Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

2 weeks post this coming weekend.. I plan on stretching to 15 or 16 weeks again.. I could've definately gone longer last time when I relaxed at 15 weeks post but I was looking a HAM and the urges were too much to fight.

How bout my Gf telling me to NEVER EVER stretch past 12 weeks, or the breakage will be excessive!!! lol.. She just told me this weekend, she has nice APL hair but I had to school her on the art of stretching. She told me I was wrong, but hey whatever works for her.. works for her.. I had little to no breakage when I relaxed so I had no idea what she was talking about
Should I do an egg and mayo hair treatment. Did a henna treatment and a tea rinse and still experiencing some strand loss. HELP!!!!![/QUOTE]

I had the same issue you have. I tried henna, & protein treatments. I am about 13 weeks post now. For the past 3 weeks I have been pre-pooing with equal amouts of--castor oil, shea butter, wheat germ oil, a lil coconut oil, and evoo. I mix it in a applicator bottle, let it sit in hot water for a few minutes, and saturate my hair and scalp (its very runny):perplexed I then sit under my bonnet dryer for 30-1hr-depends on whats on TV and then rinse/wash--trying to stay away from poo so mixing castile soap and a lil condish or use hairone. DC-always mix in wheat germ oil (bout a tsp or a lil more)-after i apply the DC, I take some coconut oil or evoo (evoo worked better) and apply to my hair- go back under the bonnet dryer-well after all is said and done, this is the first time I have not had any breakage at all--just shed hairs, and not too much of that either. Gotta be an oil lover to try it, but it has worked very well for me.:lick: I have also continued using protein weekly.

I'm with you girl. I am only 10 weeks post and am trying to resist the urge to relax. My hair really needs the break from relaxers and that's how I'm getting myself through.

I wash and deep condition on Tuesday and Saturday and co-wash on Thursday and bun all the time. I have to admit bunning is getting pretty old, but I know in the end, my hair will be much happier because of it.

I only have one question, my ends seem to be really dry when applying a moisturizer to them. Does anyone think this is because of not enough protein. On Tuesday I use a moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner and on Saturday I use a protein-based shampoo and deep conditioner. On Thursday I do an ACV rinse and apply coconut milk to my hair and cover with a baggie for an hour and then use a moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. I let my hair air, or if I'm pressed for time, I partially dry it under a dryer and then put my hair up and baggie the ends for that smooth relaxed look.

Is there anything else that I should be doing to keep my ends more moisturized? I don't want my hair to continue to break when applying a moisturizer to the ends.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I used to have a dryness issue. I learned (the hard way) that my ends need to be protected whether I'm airdrying or under a dryer. i use Hairveda herbal green tea butter or my castor oil mix (castor oil+trader joes vit E oil). Im 10 weeks post too! (11 on sunday)

33 weeks in on saturday with 6 more weeks to go. Come on six weeks! I am getting a bit tired of this wig (today at least) and want to wear my hair out!!!
Beans4reezy. I've been following your stretch journey since like week 5. And I am patiently waiting to see your end result. You are my inspiration. I am trying to see if I can stretch that long for the fall/winter. I cant wait to see pics
I was trying to go 14 weeks this time but I think it's a bad idea. This is my second 12 week stretch. First off, I've been experencing breakage due to experimenting (I don't have a set regimen yet), I have a little reversion from my last relaxer (didn't do a corrective!) AND somehow, w/o a tweak in my reg, I'm experencing a growthspurt. There's just too much "fro" up there.
Finally made it to 40 weeks post today and have 48 more weeks to go - going for 18-20 months:look:.

