and do you use something separate on your demarcation areas?
Hmm, guess I'll do a hardcore aphogee this Sunday after swimming and if that don't work, unfortunately I will have to get a touchup:(
Do you comb your damp hair after conditioning? How much hair comes out? What leave in are you using and do you use something separate on your demarcation areas?

Yeah I detangle after I co-wash (or after my DC) on wet hair, there is very very little hair in my comb afterward. I use HE LTR leave-in, but Silicon Mix does most of the major detangling especially my new growth/at the demarcation line.

I think protein is great, but moisture is really important because matting, tangling, and breakage will definitely occur if the new growth gets dry this far into a make sure your DC is giving you great moisture, along with a good daily moisturizer...but I think DC'ing is especially important because gives me moisture for days.
20 weeks post and plan on relaxing with the half and half method over the weekend. Did my protein treatment on Sunday so I should be ready to go. I cant wait to see my progress and then hide for another 5-6 months
Bumping this old thread! :look: I need all the help I can get right now! :bump:

I'm 13 weeks post and may have to wait another 4 - 5 weeks. :( Last year I gave up stretching because work and school were crazy and I didn't have the time to fight with my hair. But I also had a terrible setback when I let a stylist in my town do my hair and she chopped me off from MBL down to APL in some sections (she turned my blunt cut to a U) :mad:

So I go to my favorite stylist who is 3 hours away, and I need to go on weekends to see her, but she doesn't have any openings until next month. :ohwell:

So I'm trying to figure out what to do, my hair got so tangled after wearing a wash n go for only one day that I vowed NEVER to do that again. It took me an HOUR to detangle with a wide tooth comb. I figured out that to keep my roots moist I need to do a wet set every 3 - 5 days. It's a lot of work but I can't let my hair get that tangled again! :nono:

So lemme read back through this thread for some more tips to help me deal, hopefully.

My daughter will also be stretching but she's 4b (I'm 4a) so I'm considering putting cornrows in and refreshing them every 1-2 weeks until we relax.
I am stretching also, I'm 30 weeks into 32-33 weeks stretch! It hasn't been bad at all, I think mostly b/c I wearing braids so I don't have to deal with manipulation on a daily basis. I never stretched for 8 months :blush:. So I will see how things turn out when I touch-up in a couple of weeks :look:
I am 15 weeks post trying to go for a year AGAIN. I have done 2 separate 1 yr stretches but my hair was much shorter then. My neighbor is helping me by doning twist in my hair without extensions and they have not unraveled in the last 3 weeks. I think she is hoping I go natural...... We shall see.
I just relaxed at 16 wks post this past Sat. I don't think I could have gone any longer. I could feel the pulling and tangling as my hairdresser would part my hair to apply the relaxer. The night before I sectioned my hair into 4, detangled and applied evoo to my scalp. If my new growth were a little looser I'd def go even longer, but 16 was def my cut off limit this time. Typically I relax from 8-10 wks, so I was super proud of myself making it up to 16 wks.
The stylist I used to go to told me and my sis that some ppl can stretch their relaxers but our hair wasn't meant to be stretched. I'm determined to prove her wrong cause every 4 weeks isn't really healthy. After my next relaxer I'm going to start counting my weeks my first goal is 6 weeks then get a texture softener then the next 6 weeks get a full relaxer on my ng and lightly on my tex-lax hair

*~SCKRI23~* via LHCF app
I am going to stretch for 12 week. Since i have a new reggie, it might help me get through it. I roller set and flat iron my new growth and i dont use creams to moisture with anymore. I also use detangler to detangle my hair with. The creams would just sit on top of my hair and not give me the moisture i needed. All of that coating caused breakage too. I dont cowash either. I have to shampoo in order for product to penetrate better. I use liquid moisturizers now.

I believe i am 3 weeks posts now. 9 more weeks to go.
Newly relaxed after being natural for over 2 years. It's too early to say how long I'll stretch but I'm going to shoot for 8-10 weeks, maybe 12.:look:
Never knew about this thread! *subbing*

Platinum wow never knew you relaxed, any pics :D

Hey Fyne. I just relaxed a few days ago, I haven't taken pics yet. I'll try to post some this week. I learned a lot about my hair when I was natural so I think I'll be able to take better care of my hair as a relaxed head now.:yep: