Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

9 weeks post. I started taking Biotin and Nioxin 10 weeks ng is twice as much now than during regular stretches. *sigh*....can't wait 'til December 20th for my FINAL relaxer of 2009!! :yep:

I am please with my progress this year. I only relaxed 4times. Beginning in 2010, my stretches will be 17/18 weeks at a time for a total of only 3 relaxers. Looking forward to the challenge!! :dance7:

I just started taking Nioxin Recharging Complex as well - will be 6 weeks taking it as of tomorrow. I can't wait for 3 months to pass so I can see what my progress looks like after taking it . Of course I will take it for about 6 months minimum. By then I would be sure if this will remain in my vitamin stash.

I hope to cycle it though, eg., 6 months on, 1 month off of it, 6 months on it again, and so and so on. I don't want my body to become immune to it. This reminds me, I need to order another 90 day supply before I run out:yep:.
I will be relaxing last touch up was on 8/13( almost 15 weeks), my new growth has won the battle. This is the longest I've stretched. :yep: I will stretch longer after this touch up.
on week 9 of my 14 week stretch (i think). Its going pretty well, handling the NG like a breeze. You ladies did say it gets easier each time, but I am also hiding under wigs, half wigs. I may relax before xmas, or right after the new year, still have not decided yet. Its my curiosity that gets the best of me, I just NEED TO see my progress
I will be entering week 13 of what was to be a 16 week stretch. I tried Matrix Biolage Ceramicide Repair after reading the Thread of Ceramicides and after this last DC Session and my hair (NG) was incredibly softer & smoother.:yep:

I will try this next wash day and perhaps extend my stretch to maybe 18-20 weeks if My NG and SSK's stay 'managable' and under control.
I will be completing my first 12 week stretch Wednesday Dec 9th! This is the longest I've stretched and don't know if I could go another week. After week 10 my scalp started itching as if the NG was irritating it???:ohwell:

I've been oiling my scalp this past week with EVCO to help me get to week 12 and it seems to help.

Picture in my sig in rollerset I did last night with roots only flat-ironed for church today. Rollersetting at week 11 1/2 is not for the wimpy! :blush: Took way too much patients to get that fine tooth comb through without pulling out much hair.
Week 11 completed of a 14 week stretch.. I am relaxing or at least plan to relax the day after xmas.. I ust did a protein treatment and followed with a moisture dc because I felt my hair getting that mush feeling which I dont like especially with the 2 textures fighting each other.. 3 weeks to go.. I hope I can hold out. My curiousity gets the best of me each time.
Is it advisable to detangle new growth?

I forgot to detangle my hair before washing it (I've had been a bit preoccupied, lol) and my roots are super tangled. I'm 12 weeks post and I'm not sure of whether or not I should even attempt to detangle my roots??

If so, any suggestions on how to go about detangling? Should I dentangle my hair and roots while wet or while dry?
Is it advisable to detangle new growth?

I forgot to detangle my hair before washing it (I've had been a bit preoccupied, lol) and my roots are super tangled. I'm 12 weeks post and I'm not sure of whether or not I should even attempt to detangle my roots??

If so, any suggestions on how to go about detangling? Should I dentangle my hair and roots while wet or while dry?

I would definately detangle, it would only get worse. Also try detangling on dry hair with oils or condish. wet hair is most fragile, so keep that in mind. Good luck
Is it advisable to detangle new growth?

I forgot to detangle my hair before washing it (I've had been a bit preoccupied, lol) and my roots are super tangled. I'm 12 weeks post and I'm not sure of whether or not I should even attempt to detangle my roots??

If so, any suggestions on how to go about detangling? Should I dentangle my hair and roots while wet or while dry?

YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Please detangle your new growth. I made the mistake of not detangling when I first began my stretch and needless to say I regretted it. I was at least a month and a half into my stretch and my hair became a matted mess because I did not detangle :nono:. I was almost in tears. I think it is best to detangle my hair while it is wet with conditioner. I have also detangled dry hair, but I had to use NTM (Neutrogena Silk-Touch Moisturizer) to detangle and get rid of those knots :yep:.
Hello ladies, I always come into this thread but never post! I love the encouragement and support you guys give to each other. Can I have some, lol?!!

I'm currently 9 weeks post and I normally relax around 12 to 13 weeks. Well for some reason, my hair is out of control at 9 weeks. This is very unusual but either I was underprocessed at my last relaxer or I've had an incredible growth spurt.

Anyway, I'm aiming for January 29th for my next relaxer. That would be 17 weeks. It would also be my one year anniversary. I've never gone 17 weeks and I'm a little scared!! I used to do braid outs but I felt as if I was losing too much hair. For the last two weeks I've just been pulling it back into a pseudo-bun (it's not long enough for a real bun!). I wash and DC once a week because I don't like manipulating it too much. And I've been suffering alot of breakage (as well as shedding).

I'm slightly frustrated (hence the long post! Sorry!!!) but I'm going to stick it out!! I hope I'm not setting myself up for a setback!!!
I have come to the conclusion that a six month relaxer stretch is not for me, at least not right now. I'm not going to discourage anyone that does stretch for that long, or even longer. Keep up the good work ladies. I truly admire you :yep:. For now, I will stick with three month stretches. The people that do my touch-ups can't handle my NG after 3 months, it seems, and I'm tired of dealing with underprocessed sections.
I would definately detangle, it would only get worse. Also try detangling on dry hair with oils or condish. wet hair is most fragile, so keep that in mind. Good luck

Thank you, Jamie, I'll try it on dry hair. I have some coconut oil that I can mix with a bit of conditioner. You're right, my hair is very fragile when wet, so I'm terrified of detangling it this way.

YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Please detangle your new growth. I made the mistake of not detangling when I first began my stretch and needless to say I regretted it. I was at least a month and a half into my stretch and my hair became a matted mess because I did not detangle :nono:. I was almost in tears. I think it is best to detangle my hair while it is wet with conditioner. I have also detangled dry hair, but I had to use NTM (Neutrogena Silk-Touch Moisturizer) to detangle and get rid of those knots :yep:.

I'm thinking about getting the NSTM, I actually think I already bought it after watching Sylver's videos and forgot that I even had it, lol. I'll try your suggestions, too. Thanks so much for the advice ladies, I appreciate it. :yep:
i am in week 9 of a 13 week stretch. i plan on relaxing on December 31st. i am struggling with my new growth. i usually do at week 9 and give in at week 10 but im going to tough it out and hopefully i can get my hair loooking cute for my birthday and christmas. i really want to make it to week 13!
I agree, stretching is not for me. It has severely broken off my hair, from now on I will be stretching for 3 months or so. My hair cant handle otherwise
I have come to the conclusion that a six month relaxer stretch is not for me, at least not right now. I'm not going to discourage anyone that does stretch for that long, or even longer. Keep up the good work ladies. I truly admire you :yep:. For now, I will stick with three month stretches. The people that do my touch-ups can't handle my NG after 3 months, it seems, and I'm tired of dealing with underprocessed sections.
I am on week 15. I wear half wigs and use Kerca care products which keep my hair extremely soft and manageable. I am considering stretching 6 months. I also use Keracare 2 min reconstructor weekly so I am not seeing any breakage. I reccomend half wigs they have helped my hair and this stretch so much!!! 24 weeks here I come!
On week 13 of stretch, and Im going for a 14 weeks stretch this time.. Its been pretty easy as well, but I dont want to do more harm than good. I have to listen when my hair starts talking to me:)
I'm glad I came in this thread. I'm currently 9 weeks post and wanted to stretch 10-12 wks. I normally relax every 6 weeks faithfully so this stretch is really good for me. I washed my hair over the weekend and my ng is off da hook. I did see some breakage but I think that my hair was not moisturized enough. So tonight I will do a cowash mixed with various oils and make sure that my hair is well moisturized before letting my hair air dry. If not.....creamy white crack it is.
I tried to hang for 14 weeks but I can't take it anymore! :spinning:

So I'm getting a retouch at 13 weeks, tonight :yawn:

I found it difficult to handle the two textures, which is interesting since I've been natural for the past 10 years. For some reason, my new growth feels coarser than what my hair usually felt like when I was fully natural. So even though I've been natural forever and I love being naturaly, I can TOTALLY understand why some people will be discouraged from going natural.
I'm in the middle of my 17th week of stretching. Texlax on Saturday.

It has gone very smoothly, I'm happy to say. My ends still look very good, so I'm going to tell my stylist I only want a 1/4" trim PERIOD. I'll see what my hair looks like in April when I go for the next one to determine if I want to even it up more. Tension method with the Denman plus an improving flat iron technique with the Conair Infiniti has my hair in good shape. I'm excited to see what my progress will be!
Hi guys! I'm 23 weeks post right now and I'm about ready to relax. But I'm starting to wonder if I should DIY relax or go to a salon to have it professionally done. I HAVE relaxed my own hair before and with good results (minus under-processing a once or twice but... who doesn't on accidental occasion lol). So what say you guys? Should I just go to the salon or be confident in my perming-prowess and do it myself? Also, do you guys have any techniques that you think would make self-relaxing easier with a lot of NG? TIA ladies!
Hey Ladies. I will be 20 weeks post this weekend Im so proud of myself. I am currently wearing wigs with my hair cornrowed underneath. The past two weeks have been very difficult on wash day. I find that my hair is beccoming more tanglyed and knotty even with my beloved Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo. I did a cholesterol pre poo last week and it helped alot!!!!! I am going to continue doing those for the remainder of my strect. I plan to end at 24 weeks. Im dying to know my length. My cornrows stopped at the end of my neck so i hope im SL when i relax!!!

Good Luck everyone! Aggie ,thanks for the encouragement!