:shocked: 40 weeks post!! Wow...that's like 10 months! :yay: yay aggie! 18-20 months would make you practically a natural. You can do it. As for me, I'm trying to stretch for a lowly 5 months this time around (until January), and then after that I want to start relaxing only twice a year (every 6 months). I almost caved a week ago and wanted desperately to relax (and I'm only 3 months post, forshame :nono:) But I'm going to hold it out. The tension method and regular clarification has helped make my hair smoother and easier to manage, and I think that will get me to 5 months. Root for me ladies!!
Beans4reezy. I've been following your stretch journey since like week 5. And I am patiently waiting to see your end result. You are my inspiration. I am trying to see if I can stretch that long for the fall/winter. I cant wait to see pics

BestBlackGirl, that is so sweet of you to say!! Comments like these really keep me motivated to continue my stretch. I will definitely update with pics! You can do it too...just find a routing that works for you and you are all set! :yep:
:shocked: 40 weeks post!! Wow...that's like 10 months! :yay: yay aggie! 18-20 months would make you practically a natural. You can do it. As for me, I'm trying to stretch for a lowly 5 months this time around (until January), and then after that I want to start relaxing only twice a year (every 6 months). I almost caved a week ago and wanted desperately to relax (and I'm only 3 months post, forshame :nono:) But I'm going to hold it out. The tension method and regular clarification has helped make my hair smoother and easier to manage, and I think that will get me to 5 months. Root for me ladies!!

:kiss: Thank you so much Muffin. Girl you know you have a fan in your corner rooting for you and that's :meme:.

As for practically going natural at 20 months, I think you are right. I may consider big chopping just so I can see my whole head of natural hair for a day maaaaybe 2:lachen: and then that creamy crack and I are gonna disappear someplace nice and quiet for a few minutes and when I emerge, semi-sleek hair all over again:lick:.

Muffin, the reason for doing what I'm doing is to make sure I get all of the previously dull, brittle no-lye relaxed hair off my head. Then start again fresh with a mild lye texlaxer. I believe that this is the best way to transition to texlaxed hair for me. My new journey started in January of this year.
BestBlackGirl, that is so sweet of you to say!! Comments like these really keep me motivated to continue my stretch. I will definitely update with pics! You can do it too...just find a routing that works for you and you are all set! :yep:

Oooh boy, pics coming soon:yay:.
:kiss: Thank you so much Muffin. Girl you know you have a fan in your corner rooting for you and that's :meme:.

As for practically going natural at 20 months, I think you are right. I may consider big chopping just so I can see my whole head of natural hair for a day maaaaybe 2:lachen: and then that creamy crack and I are gonna disappear someplace nice and quiet for a few minutes and when I emerge, semi-sleek hair all over again:lick:.

Muffin, the reason for doing what I'm doing is to make sure I get all of the previously dull, brittle no-lye relaxed hair off my head. Then start again fresh with a mild lye texlaxer. I believe that this is the best way to transition to texlaxed hair for me. My new journey started in January of this year.

:lachen:. They got it right when they call it creamy crack. I start quaking and shaking everytime my roots get a little hard to handle :grin:. Oh, so that's why you're stretching that long. It does make sense :yep:. I did hear that lye is better for your hair's appearance than no-lye. I use no-lye, though. I think I read somewhere that no-lye relaxers are more damaging to your hair than lye relaxers. That's why I only want to relax 2 times a year.
:lachen:. They got it right when they call it creamy crack. I start quaking and shaking everytime my roots get a little hard to handle :grin:. Oh, so that's why you're stretching that long. It does make sense :yep:. I did hear that lye is better for your hair's appearance than no-lye. I use no-lye, though. I think I read somewhere that no-lye relaxers are more damaging to your hair than lye relaxers. That's why I only want to relax 2 times a year.

Relaxing 2 times a year is excellent girl. When this long stretch is over, I intend to stretch no longer than 16-20 weeks maybe.
I'm 12wks into my stretch and the hair on the top of my head looks anorexic:ohwell: but the back of head is still thick. I will do a two step this weekend and hope it helps. I want to hold out until Dec but I bought an ORS kit weeks ago and every morning when I wake up it whispers to me and reminds me how good we are together:giggle:
Into my second long-term stretch...currently 24 weeks and sewed up.
Plan on staying in sewins and stretching until end of Spring 2010....then hopefully will be past BSL (currently slightly beyond APL)
Hey Ladies, I currently relax every 12 weeks. I will make week 11 this Sunday. I am trying to go to 16 weeks. I have been slacking on my MT/OCT applicaiton so my hair is still manageable plus i wear half wigs everyday. Im so templted to relax my edges though - its out of control. Im going to try to push through to 16 weeks. This is the thickest and healthiest my hair has ever been. I love stretching! Good Luck Ladies.
Hey Ladies, I currently relax every 12 weeks. I will make week 11 this Sunday. I am trying to go to 16 weeks. I have been slacking on my MT/OCT applicaiton so my hair is still manageable plus i wear half wigs everyday. Im so templted to relax my edges though - its out of control. Im going to try to push through to 16 weeks. This is the thickest and healthiest my hair has ever been. I love stretching! Good Luck Ladies.

Hold on VV, you only have 4 more weeks to go and you can do it!
I am doing my first stretch and I am 6 wks post. The crown of my hair had broke off and it is the thickest part on my head right now. So now my fine hair has a little puff in the middle. I have little new growth. I don't have 1/2 an inch. Could this be because my last relaxer relaxed my hair bone straight?
I am doing my first stretch and I am 6 wks post. The crown of my hair had broke off and it is the thickest part on my head right now. So now my fine hair has a little puff in the middle. I have little new growth. I don't have 1/2 an inch. Could this be because my last relaxer relaxed my hair bone straight?

First of all pringle, I am sorry this happened to you. The middle of my hair has broken off too from my long relaxer stretch but I'm okay with it as I am starting my journey all over again (started January 22nd, 2009).

Secondly, your hair may not grow at 1/2 an inch a month. You may be a slow grower. 1/2 an inch of hair a month is the average hair growth, some people's hair grow slower and some faster. The little new growth you are encountering has nothing to do with how straight your relaxer was.

Make sure you are eating healthy balanced meals and taking your vitamins. Try to keep daily stresses to a minimum also as this can cause your hair to fall out/slow growth. HHJ!
As of tomorrow I will be 7 wks post. I have notice that the top & crown of my head grow fast. While the sides & back grow slow. The crown area I know in the next wk will test me.
Hello ladies. I figure since I plan on only relaxing every six months that I should follow this thread, lol. Right now I'm doing a 5 month relaxer stretch (I will be relaxing in January). I don't really count weeks, but if I had to say how many weeks post I am I would say...about 15 weeks (counting from July 30th). So far it isn't too bad. The longest I've ever stretched for would be 4 months, and that was hard because I couldn't leave my NG alone and it was frizzing up something awful, but now I'm trying to leave it alone and only bother with it weekly when I wash, comb, and deep condition. Scarving at night helps keep the NG flat, it's just so hard not to play in my hair all the time. But I think I'm getting better at it.
Relaxing 2 times a year is excellent girl. When this long stretch is over, I intend to stretch no longer than 16-20 weeks maybe.

Yeah, I figure I should challenge myself. I always wanted to be one of those people that didn't relax their hair often. I'm hoping it will help with growth and retention. My hair doesn't grow very fast. It's about average, around half an inch a month, so after six months that's only 3 inches of NG to deal with. If I leave my NG alone, only comb weekly when I wash and condition, and make sure I braid my hair and scarve it at night, I feel I will do fine :yep:.
I'm entering my 11th Week Post. More than Likely, I will be relaxing right before the Christmas Holiday (at week 16).

However, plan to relax between 12-16 weeks as a regular practice. Limiting it to 3 no more than 4 times a Year.
9 weeks post. I started taking Biotin and Nioxin 10 weeks ng is twice as much now than during regular stretches. *sigh*....can't wait 'til December 20th for my FINAL relaxer of 2009!! :yep:

I am please with my progress this year. I only relaxed 4times. Beginning in 2010, my stretches will be 17/18 weeks at a time for a total of only 3 relaxers. Looking forward to the challenge!! :dance7: